Me too
As someone who is suffering from fertility problems myself and is undergoing treatments since May I can easily understand how happy they must be and I really wish her a good pregnancy and a healthy baby!
Good luck to you Marieke! May you and your partner have a happy result!
Thank you so much! It have been difficult years since we are trying to have a baby. The miscarriage last year was and is difficult to process and then the news that we need medication because my body doesn't do what is has to do. In August the news that I needed an operation because I had a cyste in my ovary and later find out that there were other things wrong in there. Starting again and changing medication in october. And now this week hearing that another attempt failed and that we have to consider taking it to another level and probably starting in some months with ivf. It has been a rough journey. But as long as there is possibility for treatment there is hope!
My journey was similar to yours. After 12 years of trying and multiple miscarriages, we pretty much gave up on the idea. We were discussing going to Croatia (this was right after the war) to adopt a baby as my cousin was the nun who ran one of the orphanages. Then lightning struck, all on it's own. It seems like five minutes ago, but now she is a senior in high school. The thing to remember is that there are many children in the world who need a home. You will be a mother, even if it wasn't the way you originally planned.
And we share this journey with many others. Even in this fairly contained group we have several members who walked this road. IVF/IcSI is a steep hill, but sometimes worth it. And even if it doesn't lead to a Baby, life is full of miracles. We went along and were unsuccessful, had our first one thru what we call the cabbage patch and then two miracle pregnancies later we have a house full of gorgeous fairies. Number one is at law school, the second is graduating School this next spring and the little one is currently struggling with latin and puberty. Never a dull moment...
Lots of love to all mothers, biological and emotional, and to those who choose a different path of life...