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Author Topic: News and pics of Harry 08/19  (Read 116219 times)
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« Reply #30 on: August 02, 2019, 01:32:36 AM »

This shows their new found levels of ridiculousness. This couple have done the remarkable, falling so low so quickly.

This new preaching style of royalty is not what people want, and why would it be. Why do hard working, just about coping people want to be preached at by a couple who owe their position merely to inherited titles and status. Even accepting them as royals they are failing to meet their end of the bargain of being royal yet they expect to be heard when telling those less well off (and therefore less able to afford to be environmentally friendly in a time when incomes are just starting to rise after a decade in the UK) that they need to do more. I mean apparently we should all stop taking holidays overseas to have a break from working 8 hours a day 5 days a week (but the golden couple still expect you to pay for them to represent us around the world travelling on private jets but that is - very limited - work you know)

I really can not think of another royal in recent times who has tried to so forcefully, so patronisingly, tell the people of their country how they should be living their lives. When other royals come close they do so by and large after years of service and by using only the most simple, most universal of messages - care for one another, respect one another (I'm thinking QE2 and Harald of Norway's Christmas messages). These two seem to think of themselves as some sort of second coming of the Lord.

It's clear H&M have one aim - to be global superstars, to be known as the people who changed the world. Well rather than harping on about it get out there and practice what you preach or you may find the people you represent will put you out of a job

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« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2019, 02:22:12 AM »

I read somewhere that Harry said that people's ignorance about the environment causes the earthquakes. Was it on the same meeting where he talked about him having only 2 children? I would like to tell him one thing or two about his own ignorance and maybe he could live on Greece or Japan, to see how it's like to actually live with earthquakes.


I always think to myself, whenever there’s another natural disaster, a huge increase in volcano eruptions or earthquakes or flooding, how many clues does nature have to give us before we actually learn, or wake ourselves up to the damage and the destruction that we’re causing?

If only the people of Pompeii had been less wedded to their 4 wheel drives and private planes...

Honestly as someone who would have lived through the Jan. 17, 1994 Northridge quake and who would have participated in mandatory earthquake drills, I would hope that Meghan had a little chat about earthquakes with Harry.

Perhaps it's time for a visit from the Shakey Quakey School House. Yogi Bear and Boo Boo will be happy to explain how earthquakes happen (not man made) and how to safely find shelter.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 02:41:19 AM by TLLK » Logged

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« Reply #32 on: August 02, 2019, 02:23:23 AM »

She finally found a dumb sucker that she thinks  put her on the world stage  ( she could never do it on her own merits) so she’s going to take this as far as she can go.
I don’t know what her PR team is thinking- she must not be listening to anyone but herself and dumb dumb.
The fall is going to be epic when this is all over.
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« Reply #33 on: August 02, 2019, 02:45:26 AM »

She finally found a dumb sucker that she thinks  put her on the world stage  ( she could never do it on her own merits) so she’s going to take this as far as she can go.
I don’t know what her PR team is thinking- she must not be listening to anyone but herself and dumb dumb.
The fall is going to be epic when this is all over.

I just wish it didn’t include little Archie.  No kid deserves to grow up in an unstable household.

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« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2019, 03:25:17 AM »

I read somewhere that Harry said that people's ignorance about the environment causes the earthquakes. Was it on the same meeting where he talked about him having only 2 children? I would like to tell him one thing or two about his own ignorance and maybe he could live on Greece or Japan, to see how it's like to actually live with earthquakes.


I always think to myself, whenever there’s another natural disaster, a huge increase in volcano eruptions or earthquakes or flooding, how many clues does nature have to give us before we actually learn, or wake ourselves up to the damage and the destruction that we’re causing?

If only the people of Pompeii had been less wedded to their 4 wheel drives and private planes...

Whenever I hear a climate hypocrite talk about climate change, I wish a couple of volcanos would blow their tops...

