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Author Topic: Annual summer photoshoot / press moment 2020  (Read 27306 times)
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« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2020, 01:44:52 PM »

Unfortunately they will get away with all this, precisely because they are the king and queen.

But you are right, maybe not so much in the future. In an IPSOS article last year, it said that in a few years, they wont be "approved" by majority of the youth. I used to wonder why, as I find Max so adorable. But now I kind of get it.


They seem very likeable and approachable.....but stuff like this just makes them look selfish and out of touch, and that doesn't go down well with millennials and Gen-Zs. When you have lost your job and have no idea when another one will come, didn't get to have your graduation ceremony, didn't get your 21st birthday party, had to cancel your wedding or baby shower, haven't seen your friends in months........the last thing you want to hear about is the King and Queen using your tax dollars to fly a private plane to Greece for a holiday.


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« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2020, 02:13:50 PM »

Although they aren’t doing any different to previous years by using the government plane. I did think they might stay in the Netherlands for the summer but I suppose its brings it own issues with privacy. isn’t the Dutch Royal Family one of the most expensive? I guess the longer the restrictions are in place, then it becomes a problem for them as they are probably less visible at present and people might to start to wonder why they are paying so much to keep them.
Princess MS
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« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2020, 02:34:56 PM »

Unfortunately they will get away with all this, precisely because they are the king and queen.

But you are right, maybe not so much in the future. In an IPSOS article last year, it said that in a few years, they wont be "approved" by majority of the youth. I used to wonder why, as I find Max so adorable. But now I kind of get it.


They seem very likeable and approachable.....but stuff like this just makes them look selfish and out of touch, and that doesn't go down well with millennials and Gen-Zs. When you have lost your job and have no idea when another one will come, didn't get to have your graduation ceremony, didn't get your 21st birthday party, had to cancel your wedding or baby shower, haven't seen your friends in months........the last thing you want to hear about is the King and Queen using your tax dollars to fly a private plane to Greece for a holiday.

Well look at his ancestry.... it was all position and money the scandals..... so no surprises that he does what he wants and his wife has a father who has a bad reputation.... so a couple who are not in touch with any sensibility of appropriate behaviour


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« Reply #33 on: July 23, 2020, 07:18:00 PM »

Here it has become quite a scandal how a local magazine covered this shoot as Amelia showing with pride a 'plus size' look. They are being rightfully called out because how unnecessary it was.
Amalia looked very lovely, she seems a very kind and grounded girl too. If they wanted to criticize they could have been called out for being so tone deaf in a time where people still can't go out and see loved ones to protect them (or in this country because it is not legal to do so.. I literally have not seen anyone outside of a cashier since mid march).
There are so many accomplishments or misses they could have written about....

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« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2020, 01:51:36 AM »

Here it has become quite a scandal how a local magazine covered this shoot as Amelia showing with pride a 'plus size' look. They are being rightfully called out because how unnecessary it was.
Amalia looked very lovely, she seems a very kind and grounded girl too. If they wanted to criticize they could have been called out for being so tone deaf in a time where people still can't go out and see loved ones to protect them (or in this country because it is not legal to do so.. I literally have not seen anyone outside of a cashier since mid march).
There are so many accomplishments or misses they could have written about....

On Thursday evening it was also a hot topic on some Dutch gossip tv shows. They also call out the magazine.

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« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2020, 02:07:24 AM »

It’s too bad, but not surprising. When I saw the pics from the photo shoot, I had a feeling unkind comments would follow.

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« Reply #36 on: July 24, 2020, 02:19:47 AM »

On the other side the Dutch royals are using a plane, helicopter and their new boat for coming holiday in Greece. The plane is even going 2x. First to transport clothing and such to their holiday destination and then the royals themselves. How much money would this cost, and who is paying for it??  This is the upcoming situation if we have to believe the media reports.

I find that to be outrageous, really revolting in the world crisis we are currently living. And then they talk about being environmental. Crazy

Oh please, I think we know by now that there're different rules for the high and mighty compared to us peasants.

Really nothing new here.
True! Why do they even need a holiday abroad? If they are bored with one royal residence in the Netherlands, they can surely move to another.  

karma chamelion

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« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2020, 02:31:34 AM »

In the Dutch media in May 2020:

'Willem-Alexander made private flights with a government plane for 250,000 euros'
King took his family to Greece, among other places'

King Willem-Alexander appears to have made the necessary private flights in 2019 with the government aircraft PH-GOV. This is evident from figures that government aircraft expert Menno Swart revealed this week. Price tag: 250,000 euros.

Holidays in Greece
Swart writes that the king made flights to and from Greece, among other things, to enjoy the sun with his family in the capital villa they own there. There is nothing illegal about this, he is allowed to use the Boeing 737 in private. Princess Beatrix and Queen Máxima also have this privilege.

Extra private planes and helicopters
In addition to the aforementioned 250,000 euros, more flight costs were incurred: for 315,000 euros, extra private aircraft were hired, because the government aircraft was only ready in July. Also, € 31,000 was spent on the use of helicopters. You can read the full explanation of the costs in the article by Menno Swart.

This sounds like it happened in 2019, is that right or am I reading it wrong? So it's not like they're holidaying in the middle of a pandemic?

