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Author Topic: News and pics of Harry and Meghan 08/19  (Read 359217 times)
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Future Crayon

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« Reply #1410 on: September 26, 2019, 02:50:22 PM »


Cool your jets, everyone
Eliza B

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« Reply #1411 on: September 26, 2019, 03:40:23 PM »

Poor Harry.  No pictures of him on his own joint Instagram,  now people don't even use his given name or title.

P.S. there's a lot of controversy right now about using people's connections instead of their given names in papers as sexist and outdated, and ends their agencies and takes away from their achievements. .. for example instead of saying a womans name they give the famous partner even if something great is attributed to the nameless party: "Brad Pitt's rumored girlfriend wins peace prize"

Real life example:

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« Reply #1412 on: September 26, 2019, 03:54:12 PM »

Donations of used clothing is very good, but did they have to announce it to the whole world? Look at us! Aren't we just so wonderful, and generous! And they get Archies hand-me-downs, what are people supposed to do? Not wash them because they are so special? Ranting
karma chamelion

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« Reply #1413 on: September 26, 2019, 03:59:22 PM »

Wow those women really didn't want to sit on the floor. Sitting on the floor may seem cute and natural to Meghan who lives in a palace but I suspect those women found it an odd and demeaning request from a Duchess.
The used clothes is appalling. Agree it absolutely reeks of rich white women donating to poor black women in the bad old days.
Archie is a very cute baby. Weird to think he is Diana's grandson.

I agree with all that you wrote. She has been oblivious and disrespectful to the culture she is visiting. She thinks she's being 'inclusive' but she's including people into her rich and privileged world, a world these people know nothing about. A world of $200 baby socks and yoga classes.

RE the Irish twin thing, my father's side of the family was almost 100% Irish and RC and my mom's was RC, I see nothing at all wrong with the term 'Irish Twins'. It's a fact of life that this happens. my last two were Irish twins and my mom and I called them that many times. It's affectionate and humorous and I don't see anything denigrating about it TBH.

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« Reply #1414 on: September 26, 2019, 05:08:40 PM »

I have to admit, I think it is a bit hilarious that Harry is getting no coverage. Sad for the causes he is promoting--which I have no clue what any of the causes these two are promoting on this tour other than themselves. He is the one that wanted the celebrity wife and lifestyle. He got it. He is now nothing more than Mr. Markle. However, I don't think it will set well with him in the future. It might be ok at first, but eventually, it will start to bother him. Harry craves attention. Always has, always will. I see him getting jealous over the coverage Meghan gets and he doesn't. Meghan is the glamorous one (at least in the eyes of the press) and will always get more attention. It will be interesting to see how he handles being pushed to the side.
Lady Liebe

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« Reply #1415 on: September 26, 2019, 05:12:08 PM »

I think the split tour was a bad idea as no one seems that intetested in where Harry is or what he's  up to (until he dons the blue mascara and strides into a minefield, that is).

I'd still say that Meghan is doing better than expected, even if she desperately needs better briefing and advice, and her wardrobe's a complete bust.

I will say I'm not 100% comfortable with some of the discussions here about Meghan's ethnicity or how she chooses to identify or represent herself. That's up to her. I'd prefer her calling herself a Woman of Colour in front of an audience of South African women and girls, than see her husband do his 'Mister Africa' routine because he went on safari a couple of times. But that's just me.

Now that's metal picture I'd rather not have in my mind now . . . . .

Meghan can, and gets to identify with both sides of her heritage. That's her privilege, and her conflict to work out.

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« Reply #1416 on: September 26, 2019, 05:18:14 PM »

Archie is such a cute baby!

His parents are useless, playing the grown ups with their "I-know-it-all" attitude.

karma chamelion

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« Reply #1417 on: September 26, 2019, 05:24:42 PM »

I have to admit, I think it is a bit hilarious that Harry is getting no coverage. Sad for the causes he is promoting--which I have no clue what any of the causes these two are promoting on this tour other than themselves. He is the one that wanted the celebrity wife and lifestyle. He got it. He is now nothing more than Mr. Markle. However, I don't think it will set well with him in the future. It might be ok at first, but eventually, it will start to bother him. Harry craves attention. Always has, always will. I see him getting jealous over the coverage Meghan gets and he doesn't. Meghan is the glamorous one (at least in the eyes of the press) and will always get more attention. It will be interesting to see how he handles being pushed to the side.

Harry's father was bemused by the attention his other half got in the early days of his first marriage, the charm wore off very quickly in that case. But Handbag is dense and not nearly as worldly as his father, so I expect it to take a while to sink into his thick skull that he's making a fool out of himself and a shambles of what little work he has done BM (before Markle).

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« Reply #1418 on: September 26, 2019, 05:24:54 PM »

I've seen elsewhere that Desmond Tutu is now associated with OneYoungWorld and Kruger Crowne.

