I had hoped they would have shelved Meg handing over second hand baby grows, or at least done it quietly... But no.
The tour is doing a good job at promoting Meghan and that guy she married. What's his name... I think he used to be famous and interesting. It'll come to me. It's doing less well at shining a light on the causes they are visiting. Or fostering UK-SA links. Or bigging up the royal family.
Also, without the arrival, visit with the president and slightly fancier reception, it doesn't feel like a royal visit. More two celebs wandering around a country in search of cute photo ops.
The baby looks like a baby to me. As long as he's happy and healthy, that's enough for me (I don't have a maternal bone in my body)
Feels the same to me.
Overall, what sticks so far is:
1) Imelda, the woman who painted herself caucasian the last 20 years of her life, is foremost a mother, a WoC and Sister to all female South African folk.
2) Handbag, the blood royal, is so depressed by the Earth's current state that he has difficulties to get up in the morning, but still hell-bent to shine lights for change (provided his wife allows him to hold the torch).
3) While I fail to see any real purpose so far, Sussex IG is adding post after post. We have 11 right now - with 29 pics/vids featuring Imelda (12 her alone, 17 with him). He is shown 20 times - thereof only 2 pics of him alone, and one video of him alone.
Talk about who wears the trousers and controls the narrative.
4) Poor kid was trotted out for a PR move 10,000 km away from home (to take take one "iconic" picture - baldy Tutu kissing baldy baby head, Imelda thrones above them, father nowhere to be seen - especially nice is the shoot in black&white, got extra post).
The only time the kid is presented on purpose, I guess, unless they decide to schlepp him also to the meeting with Mandelas widow.