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« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2019, 03:37:07 AM »

She finally found a dumb sucker that she thinks  put her on the world stage  ( she could never do it on her own merits) so she’s going to take this as far as she can go.
I don’t know what her PR team is thinking- she must not be listening to anyone but herself and dumb dumb.
The fall is going to be epic when this is all over.

I just wish it didn’t include little Archie.  No kid deserves to grow up in an unstable household.

Sweet little Archie is the innocent victim.

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« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2019, 04:27:39 AM »

‘Prince Harry gave a barefoot speech at a secretive Google Camp climate change conference in Italy according to reports, in front of an A-List crowd who flew in on 114 private jets. The Duke of Sussex is said to have given a passionate speech about saving the planet while being watched by Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio, among other celebrities and power brokers.‘

So as I say, not as I do, eh?

Harry has reached a fundamental level of stupidity.

It is a level of stupidity his parents, despite their many flaws and mistakes never reached.

It is getting to the point where dishing on him and his equally idiotic wife will no longer be enjoyable.

The level of raging narcissism, deluded self importance and out and out hypocrisy is too high for a short period of time the Hazbeens have been a unit.

It took Mary of Denmark at least 5 years to become the creature that she is. It has taken these nupties less than 2 years to be the equivalent level of repulsive.

The BRF are in trouble if they don't bring these 2 to heel. With Brexit, the economy, Andy's future indictment due to Epstein and a myriad of other things they cannot control; it behooves the BRF to deal decisively and effectively with the things they can control i.e. the Hazbeens before the war for survival goes into high gear.

He reached that years ago if you ask me.

Nothing will ever beat the Nazi costume or Vegas. Those were things that anybody with a functioning brain and a single shred of common sense would have stopped themselves from doing. The very fact that it even entered his brain to do them and that he actually went through with them is just beyond shocking. It showed just how stupid and ridiculous he was. Right now he's just jumping on a bandwagon that's popular with the liberals. While this shows him as shallow, fickle, and pathetic it still doesn't match the stupidity of the other two.


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« Reply #37 on: August 02, 2019, 04:35:41 AM »

Vegas was so dumb, but man, it makes me think how these people are coddled and never face responsibility for their stupid actions. The Nazi thing, William bullied him into it, so we know Harry also has no balls to say no to anyone and can be told to do anything. Shades of it in how he and Meghan are imo.

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« Reply #38 on: August 02, 2019, 04:52:47 AM »

No matter how much you want to you can't put this on Meghan. Harry was hanging out with the Obama's and starting to talk about this shit even before she entered the scene. If he's doing it so openly at such a high profile level now its because its acceptable to do so by a large section of the world's population and elite. A few years back this never would have happened because they would have been met with universal laughter. The loons would have been forced kept their shit low key and among themselves. Now its met with cheers and delusional slogans so its okay to openly preach it and shove it in everyone's face.

People who still want to blame every idiotic thing he's done in recent time on her will have to at some point accept its not her its him. Pop culture is simply now openly  celebrating his brand of stupidity and he, in his attempt to remain popular and relevant, is basking in the glow of it.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 05:02:12 AM by NAOTMAA » Logged

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« Reply #39 on: August 02, 2019, 04:54:42 AM »

I do think Meghan and her pals, and that sort of life, has a lot to do with it being acceptable to him now; he has a wife who encourages and pushes it, the Hollywood-ization of the monarchy. Imagine if someone decent married him (we know William and Harry weren't catches!). They love and need and thrive on the attention and I fully believe she is a narcissist.

I didn't mind the Obama friendship (or the friendship with the Bushes) because it was about Invictus and wasn't about slobbering all over being part of the hypocritical woke uber-left wing elite.

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« Reply #40 on: August 02, 2019, 05:10:34 AM »

I do think Meghan and her pals, and that sort of life, has a lot to do with it being acceptable to him now; he has a wife who encourages and pushes it, the Hollywood-ization of the monarchy. Imagine if someone decent married him (we know William and Harry weren't catches!). They love and need and thrive on the attention and I fully believe she is a narcissist.

