Personally, I find the idea of having to use a traditional, or royal, name extremely ridiculous and limiting. I mean, what if there’s a family member, or godparent that they are close to, and admire? Is it really “nope, sorry, but since no born royal has ever had that name before, no royal ever will”? Like I said, seems ridiculous.
Plus I have always thought that one should not give children names that will eventually keep them from being taken seriously, so to everyone who wants to name their child
Blue Pancake: have you thought how that might look on a business card for anything but a coffeeshop?
Seriously I think if you want something funny, go for a regular version of it and nickname your child whatever you want. That way
Blue Pancake can still show her passport with a plain
Betty Patricia or and be nominated for president... or become
King Peter...
So in Liam's case: why did they not go for the usual Wilhelm, Willem (or whatever the name is in Lux) and call him Liam privately?
I know many people who have nickname-versions, hate them as adults and wished their parents had used the original name.