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« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2020, 02:41:04 AM »

They live like billionaires, but in reality they are public servants. There are only 10 monarchies left in Europe for a reason, or several  Halo. They are only “ruling” because of the public’s grace and support.
I like Max, Wax, and the triple-A team a lot (indeed I share a name with one of the girls) but I’d expect the very best from them in exchange for their hereditary positions.

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« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2020, 02:46:02 AM »

Regarding Amalia, she’s such a beauty. All the girls are pretty in their own way but IMO Amalia has always had a striking face. She’s just a child, she doesn’t need to have her appearance discussed by adults. Her outfit for the photoshoot wasn’t my favorite but I thought she looked quite nice and she’s being raised to be a future head of state not a future model or actress.

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« Reply #40 on: July 24, 2020, 08:25:20 AM »

In the Dutch media in May 2020:

'Willem-Alexander made private flights with a government plane for 250,000 euros'
King took his family to Greece, among other places'

King Willem-Alexander appears to have made the necessary private flights in 2019 with the government aircraft PH-GOV. This is evident from figures that government aircraft expert Menno Swart revealed this week. Price tag: 250,000 euros.

Holidays in Greece
Swart writes that the king made flights to and from Greece, among other things, to enjoy the sun with his family in the capital villa they own there. There is nothing illegal about this, he is allowed to use the Boeing 737 in private. Princess Beatrix and Queen Máxima also have this privilege.

Extra private planes and helicopters
In addition to the aforementioned 250,000 euros, more flight costs were incurred: for 315,000 euros, extra private aircraft were hired, because the government aircraft was only ready in July. Also, € 31,000 was spent on the use of helicopters. You can read the full explanation of the costs in the article by Menno Swart.

This sounds like it happened in 2019, is that right or am I reading it wrong? So it's not like they're holidaying in the middle of a pandemic?

The article is indeed with regard to 2019. But they are also expected to have their main holiday in Greece again this year.

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« Reply #41 on: July 24, 2020, 08:56:03 AM »

Here it has become quite a scandal how a local magazine covered this shoot as Amelia showing with pride a 'plus size' look. They are being rightfully called out because how unnecessary it was.
Amalia looked very lovely, she seems a very kind and grounded girl too. If they wanted to criticize they could have been called out for being so tone deaf in a time where people still can't go out and see loved ones to protect them (or in this country because it is not legal to do so.. I literally have not seen anyone outside of a cashier since mid march). There are so many accomplishments or misses they could have written about....

QueenEM, this surely applies to the vast majority of people but surely not to the royals/people with vast landed estates/ gardens, heated pools if needed, private gyms, tennis courts, stables etc. Is no-one allowed to go out into their enclosed gardens? In my neck of the woods, not once during lock-down were we prevented from using our own private grounds/gardens, whatever the severity level.

On a related note, Amalia is beautiful.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2020, 09:08:46 AM by Chandrasekhi » Logged


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« Reply #42 on: July 24, 2020, 02:26:22 PM »

Judged by the standards of the modelling industry, Amalia may be big. But big to us means 'groot'  which is not the same as tall 'lang'  and definitely not the same as fat 'dik'!
The average height of Dutch women is almost 1.7 metres.
There are many many (young) women that are 6 feet or taller. Not exceptional at all. (Mr P is 6 ft 2 and considered on the short side).
Of course very few of these are a size 0 or 2.
Many of them look like amazons, especially to shorter ppl. (I am 5'2 and dwarfed by some of my taller friends). Yet their BMI is fine and their fat % (which imo is a more useful measure) is healthy. They are just a +120% version of a human being.
Check photos of state visits to Japan - they illustrate just that.
Bar FatAl, Wax and mayyyybe the Lux Princess  (Alexia?), none of these Euro royals are fat.


Talk to the hair, you slitherin' Skank

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« Reply #43 on: July 24, 2020, 02:36:14 PM »

Judged by the standards of the modelling industry, Amalia may be big. But big to us means 'groot'  which is not the same as tall 'lang'  and definitely not the same as fat 'dik'!
The average height of Dutch women is almost 1.7 metres.
There are many many (young) women that are 6 feet or taller. Not exceptional at all. (Mr P is 6 ft 2 and considered on the short side).
Of course very few of these are a size 0 or 2.
Many of them look like amazons, especially to shorter ppl. (I am 5'2 and dwarfed by some of my taller friends). Yet their BMI is fine and their fat % (which imo is a more useful measure) is healthy. They are just a +120% version of a human being.
Check photos of state visits to Japan - they illustrate just that.
Bar FatAl, Wax and mayyyybe the Lux Princess  (Alexia?), none of these Euro royals are fat.

In my opinion it is also how someone is built. That is to say how someone's posture is. I am ca. 1.80 a 1.83 meters myself and since puberty my balance weight is apparently about 80 kg.  These days I am a bit fuller (more fat, in particular around my abdomen Wink ) in terms of stature, but in the past I was often told that others could not imagine that I would weigh 80 kg. Many years back even the assistant to the medical examiner (examination for work) wouldn't believe me until she saw the evidence on the scales

For a period, due to circumstances, I dropped weight to about 70 - 75 kg. Some, in particular close family, thought I was too skinny. But according to the BMI it was a healthy weight for.....

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« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2020, 02:48:54 PM »

Amalia was never skinny and that is dandy fine. She has a wonderfully shaped body (never ever would I dream of such a bossom!!) and all will continue to change until she settles into adulthood.
I wish that journalists would stop talking about people’s bodies. Nobody knows one’s struggles.
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