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Author Topic: Godparents to Baby Sussex  (Read 152690 times)
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« Reply #465 on: July 07, 2019, 06:58:10 PM »

If Kate is wearing the earrings worn by Diana at Harry’s own christening, MM would be fuming. It also would confirm that Kate is no shrinking violet. She dislikes MM as much as the majority of Brits do and is not above playing a few headgames with the Pushy Princess. Go Kate!

Mette-Marit is the only MM here. Wink
Snow Queen

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« Reply #466 on: July 07, 2019, 08:30:45 PM »

About the missing Cambridge Trio - I don’t think Meghan wanted them there and I don’t think their parents wanted to subject them to this toxic mess. Win-Win for both sides.

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« Reply #467 on: July 07, 2019, 08:54:32 PM »

If people really think Kate wore Diana's earrings to spite Meghan then they don't know Kate all.

Kate only does that type of thing to other women she perceives as a threat to her territory. To something she either has or wants. Her way of saying "Mine! Mine! Stay away!" She only that type of thing when it comes to William. Certainly not for public/press attention cause she could care less about either of those.

So unless she really does perceive Meghan as a personal threat (I doubt it) she probably just thought christening for Diana's grandson equals let's wear Diana's earrings yay isn't that cute.  
Future Crayon

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« Reply #468 on: July 07, 2019, 09:15:13 PM »

So unless she really does perceive Meghan as a personal threat (I doubt it) she probably just thought christening for Diana's grandson equals let's wear Diana's earrings yay isn't that cute.  

I agree, iI think it's one of those nice/overthought nods to the past which Kate seems to like.

Cool your jets, everyone

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« Reply #469 on: July 07, 2019, 09:29:44 PM »

The joys of photoshop's liquify tools, Markle lost 10 kg of weight since Friday, and baby magicaly became more ''caucasian'' looking, just like his mum declared on her modeling page .
Harry's left shoulder is moved towards Markle, and has a massive ''burn'' error to hide the movement. Markles shoulder where the merge happend has a ''dodge'' error.
Whoever the poor person that had to do the photos was, he was in pain, and to affraid to say something, there is no other explanation.
No sense of focus or composition, everyone looks like they have 5 minutes of time and than have to run somwhere else, Camilla and Kate look ready to get up instantly.
Wonder what merrited the ''we need secrecy'' mindset, when the historic records  will reveal the Godparents.
Probably Markle's PR mindset, create controversy  to get publicity, works for her so far.
Fans are in awe, the critics get silenced fast.

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« Reply #470 on: July 07, 2019, 09:45:51 PM »

If people really think Kate wore Diana's earrings to spite Meghan then they don't know Kate all.

Kate only does that type of thing to other women she perceives as a threat to her territory. To something she either has or wants. Her way of saying "Mine! Mine! Stay away!" She only that type of thing when it comes to William. Certainly not for public/press attention cause she could care less about either of those.

So unless she really does perceive Meghan as a personal threat (I doubt it) she probably just thought christening for Diana's grandson equals let's wear Diana's earrings yay isn't that cute.  

I thought the same thing - she probably just thought it was cute since they’re what was worn to Harry’s christening.
Lady Alice

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« Reply #471 on: July 07, 2019, 10:05:16 PM »

The joys of photoshop's liquify tools, Markle lost 10 kg of weight since Friday, and baby magicaly became more ''caucasian'' looking, just like his mum declared on her modeling page .
Harry's left shoulder is moved towards Markle, and has a massive ''burn'' error to hide the movement. Markles shoulder where the merge happend has a ''dodge'' error.
Whoever the poor person that had to do the photos was, he was in pain, and to affraid to say something, there is no other explanation.
No sense of focus or composition, everyone looks like they have 5 minutes of time and than have to run somwhere else, Camilla and Kate look ready to get up instantly.
Wonder what merrited the ''we need secrecy'' mindset, when the historic records  will reveal the Godparents.
Probably Markle's PR mindset, create controversy  to get publicity, works for her so far.
Fans are in awe, the critics get silenced fast.

It's almost like they took Sparky's head/neck from the wedding photos and put it in there. Otherwise she's on some horse-level prescription diuretics to lose that much weight in less than a week, and was also dipped in a vat of bleach.

So much for being pro-feminist and woke - she can't even stand having her own real body and face out there in official pics.

Lady Willoughby

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« Reply #472 on: July 07, 2019, 10:06:25 PM »

If William and Kate can "wrangle" their kids to their friend's weddings (people they have little to no blood relations with) then they can surely "wrangle" them to their own first cousins christening. They just didn't want to which of course tells A LOT.

Everyone looks like they're there because they feel like they have to be. Their expressions read, "let's get this effing thing over with so we can go back to stuff we want to do."

It's all really sad and pathetic. And those little tributes to Diana (Kate's earrings, the couch) mean nothing when the two people she loved more then anything are acting as they are, especially towards each other.

