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Archduchess Marie Henriette of Austria attended the wedding of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales and Princess Alexandra of Denmark in 1863.
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I am the Queen
| of controversial King Leopold II disappeared in Ostend
A bust of the controversial Belgian King Leopold II has disappeared from a park in Ostend. An activist group calling attention to the cruel colonial practices of the king has claimed the theft. Leopold II ruled his private colony Congo with a heavy hand from 1885. The black population was exploited for decades and millions of people were killed.
Members of De Stoete Oostendenoare have been protesting for years against memorials to the king in the city. For example, the bust has been smeared with red paint several times, 'mass murderer' has been added to a street sign and a Congolese secondary figure hand has been sawn off at an equestrian statue of the monarch, a reference to the punishment that Congolese regularly received.
The Stoete Oostendenoare had already announced tougher actions during the most recent graffiti in March. "We last edited the bust. If it doesn't get deleted, the next step is to delete it ourselves." The act was taken up on Friday.
Call off conversations Mayor Tommelein of Ostend is angry about the action. "Either you choose a program that explains in a serene way what happened in history, or you choose vandalism. The latter has its consequences."
If De Stoete Oostendenoare does not hold back, Tommelein wants to call off discussions about how the city will deal with the colonial past in the future. He also filed a report with the police.
Throughout Belgium, images of the controversial monarch are regularly daubed or damaged. A year ago, a bust in Ghent disappeared to a museum depot because the reputation of the monarch was considered too controversial.
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“Après moi le déluge”
His figure hasn't been discussed that much in Belgium, right? I'm sure the Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfed doesn't want to have that conversation either for it won't reflect nice on them, even if none of them descends from Leopold II themselves, he was a monarch, and head of State, does anybody know what is the currant in Belgium? The British started the whole whitewashing by discussing how slavery impacted in their palaces, and their story, even the landed gentry is doing that.
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What I like about Queen Marie Henriette's original title of Archduchess Marie Henriette of Austria is that someone can assume that she was born in Austria. She was not. She was born at Buda Castle in Budapest, Hungary.
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“Après moi le déluge”
What I like about Queen Marie Henriette's original title of Archduchess Marie Henriette of Austria is that someone can assume that she was born in Austria. She was not. She was born at Buda Castle in Budapest, Hungary.
Her full surname was "von Habsburg-Lothringen", there were other branches but she belonged to the main branch, the Tuscany branch kept its surname, the Austria-Este not, those duchies were lost in the Italian unification. The ones that lived in Buda were there mostly on a "vicerroy" capacity, and that seldom went smoothly, Archduke Joseph married first a Russian grand duchess, he basically left Vienna with her for she was bullied by the Kaiserin because of her beauty, and wealth, not to say the current emperor was constantly reminded of his widow by her, she was her aunt so the similarity was there. Then he maried another "heretic", Hermine of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym who also died in childbirth after delivering twins. And finally, the cherry on top of the icing, Maria Dorothea of Württemberg. The Württembergs were both catholic, and prostestants in a country that was mostly catholic, that is why he was always looked suspicious, bordering on witchcraf, by the rest of his very bigot family.
Cordelia Fitzgerald
What I like about Queen Marie Henriette's original title of Archduchess Marie Henriette of Austria is that someone can assume that she was born in Austria. She was not. She was born at Buda Castle in Budapest, Hungary.
Her full surname was "von Habsburg-Lothringen", there were other branches but she belonged to the main branch, the Tuscany branch kept its surname, the Austria-Este not, those duchies were lost in the Italian unification. The ones that lived in Buda were there mostly on a "vicerroy" capacity, and that seldom went smoothly, Archduke Joseph married first a Russian grand duchess, he basically left Vienna with her for she was bullied by the Kaiserin because of her beauty, and wealth, not to say the current emperor was constantly reminded of his widow by her, she was her aunt so the similarity was there. Then he maried another "heretic", Hermine of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym who also died in childbirth after delivering twins. And finally, the cherry on top of the icing, Maria Dorothea of Württemberg. The Württembergs were both catholic, and prostestants in a country that was mostly catholic, that is why he was always looked suspicious, bordering on witchcraf, by the rest of his very bigot family. Congrats on 500 posts Konradin! I still wonder who your avatar is! 
anastasia beaverhausen
What I like about Queen Marie Henriette's original title of Archduchess Marie Henriette of Austria is that someone can assume that she was born in Austria. She was not. She was born at Buda Castle in Budapest, Hungary.
