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Author Topic: Annual summer photoshoot / press moment 2020  (Read 27316 times)
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anastasia beaverhausen

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« Reply #45 on: July 24, 2020, 03:33:09 PM »

Amalia was never skinny and that is dandy fine. She has a wonderfully shaped body (never ever would I dream of such a bossom!!) and all will continue to change until she settles into adulthood.
I wish that journalists would stop talking about people’s bodies. Nobody knows one’s struggles.

Exactly.  Unless someone is morbidly obese or anorexic and in failing health, we should probably not worry about it.

And Pomme, I don’t necessarily think Wax is fat - but we all see things differently.  Maybe because I live in the US and so many people are overweight here my perspective is different!

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« Reply #46 on: July 24, 2020, 03:58:57 PM »

Both Max and Wax have big bones, especially Máxima, she is really tall for a woman, I mean, let's look at how her body is built so it was only natural she will get that same body plus her father's genes, I guess Arianne is following that path, she looks very much alike C-A. Alexia is her mother's image, and she does looks confident especially on photoshoots, C-A is the heir and she behaves as a responsible one. On the other side, let's remember how well guarded and protected these girls are, in the NL there are laws that protect them from harassment by the media, this is something that was accepted by them, and they live a very simple lives compared to other royals of her generation.

As C-A, as well as Elisabeth of Belgium, and Leonor of Spain are approaching the majority of age, they will be more exposed by their parents are trying to do this by instances as to give them time to develop in their roles.

As regards her weight, I do hope she manages it better than Victoria of Sweden, she had a lot of issues in the past and you could tell how unhappy she was, well, until she met and married Daniel, those two really look at ease with one another.  Smiley
karma chamelion

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« Reply #47 on: July 24, 2020, 05:21:07 PM »

In the Dutch media in May 2020:

'Willem-Alexander made private flights with a government plane for 250,000 euros'
King took his family to Greece, among other places'

King Willem-Alexander appears to have made the necessary private flights in 2019 with the government aircraft PH-GOV. This is evident from figures that government aircraft expert Menno Swart revealed this week. Price tag: 250,000 euros.

Holidays in Greece
Swart writes that the king made flights to and from Greece, among other things, to enjoy the sun with his family in the capital villa they own there. There is nothing illegal about this, he is allowed to use the Boeing 737 in private. Princess Beatrix and Queen Máxima also have this privilege.

Extra private planes and helicopters
In addition to the aforementioned 250,000 euros, more flight costs were incurred: for 315,000 euros, extra private aircraft were hired, because the government aircraft was only ready in July. Also, € 31,000 was spent on the use of helicopters. You can read the full explanation of the costs in the article by Menno Swart.

This sounds like it happened in 2019, is that right or am I reading it wrong? So it's not like they're holidaying in the middle of a pandemic?

The article is indeed with regard to 2019. But they are also expected to have their main holiday in Greece again this year.

Ah, thank you so much Principessa! Star That would indeed be a bad decision I agree.
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« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2020, 09:21:02 PM »

As regards her weight, I do hope she manages it better than Victoria of Sweden, she had a lot of issues in the past and you could tell how unhappy she was, well, until she met and married Daniel, those two really look at ease with one another.  Smiley

Victoria was seriously ill with an eating disorder, probably made worse by comments from the public about her size so hopefully W&M have prepared and protected C-A from public comments on her body.

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« Reply #49 on: July 24, 2020, 11:50:38 PM »

Mrs Walker, I don't think so either.
I met Wax once and compared to the ppl we Dutch would call big boned, he's almost svelte. Yup. There are Dutch that look like total Neanderthals, except for the brow.

Talk to the hair, you slitherin' Skank
anastasia beaverhausen

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« Reply #50 on: July 25, 2020, 01:35:49 AM »

Mrs Walker, I don't think so either.
I met Wax once and compared to the ppl we Dutch would call big boned, he's almost svelte. Yup. There are Dutch that look like total Neanderthals, except for the brow.

I find the Dutch people very attractive for the most part. But you have a much better perspective than I do since I’ve only been there a few times. So if Neanderthals walk amongst you, they probably do here as well.

I agree that the family is pretty big boned (maybe not Alexia, but we’ll see). IMO they are an attractive family.

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« Reply #51 on: July 27, 2020, 04:21:38 PM »

On the other side the Dutch royals are using a plane, helicopter and their new boat for coming holiday in Greece. The plane is even going 2x. First to transport clothing and such to their holiday destination and then the royals themselves. How much money would this cost, and who is paying for it??  This is the upcoming situation if we have to believe the media reports.

I find that to be outrageous, really revolting in the world crisis we are currently living. And then they talk about being environmental. Crazy

Oh please, I think we know by now that there're different rules for the high and mighty compared to us peasants.

Really nothing new here.

Nonetheless hypocritical and I'll continue to be outraged.

The problem in my opinion is when we bend over and internalise  the idea that some people are just entitled to do it while others are not.
Just because they get to do something doesn't make it right.

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« Reply #52 on: July 27, 2020, 04:23:22 PM »

Soon enough it is not enough to have a public life and father some cute kids - you will have to provide answers to current problems, just not adding to them by irresponsibly and selfishly flying around in the world.

 Star Star Star

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« Reply #53 on: July 27, 2020, 04:33:42 PM »

I know, right? I mean have a holiday, but don't be ostentatious about it. So many people have had their world travel plans cancelled (my cousins boys were supposed to go to Africa, my own daughter was supposed to go backpacking with a group in Northwest Canada, and on and on). Instead we drove four hours south and rented a house on the beach and called that one week our vacation.