Remember Meghan's old agency? The fake humanitarian trips set up under the OYW banner by Kruger Crowne? That agency she dumped a few months after meeting Harry because she was so certain she wouldn't need them?


It's all PR to push the Duchess of Sussex super humanitarian.

It just keeps getting better and better, guys. I need booze.

writing angry fauxminist letters in the Lesbaru
Lady Liebe

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« Reply #1419 on: September 26, 2019, 05:27:06 PM »

I have to admit, I think it is a bit hilarious that Harry is getting no coverage. Sad for the causes he is promoting--which I have no clue what any of the causes these two are promoting on this tour other than themselves. He is the one that wanted the celebrity wife and lifestyle. He got it. He is now nothing more than Mr. Markle. However, I don't think it will set well with him in the future. It might be ok at first, but eventually, it will start to bother him. Harry craves attention. Always has, always will. I see him getting jealous over the coverage Meghan gets and he doesn't. Meghan is the glamorous one (at least in the eyes of the press) and will always get more attention. It will be interesting to see how he handles being pushed to the side.

Excellant post.  Star

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.       Anonymous

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« Reply #1420 on: September 26, 2019, 07:28:26 PM »

 Laughing Laughing Laughing

I have to admit, I think it is a bit hilarious that Harry is getting no coverage. Sad for the causes he is promoting--which I have no clue what any of the causes these two are promoting on this tour other than themselves. He is the one that wanted the celebrity wife and lifestyle. He got it. He is now nothing more than Mr. Markle. However, I don't think it will set well with him in the future. It might be ok at first, but eventually, it will start to bother him. Harry craves attention. Always has, always will. I see him getting jealous over the coverage Meghan gets and he doesn't. Meghan is the glamorous one (at least in the eyes of the press) and will always get more attention. It will be interesting to see how he handles being pushed to the side.

War of the Waleses Redux coming in 5,4,3....

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« Reply #1421 on: September 26, 2019, 07:44:41 PM »

At least we know now what Imelda is doing during her free time ... for each Handbag post, she's also adding a further Imelda post to their IG ("here are some further special moments from ..." "other highlights of ...").

Users do already complain
Too many posts every day. You are jamming up feeds. Maybe 1 a day would be good...

Today, she's at 4. So far.

And 58.000 more followers today. Is that for real? Judging from their usual daily average, they must have bought at least 50.000 of them ... just like on Sep 16 (was that the day of the capsule launch or why the sudden hugegain there?) >>>
Lady Liebe

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« Reply #1422 on: September 26, 2019, 07:47:40 PM »

I've seen elsewhere that Desmond Tutu is now associated with OneYoungWorld and Kruger Crowne.

Remember Meghan's old agency? The fake humanitarian trips set up under the OYW banner by Kruger Crowne? That agency she dumped a few months after meeting Harry because she was so certain she wouldn't need them?


It's all PR to push the Duchess of Sussex super humanitarian.

It just keeps getting better and better, guys. I need booze.

Fully stocked bar (cheap rotgut booze) in the Lesubaru. Step right up . . .

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.       Anonymous
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« Reply #1423 on: September 26, 2019, 07:54:28 PM »

I had hoped they would have shelved Meg handing over second hand baby grows, or at least done it quietly... But no.

The tour is doing a good job at promoting Meghan and that guy she married. What's his name... I think he used to be famous and interesting. It'll come to me. It's doing less well at shining a light on the causes they are visiting. Or fostering UK-SA links. Or bigging up the royal family.

Also, without the arrival, visit with the president and slightly fancier reception, it doesn't feel like a royal visit. More two celebs wandering around a country in search of cute photo ops.

The baby looks like a baby to me. As long as he's happy and healthy, that's enough for me (I don't have a maternal bone in my body)

Feels the same to me.

Overall, what sticks so far is:

1) Imelda, the woman who painted herself caucasian the last 20 years of her life, is foremost a mother, a WoC and Sister to all female South African folk.

2) Handbag, the blood royal, is so depressed by the Earth's current state that he has difficulties to get up in the morning, but still hell-bent to shine lights for change (provided his wife allows him to hold the torch).

3) While I fail to see any real purpose so far, Sussex IG is adding post after post. We have 11 right now - with 29 pics/vids featuring Imelda (12 her alone, 17 with him). He is shown 20 times - thereof only 2 pics of him alone, and one video of him alone.
Talk about who wears the trousers and controls the narrative.

4) Poor kid was trotted out for a PR move 10,000 km away from home (to take take one "iconic" picture - baldy Tutu kissing baldy baby head, Imelda thrones above them, father nowhere to be seen - especially nice is the shoot in black&white, got extra post).
The only time the kid is presented on purpose, I guess, unless they decide to schlepp him also to the meeting with Mandelas widow.

And just like that Harry and Meghan are O/T.

CongratZ Kaiserin.
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