Duchess of Verona
I think it is a testament to their most likely difficult journey that they waited halfway through the pregnancy to announce. Probably wanted to be super sure all was well with the baby.
Totally agree -  Yes. For the same reason I did not announce until I was nearly 6 months. I am tall and the baby was kind of laying on her back from hip to hip so I got away with it.
karma chamelion
Late to the shower, but congratulations to the happy couple! I hope she has a safe and easy pregnancy and delivery, and I hope his health starts to improve now that they possibly don't have to do whatever it was they were doing to achieve parenthood. Scarfette is a great name, how about Blanket if it's a boy? 
anastasia beaverhausen
Late to the shower, but congratulations to the happy couple! I hope she has a safe and easy pregnancy and delivery, and I hope his health starts to improve now that they possibly don't have to do whatever it was they were doing to achieve parenthood.Scarfette is a great name, how about Blanket if it's a boy?  I don’t know why, but this made me laugh.  But yes I hope he recovers too.
Duchess of Verona
Just getting to a successful pregnancy would take one's blood pressure down several points, and that was just in my life. Imagine everyone examining you every day ...do her cheeks look fuller, do her boobs look bigger, etc.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 1259
 United States
Posts: 13595
what a beautiful news 
I'd be shocked if it's a boy and his name isn't Jean, either his given name or one of the middle names. Can certainly see Charlotte for a girl.
I'd be shocked if it's a boy and his name isn't Jean, either his given name or one of the middle names. Can certainly see Charlotte for a girl.
I'm almost sure that Jean will be somewhere in the names, if it's a boy. Other names I could see included are: Charlotte, Josephine, Philippe and Alix.
Wonderful happy news! I am very excited for them and relieved for the family and couple. I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes along easily. I have never seen Stephanie so happy looks like the hormone rush is good for her.
It has to be a huge relief to them since this is their purpose - keep the line going. I also hope she has a healthy pregnancy.
Great news.
Mini Member
Reputation: 97
Posts: 246
What joyous news! Congratulations to them both. They must feel like a load has just suddenly floated off their shoulders after all the years of expectation and speculation.
Micro Member

Reputation: 67
 United States
Posts: 142
I'm happy for them, but wondering what if this hasn't been a struggle and they honestly just didn't want to have a child before now. I don't know if it's still practiced but in times past royal couples would be checked out by a doctor before getting married to see if there were any issues that might prevent a pregnancy. If Stephanie and Guillaume were checked out and given an all clear, then maybe they just wanted to wait. They had stated in interviews around the time they got married that they didn't have plans for a child right away.
I'm happy for them, but wondering what if this hasn't been a struggle and they honestly just didn't want to have a child before now. I don't know if it's still practiced but in times past royal couples would be checked out by a doctor before getting married to see if there were any issues that might prevent a pregnancy. If Stephanie and Guillaume were checked out and given an all clear, then maybe they just wanted to wait. They had stated in interviews around the time they got married that they didn't have plans for a child right away.
I think they wanted to wait for some time after the wedding, but not seven years. Anyway I'm happy it finally worked out for them. 