If the situation is as toxic and uncomfortable as the pictures make it seem, no parents would want to drag their children into it. If the Cambridge kids were not there it was probably a mutual relief.


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« Reply #473 on: July 07, 2019, 10:18:46 PM »

If William and Kate can "wrangle" their kids to their friend's weddings (people they have little to no blood relations with) then they can surely "wrangle" them to their own first cousins christening. They just didn't want to which of course tells A LOT.

Everyone looks like they're there because they feel like they have to be. Their expressions read, "let's get this effing thing over with so we can go back to stuff we want to do."

It's all really sad and pathetic. And those little tributes to Diana (Kate's earrings, the couch) mean nothing when the two people she loved more then anything are acting as they are, especially towards each other.

We don’t actually know if the Cambridge children were or were not there. We don’t have a guest list or really any information, just these two photos. I think it’s a bit unfair to make the leap that the Cambridge children were invited but that Wills & Kate withheld them out of spite. What we do know is that the maternal grandfather’s invite was withheld, IMO out of spite, but almost nothing else.

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Lady G

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« Reply #474 on: July 07, 2019, 10:34:27 PM »

If William and Kate can "wrangle" their kids to their friend's weddings (people they have little to no blood relations with) then they can surely "wrangle" them to their own first cousins christening. They just didn't want to which of course tells A LOT.

Everyone looks like they're there because they feel like they have to be. Their expressions read, "let's get this effing thing over with so we can go back to stuff we want to do."

It's all really sad and pathetic. And those little tributes to Diana (Kate's earrings, the couch) mean nothing when the two people she loved more then anything are acting as they are, especially towards each other.

We don’t actually know if the Cambridge children were or were not there. We don’t have a guest list or really any information, just these two photos. I think it’s a bit unfair to make the leap that the Cambridge children were invited but that Wills & Kate withheld them out of spite. What we do know is that the maternal grandfather’s invite was withheld, IMO out of spite, but almost nothing else.

Well, he was there in DNA. Talk about karma - Me-again ghosts her dad but has to see him every time she looks at her own son 

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« Reply #475 on: July 07, 2019, 11:48:42 PM »

So the Christening photo was taken in the same place as the wedding photo, with William and kate in almost the exact same place

Same room, different position.  If you look behind William and to his left in each photo you'll see in the wedding photo there is a decorated door behind him and then another green panel and then the corner, whereas in the Christening photo next to his left shoulder there is a gold panel which is adjacent to the corner.

I don't mind the Christening photo.  I think Meghan and Harry look very happy and Archie looks very sweet.  Everyone else except sourpuss Willie looks fine, IMO.  The most interesting thing about the photo is that one of Diana's sisters looks like she thought she was going to the tennis or a cricket match; maybe she was dashing off to such an event afterwards.
Lord G¡n

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« Reply #476 on: July 08, 2019, 12:11:24 AM »

So the Christening photo was taken in the same place as the wedding photo, with William and kate in almost the exact same place

Same room, different position.  If you look behind William and to his left in each photo you'll see in the wedding photo there is a decorated door behind him and then another green panel and then the corner, whereas in the Christening photo next to his left shoulder there is a gold panel which is adjacent to the corner.

I don't mind the Christening photo.  I think Meghan and Harry look very happy and Archie looks very sweet.  Everyone else except sourpuss Willie looks fine, IMO.  The most interesting thing about the photo is that one of Diana's sisters looks like she thought she was going to the tennis or a cricket match; maybe she was dashing off to such an event afterwards.
Yes, with her younger nephew ...

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« Reply #477 on: July 08, 2019, 12:47:02 AM »

So unless she really does perceive Meghan as a personal threat (I doubt it) she probably just thought christening for Diana's grandson equals let's wear Diana's earrings yay isn't that cute. 

I agree, iI think it's one of those nice/overthought nods to the past which Kate seems to like.

great. but why isn't chiookie wearing the earrings then?

G Smiley

ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...

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« Reply #478 on: July 08, 2019, 01:21:17 AM »

So unless she really does perceive Meghan as a personal threat (I doubt it) she probably just thought christening for Diana's grandson equals let's wear Diana's earrings yay isn't that cute. 

I agree, iI think it's one of those nice/overthought nods to the past which Kate seems to like.

great. but why isn't chiookie wearing the earrings then?

G Smiley

Maybe William inherited them?
Tbf, if I had earrings that had that much meaning for the day, id wear them to. I thought it was a nice gesture. Plus I don’t think they are Meghan’s style.

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« Reply #479 on: July 08, 2019, 01:35:49 AM »

Re Meghan's apparent weight loss:  she is probably going for that "look how fast I lost the baby weight!" thing that so many celebrities post about all over the interwebs.  As has been pointed out, it took nine months to gain that weight, it can take nine months to lose it.  Trying to do so too fast can't be healthy (mentally or physically).
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