Night Blooming Jasmine
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I’m so very happy for them, they both look so delighted in the photos! I know many of us had suspected some problems, but this news is fantastic. Wishing Stephanie a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery!
Like many of y’all- I took a audible gasp and teared up when I heard this! Good call Clover!!
I wonder when the photos were taken? Her hair is quite a bit longer than from that event on the 17th November.
Like many of y’all- I took a audible gasp and teared up when I heard this! Good call Clover!!
[bbm] I'm another Now to happily read through the past six pages of rejoicings. Isn't this happy news?! Every blessing to mother and coming babe.
Very very happy news! I saw this earlier and could not wait to finally get home to see what RD was saying. Happiest and healthiest pregnancy to Stephanie!
Royal Di
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Posts: 335
| the Grand Court hears on Friday morning, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume are expecting a child. Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and members of both families said they were "thrilled about the news."
In a brief statement that the couple gave to RTL on Friday evening, Hereditary Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Duchess Stéphanie appeared radiant. "We are very happy to be here, to the third," said the expectant mother.
Guillaume added: "We have been expecting this moment for a long time, and now it is here."
The couple lives, since returning from London, at Fischbach Castle - the property where the Guillaume, with his four siblings, grew up. Fischbach was the private residence of Prince Henri and Princess Maria Teresa from 1987 to 2002.
By a law that came into force in the year 2011, the first child of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie will follow his father on the throne, regardless of whether s/he is a prince or a princess. Under the previous vows, women were only included in the Throne when no direct male successor was present.Stephanie will be 36 years old when the baby is due and Guillaume will be 38. They will have been married for 7 1/2 years come May. The year 2020 will also bring Grand Duke Henri's 20th anniversary on the throne, as well as his 65th birthday. The name Charlotte would be appropriate given the recent 100 year celebration of Grand Duchess Charlotte's enthronement. The news brings to mind a quote from Guillaume's great-grandfather, Prince Felix, father of six, "The stork is always flying over Luxembourg."
Like many of yall- I took a audible gasp and teared up when I heard this! Good call Clover!!
Thank you Cordtx! I'm actually really and truly happy for Stephanie and Guillaume.
I wonder when the photos were taken? Her hair is quite a bit longer than from that event on the 17th November.
I wonder too. It seems to be quite warm outside but the garden looks autumnal. Late October perhaps?
« Last Edit: December 07, 2019, 07:57:29 AM by Pulsatilla »
esther angeline
I think it is a testament to their most likely difficult journey that they waited halfway through the pregnancy to announce. Probably wanted to be super sure all was well with the baby.
Very late to the party, but Happy February 3rd everyone!
Also wishing Linus and Lobster an easy pregnancy and a safe delivery.
I wonder when the photos were taken? Her hair is quite a bit longer than from that event on the 17th November.
I wonder too. It seems to be quite warm outside but the garden looks autumnal. Late October perhaps? I think they had the photoshoot soon after she discovered she was pregnant anticipating that they would use them when they announced at an agreed-upon later date - a good 4 months into the pregnancy.
I think it is a testament to their most likely difficult journey that they waited halfway through the pregnancy to announce. Probably wanted to be super sure all was well with the baby.
Totally agree -
"Some of it's magic, and some of it's tragic: but I had a good life, all the way." - Jimmy Buffet, America's premiere poet