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On becoming King in 1910, George V wrote in his diary, 'God will help me in my great responsibilities, and darling May will be my comfort as she has always been.' Queen Mary visited women factory workers.
Duchess of Verona
A traditionally arranged royal marriage that worked very well indeed. In those days a prince married a suitable princess from another country's ruling family, who knew what was expected and she did what was required. No crying on camera. No whining people/press are mean....just got on with it and did a great job, which gave the 'meanies' nothing to gripe about. Something some of her descendants could learn from....
A traditionally arranged royal marriage that worked very well indeed. In those days a prince married a suitable princess from another country's ruling family, who knew what was expected and she did what was required. No crying on camera. No whining people/press are mean....just got on with it and did a great job, which gave the 'meanies' nothing to gripe about. Something some of her descendants could learn from....
These arranged marriages often weren't the worst solution. Both parties knew exactly what was expected from them and didn't have to find out their role at first.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2019, 10:24:51 PM by Kristallinchen »
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And for every "happy" or shall we rather say "discreet" marriage there were at least two very obvious, very publically and very unhappy unions… So sorry but not every royal prince/ss, who was brought up at court was well educated or fit for that job and some marriages were down right cruel.
And for every "happy" or shall we rather say "discreet" marriage there were at least two very obvious, very publically and very unhappy unions… So sorry but not every royal prince/ss, who was brought up at court was well educated or fit for that job and some marriages were down right cruel.
Of course. I didn't want to romanticize these marriages.
George and May's marriage was curious in that she was engaged to his older brother Albert Victor. When AV died, May got engaged to George - as it is they were probably a better match
Duchess of Verona
This was not a unique to George and Mary solution. Just think of Henry VIII marrying Katherine of Aragon after his brother died. The treaties sealed by these dynastic marriages were very important. But you are correct in that marry of the personal aspects of the marriage might be loathsome to those involved. Remember Anne of Cleves reception.
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When the First World War broke out in 1914, King George V took great effort to personally support the troops, visiting the front and military hospitals many times. On one such visit, his horse rolled over him. George's pelvis was fractured.
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On June 21st, 1887 George (V) served as a Personal Aide-de-Camp to Queen Victoria.
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In 1900 Prince Adolphus of Teck became the second Duke of Teck. In 1911 his brother-in-law, King George V, as a gift to mark his own Coronation, granted Prince Adolphus the style His Highness.
For a minute I was confused by this elevation, until I remembered that in Wurtemburg they were "only" serene highnesses. Highness with no modifier is higher up than SH, but one step down from royal highness.
Oh those Germans, with their umpteen levels of titles!