Her full surname was "von Habsburg-Lothringen", there were other branches but she belonged to the main branch, the Tuscany branch kept its surname, the Austria-Este not, those duchies were lost in the Italian unification. The ones that lived in Buda were there mostly on a "vicerroy" capacity, and that seldom went smoothly, Archduke Joseph married first a Russian grand duchess, he basically left Vienna with her for she was bullied by the Kaiserin because of her beauty, and wealth, not to say the current emperor was constantly reminded of his widow by her, she was her aunt so the similarity was there. Then he maried another "heretic", Hermine of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym who also died in childbirth after delivering twins. And finally, the cherry on top of the icing, Maria Dorothea of Württemberg. The Württembergs were both catholic, and prostestants in a country that was mostly catholic, that is why he was always looked suspicious, bordering on witchcraf, by the rest of his very bigot family. Congrats on 500 posts Konradin! I still wonder who your avatar is!  Yes, congratulations Konradin! Keep them coming!
Small Member
Reputation: 164
Posts: 552
“Après moi le déluge”
What I like about Queen Marie Henriette's original title of Archduchess Marie Henriette of Austria is that someone can assume that she was born in Austria. She was not. She was born at Buda Castle in Budapest, Hungary.
Her full surname was "von Habsburg-Lothringen", there were other branches but she belonged to the main branch, the Tuscany branch kept its surname, the Austria-Este not, those duchies were lost in the Italian unification. The ones that lived in Buda were there mostly on a "vicerroy" capacity, and that seldom went smoothly, Archduke Joseph married first a Russian grand duchess, he basically left Vienna with her for she was bullied by the Kaiserin because of her beauty, and wealth, not to say the current emperor was constantly reminded of his widow by her, she was her aunt so the similarity was there. Then he maried another "heretic", Hermine of Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym who also died in childbirth after delivering twins. And finally, the cherry on top of the icing, Maria Dorothea of Württemberg. The Württembergs were both catholic, and prostestants in a country that was mostly catholic, that is why he was always looked suspicious, bordering on witchcraf, by the rest of his very bigot family. Congrats on 500 posts Konradin! I still wonder who your avatar is!  Thanks!  It is an old picture, 2007 aprox from a Swedish indie singer I used to like called Jens Lekman. At the time I joined, I didn't know what to use, I remember that picture and I used it, let's say I have similar features, honestly, he does look a lot like my father when he was young. Perhaps that rings a bell or not, go figure. 
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King Leopold II served in the Belgian Army until his accession in 1865, by which time he had reached the rank of lieutenant-general.
Louise was such an interesting person. I pity her. She had a husband, who cheated on her etc. her father disinherited...ok she made mistakes too (like forging signatures of her sister Stephanie), but she didn't deserve her end etc.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 1259
 United States
Posts: 13595
Louise was such an interesting person. I pity her. She had a husband, who cheated on her etc. her father disinherited...ok she made mistakes too (like forging signatures of her sister Stephanie), but she didn't deserve her end etc. When did Princess Louise forge signatures of Princess Stephanie? Was Stephanie already married and known as Crown Princess Stephanie of Austria?
Louise was such an interesting person. I pity her. She had a husband, who cheated on her etc. her father disinherited...ok she made mistakes too (like forging signatures of her sister Stephanie), but she didn't deserve her end etc. When did Princess Louise forge signatures of Princess Stephanie? Was Stephanie already married and known as Crown Princess Stephanie of Austria? Yes, some time in the 1880ies and later. Louise had debts and forged checks.