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Author Topic: Mary's Best and Worst of Fashion  (Read 5687 times)
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Cordelia Fitzgerald

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« on: May 09, 2020, 05:46:22 PM »

I thought this could be a fun diversion that maybe could extend to other royal ladies! 

I can't post pictures so I'm including links from of some of, in my opinion, Mary's recent-ish highs and lows.  No worries; if there's no interest in this thread I'll let it die off and I won't try to make it happen!   Grin

Burgundy velvet dress (minus the bell cuffs).  Gorgeous color; lovely feminine shape; photographs beautifully.

White blouse and flowy skirt in Indonesia.  So pretty; I felt like she got this one just right!

Probably my favorite outfit of hers (though I know it didn't get a lot of love here!  ) Ivory sweater and camel midi-skirt:  I love everything about this to the point where I looked up the sweater and then promptly closed the browser because I do NOT have $550 to spend on a sweater.  If I could dress like this every day, I would.  Classic, feminine, it!!

Honorable mention because I love the skirt but I would have started with the skirt and built a new outfit from scratch: Navy & Cream midi skirt in Ethiopia

The awful blouse she wore in New York while holding a can of Carlsberg beer.  I'll probably never try that beer because it is so inextricably linked in my mind with this monstrosity of a top. 

Her smallpox dress.  Ugh. No words other than ugh.  And smallpox.  Those are my only two thoughts when I see this!
anastasia beaverhausen

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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2020, 07:41:20 PM »

I agree with most of those, Cordelia, and thank you for putting it together!  Star
Countess of Cows

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« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2020, 07:50:09 PM »

The red velvet is too much, reminds me of one of her gowns she wore pregnant (that I loved with the Desiree rubies)

Like the skirt with a less sloppy blouse

Camel skirt is nice, I find the outfit boring

 I like the skirt without that fugly belt

That top is AWFUL

I like the color and detail of the lilac outfit (to each their own)  Thumb up

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Duchess of Verona

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« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2020, 11:46:38 PM »

The dark jewel red is a good color on her. Quite frankly if I had access to all those rubies, I would wear quite a lot of red!

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« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2020, 03:56:15 AM »

I like the camel and cream ensemble, too, except the shoes were too high heeled. Looked like they should be worn at night.

Her outfits would look better without the smirk. The female part of the rogue couple from England has a similar smirk.


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« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2020, 04:00:01 AM »

I like her brown and white polka dot dress. One of her best. I think it was for the wedding of a friend.

The link compares it to the Julia Roberts Pretty Woman look.


The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism,  not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)

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« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2020, 08:40:15 AM »

My all-time favorite worst:

December 2009 (she wore this to a fashion summit !)

Izzy's christening, July 2007 (so poorly done. There were rumours Mary would be wearing a dress by Lithuanian designer Juozo Statkevičiaus. She did not, and the dress she wore was (stitched together last minute) by Birgit Hallsten who worked with Uffe Frank on her wedding gown.)


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« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2020, 09:42:13 AM »

I followed Mary pretty closely until 2008, when I finished uni and started working (no more free time  Smiley ) So my fashion memory dates back until then. Looking back, I think I liked a loooooot of the clothes she wore.

My three favorites (day time fashion) are:

2) The full blue suit from which she wore the jacket at Christian's christening (worn at a foundation new year's reception in 2008). It's too bad there is no full picture from the front.
1) A beige, kind of bouclé suit that she wore A LOT at the time (picture here from her first solo visit ever to Prague)
3) A dress from a Danish designer (can't remember) she wore in New York in 2007 (very early baby up - visit). I know a lot hated it but I always loved it.

I miss those dishing times ...

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« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2020, 09:44:15 AM »

Some fashion from the early days, which I liked a lot:


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« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2020, 10:42:04 AM »

While going down memory lane is always nice, we already do have a thread of Mary's best and worst.
Perhaps it would be better to have a look there and post new ideas and outfit there instead of starting an almost identical one..

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« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2020, 10:58:10 AM »
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