How much longer do we reckon Sara Latham will remain employed?
She's behind the two biggest cock ups in recent royal history.
I thought knowing whether your employers are breaking the law would be priority one, orientation day fodder.
How much longer do we reckon Sara Latham will remain employed?
She's behind the two biggest cock ups in recent royal history.
I thought knowing whether your employers are breaking the law would be priority one, orientation day fodder.
While she's ill suited for her job and really shouldn't have been hired considering that she worked on the Clinton Campaign because HELLO political and WOW did that campaign sink hard...we have to remember that even the best staff are powerless when the principals are to dumb butts. Harry and Meghan should be ashamed at their own personal actions and the actions taken in their name but it's not all on their staff. Any gold star boss would take ownership and responsibility for what's attached to their name...not blame those under them (underless it's clear that someone acted without authority). If I was Sara I would jump this sinking ship. Between working for Clinton and now this her professional credibility is taking hugh hits. Well really the professional credibility of anyone that works for Harry and Meghan. Can you imagine the shame at having "Household of The Duke & Duchess of Sussex" on your resume?
Mini Member
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 United States
Posts: 218
Isn't it possible that the dates selected for the Christening are intentional to TRY and hide the fact the Queen has no interest in attending no matter the date?
I tend to agree. There are just too many obvious work-arounds for HM’s absence to be inevitable. Something’s going on there. 
If she picks Marcus Anderson from Soho house will know that there’s some kind of shenanigans
Board Helper
Looks as though there's an "arrangement" with Chris Allerton Photography - or the company wouldn't be named on the announcement. Have there been ANY previous royal occasion announcements that included a promo for a photography business like that?
Has Harry forgotten how to behave?
Looks as though there's an "arrangement" with Chris Allerton Photography - or the company wouldn't be named on the announcement. Have there been ANY previous royal occasion announcements that included a promo for a photography business like that?
Has Harry forgotten how to behave?
I would say he never knew it.
Lord G¡n
Oh, send them -- both adults ?- to Coventry,FGS ! 
Eliza B
Well multiple people will be helicoptered in.... on their month to highlight the environment...
Oh and she brought a friend (with request for privacy) to Wimbledon who is a pro-fracking lobbyist... on their month to highlight the environment...
They're as always... hypocrites. If it's convenient, if they're rich enough, there's always an exception.
Cheers to Archie today. He'll need all the best wishes and prayers to deal with the circus his parents keep building around him.
Eliza B
Semi unrelated but interesting.. from Cepe Smith Twitter
Speaking of 4th July and royal christenings in the private chapel in Windsor Castle.....Prince Michael of Kent was born on 4th July, was christened in the private chapel in the castle and one of his godparents was Franklin D Roosevelt
In fact his full name is Michael George Charles Franklin Windsor
And at the time of his birth he was 7th in line to the throne
Semi unrelated but interesting.. from Cepe Smith Twitter
Speaking of 4th July and royal christenings in the private chapel in Windsor Castle.....Prince Michael of Kent was born on 4th July, was christened in the private chapel in the castle and one of his godparents was Franklin D Roosevelt
In fact his full name is Michael George Charles Franklin Windsor
And at the time of his birth he was 7th in line to the throne
 This is a very interesting fact! I had no idea!
This whole debacle has shown, once again, that it is not there request for privacy that irks people, the DM poll and general opinion seems to be that of course they shouldn't have to parade in-front of cameras, but that it is the way they do it that is the problem. Issuing official press releases giving most of the christening details but then demanding the godparents be kept secret, no access to even a pooled tv/press camera but a glossy glitzy celebrity photographer issuing official pictures later. It all seems such a contradiction.
Maybe they should have taken a leaf out of Zara & Mike and Peter & Autumn's book and just done the whole thing privately without any advance notice, even HM attended some of their children's christenings in a local (public) church and we only heard about it afterwards and no-one released a list of godparents. I don't think people would mind Archie being christening privately if it was truly private rather than this attention seeking - don't look at us, but really please do or we become irrelevant - behaviour.
Semi unrelated but interesting.. from Cepe Smith Twitter
Speaking of 4th July and royal christenings in the private chapel in Windsor Castle.....Prince Michael of Kent was born on 4th July, was christened in the private chapel in the castle and one of his godparents was Franklin D Roosevelt
In fact his full name is Michael George Charles Franklin Windsor
And at the time of his birth he was 7th in line to the throne
 This is a very interesting fact! I had no idea! I don't the two cases can be compared. Apart from Michael and Archie both being 7th in line at the time of their birth...things were completely different back then. It was war time with the US being UKs most important ally. Prince Michael was the first royal child being born after the US had entered the war. What better to strengthen the alliance but by making it's president a godparent... Archie compared to this is totally unimportant.
Just going to leave this here is another major life event coming up in this couple’s life!
The first was last year, and everyone in the family was required to be there.
This time, pay close attention to who shows and who no shows!
The Husband’s sibling is ordered to be there, so he and his wife will definitely show.
However, there are other family member/s who are invited… but who will claim scheduling conflicts prevent their attendance.
On the other hand, there are friend/s (or “friend/s”) who are not invited… but who will pretend that they were invited and simply couldn’t make it.
Finally, watch to see who is named/not named to a lifetime honor during the ceremony. That will likely cause even more buzz than the shows and no shows
Mini Member
Reputation: 164
 United Kingdom
Posts: 334
[Semi unrelated but interesting.. from Cepe Smith Twitter Speaking of 4th July and royal christenings in the private chapel in Windsor Castle.....Prince Michael of Kent was born on 4th July, was christened in the private chapel in the castle and one of his godparents was Franklin D Roosevelt In fact his full name is Michael George Charles Franklin Windsor And at the time of his birth he was 7th in line to the throne]
Very interesting! Another site has printed the announcement of Prince Michael's christening... Seventh in line to the throne TICK, Archbishop of Canterbury TICK, private ceremony TICK. But all eight godparents are named, along with the proxies for those godparents who were unable to attend. Hmmm
Duchess of Suffolk
The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall flew in to Windsor Castle in a private helicopter ahead of the celebration. Kate and William were seen driving into Windsor in their car earlier today.  Tiggy Legge-Bourke, who was a nanny to Princes William and Harry 