Royals can have modest vacations to suit the times, even if they have the means to have the annual grand vacations they are used to.

It's perception.

I agree completely. We know they are rich, when know they are spoiled, we know they will be doing outrageously luxurious things mostly sponsored by tax payers money, but being so ostentatious about it is reckless and in my opinion stupid, because it's bound to come across badly.
Nobody wants them not to go on holidays, but flying a plane to carry their luggage?!
With all the entitlement does come the responsibility of keeping it real.

Years ago news didn't travel as fast as it does now, and correct me if I'm wrong but the royals did not live under so much scrutiny. Much of what they did was kept under the carpet.


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« Reply #54 on: July 27, 2020, 04:49:11 PM »

Here it has become quite a scandal how a local magazine covered this shoot as Amelia showing with pride a 'plus size' look. They are being rightfully called out because how unnecessary it was.
Amalia looked very lovely, she seems a very kind and grounded girl too. If they wanted to criticize they could have been called out for being so tone deaf in a time where people still can't go out and see loved ones to protect them (or in this country because it is not legal to do so.. I literally have not seen anyone outside of a cashier since mid march).
There are so many accomplishments or misses they could have written about....

I agree. This sort of unnecessary, simplistic hidden criticism about somebody's figure or appearance apart from being nasty, takes away/ buffers a much more substantial discussion in things that could indeed be more relevant.

As a matter of fact even though I enjoyed seeing this photoshoot, I have mixed feeling of making this summer photoshoot this year in the first place. It seems absolutely disconnected from the current events.

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« Reply #55 on: July 27, 2020, 07:38:27 PM »

Here it has become quite a scandal how a local magazine covered this shoot as Amelia showing with pride a 'plus size' look. They are being rightfully called out because how unnecessary it was.
Amalia looked very lovely, she seems a very kind and grounded girl too. If they wanted to criticize they could have been called out for being so tone deaf in a time where people still can't go out and see loved ones to protect them (or in this country because it is not legal to do so.. I literally have not seen anyone outside of a cashier since mid march).
There are so many accomplishments or misses they could have written about....

I agree. This sort of unnecessary, simplistic hidden criticism about somebody's figure or appearance apart from being nasty, takes away/ buffers a much more substantial discussion in things that could indeed be more relevant.

As a matter of fact even though I enjoyed seeing this photoshoot, I have mixed feeling of making this summer photoshoot this year in the first place. It seems absolutely disconnected from the current events.

I think you could almost guarantee if Amalia was tall and very thin, you might get a similar article expressing fear over her health.
 I don’t believe the Netherlands went into as extreme lockdown as others and have relaxed the rules fairly quickly so the photoshoot went ahead as normal

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« Reply #56 on: July 27, 2020, 11:06:12 PM »

Here it has become quite a scandal how a local magazine covered this shoot as Amelia showing with pride a 'plus size' look. They are being rightfully called out because how unnecessary it was.
Amalia looked very lovely, she seems a very kind and grounded girl too. If they wanted to criticize they could have been called out for being so tone deaf in a time where people still can't go out and see loved ones to protect them (or in this country because it is not legal to do so.. I literally have not seen anyone outside of a cashier since mid march).
There are so many accomplishments or misses they could have written about....

I agree. This sort of unnecessary, simplistic hidden criticism about somebody's figure or appearance apart from being nasty, takes away/ buffers a much more substantial discussion in things that could indeed be more relevant.

As a matter of fact even though I enjoyed seeing this photoshoot, I have mixed feeling of making this summer photoshoot this year in the first place. It seems absolutely disconnected from the current events.

I think you could almost guarantee if Amalia was tall and very thin, you might get a similar article expressing fear over her health.
 I don’t believe the Netherlands went into as extreme lockdown as others and have relaxed the rules fairly quickly so the photoshoot went ahead as normal

Yes, you are right. I sometimes forget the restrictions were very different in different countries and regions. I might have been overly critical, and I apologise for that.

Oh yes, for sure. This kind of yellow press is right there to use people in a way or another, just to sell. They have no problems in hurting or damaging a girl's self esteem and confidence, and they will always point a finger. When that is done to adults, it is already bad enough, but with a child or teenager who really isn't even responsible for being on the spotlight, I find it to be specially cruel.

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« Reply #57 on: July 28, 2020, 09:27:37 PM »

Several days later, the Daily Mail has the story re Caras Story

Particularly startling is that Amalia has been “brutally bullied” according to the magazine Editor...not sure how he knows this  Roll Eyes

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« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2020, 10:29:48 PM »

When I read the article in the DM I felt so sorry for the poor girl. Media needs to stop commenting on people’s bodies unless the person in question is ok with it (like a certain celebrity talking about a new diet or whatever).

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« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2020, 10:44:00 PM »

Mrs Walker, I don't think so either.
I met Wax once and compared to the ppl we Dutch would call big boned, he's almost svelte. Yup. There are Dutch that look like total Neanderthals, except for the brow.

I find the Dutch people very attractive for the most part. But you have a much better perspective than I do since I’ve only been there a few times. So if Neanderthals walk amongst you, they probably do here as well.

I agree that the family is pretty big boned (maybe not Alexia, but we’ll see). IMO they are an attractive family.
There is no such such things as big bones! Amalia is as tall just as her family.
 She is also a teenager. Just judging from all the teenagers around me, there seem to be two categories: extremely slim and not slim.
You have the "I actually want to be a model" and those who don't.
I'll wait another 3-4 years on a verdict  - I have been very slim my entire life, but about the only time I really wasn't was at Amalia's age, those pesky hormones...things might change - or might not and as long as she is healthy and kind and has a good self-esteem and confidence, what else should we want?
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