I didn't mind the Obama friendship (or the friendship with the Bushes) because it was about Invictus and wasn't about slobbering all over being part of the hypocritical woke uber-left wing elite.

With Bush it might have been about Invictus (since he really isn't the type to court public attention and as a Republican has always been military friendly) but with Obama it most certainly wasn't. Obama didn't give a **** about Invictus, he was using Harry for publicity and his chance to rub shoulders with the rich and famous (the people his ideology dislikes but his ego loves). He and his wife, both social climbers to the extreme, used Harry but Harry being Harry wasn't smart enough to realize it.

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« Reply #41 on: August 02, 2019, 05:14:22 AM »

I agree with you there.

It's a shame really. But it shows how shallow many people are and how we call these shallow people leaders.

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karma chamelion

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« Reply #42 on: August 02, 2019, 06:18:34 AM »

No matter how much you want to you can't put this on Meghan. Harry was hanging out with the Obama's and starting to talk about this shit even before she entered the scene. If he's doing it so openly at such a high profile level now its because its acceptable to do so by a large section of the world's population and elite. A few years back this never would have happened because they would have been met with universal laughter. The loons would have been forced kept their shit low key and among themselves. Now its met with cheers and delusional slogans so its okay to openly preach it and shove it in everyone's face.

People who still want to blame every idiotic thing he's done in recent time on her will have to at some point accept its not her its him. Pop culture is simply now openly  celebrating his brand of stupidity and he, in his attempt to remain popular and relevant, is basking in the glow of it.

I do think Meghan and her pals, and that sort of life, has a lot to do with it being acceptable to him now; he has a wife who encourages and pushes it, the Hollywood-ization of the monarchy. Imagine if someone decent married him (we know William and Harry weren't catches!). They love and need and thrive on the attention and I fully believe she is a narcissist.

I didn't mind the Obama friendship (or the friendship with the Bushes) because it was about Invictus and wasn't about slobbering all over being part of the hypocritical woke uber-left wing elite.

With Bush it might have been about Invictus (since he really isn't the type to court public attention and as a Republican has always been military friendly) but with Obama it most certainly wasn't. Obama didn't give a **** about Invictus, he was using Harry for publicity and his chance to rub shoulders with the rich and famous (the people his ideology dislikes but his ego loves). He and his wife, both social climbers to the extreme, used Harry but Harry being Harry wasn't smart enough to realize it.

Every word of this^ Star Ellie & NAOTMAA
We live in a society that idolizes celebrity, I find it all rather shallow and disheartening.

Harry is his mother's child, he craves adulation. Whatever it takes to be the center of attention, that's what he'll do and Meagain is the same way. She brings out the worst in him, but it was always there. To me he's always seemed overrated and almost as big a twerp as his big brother.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 06:25:20 AM by karma chamelion » Logged

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« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2019, 06:42:36 AM »

‘Prince Harry gave a barefoot speech at a secretive Google Camp climate change conference in Italy according to reports, in front of an A-List crowd who flew in on 114 private jets. The Duke of Sussex is said to have given a passionate speech about saving the planet while being watched by Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio, among other celebrities and power brokers.‘

So as I say, not as I do, eh?

The Daily Mail has it too: [url][]

The comments are not kind. If only the average silly Brit was as woke about the environment as all those super yacht owners?

How can the average Brit be awoke to the perils of einvironment without a super yatch..or a private plane?  Cry Cry Cry

G Cry

ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
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« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2019, 09:18:41 AM »

I don't want to get into politics, and to be honest, Harry shouldn't either. I can see that he wants to use his platform to promote causes he's literally just discovered he's passionate about, but he's putting himself and, by extension, the wider royal family in a tricky position in which their actions and decisions will be held up against their beliefs and found to be wanting.


Cool your jets, everyone
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