I am quite unsure if he is trying to wave at his loyal and loving subjects or desperately trying to get help...  I thought Frodo looked like male praying mantis with his hands up in the air like that just beofre female eats his head and body after they've copulated...  G  All the instances I have come across where the eldest child is not much older than the second child, have turned out "badly" for the eldest/older child: the older/eldest child has to share parental attention far too soon. The second child benefits developmentally from the not much older sibling while the older sibling does not. What is the optimal gap between children? In my experience those older no longer have as much attention with each additional ones.... of course some parents manage things better than others... I was happy to leave home to go to a residential college at University 😀 IMHO 3 yrs
Where were the photos taken? Are they vacationing in Denmark? (Isn't that quite a rarity??  ) According to the Daily Mail they’re in Skagen (Denmark). AFAIK they have always spent part of their summer in Denmark, so not rare.
No not in the beginning but they started many years ago. The optics are good. I think they still sneaked away many times and that went largely unnoticed (Maldives come to mind, Mary’s shopping trip to Mallorca and wasn‘t there also a private trip to the US (Seattle?)).
Board Helper
No not in the beginning but they started many years ago. The optics are good. I think they still sneaked away many times and that went largely unnoticed (Maldives come to mind, Mary’s shopping trip to Mallorca and wasn‘t there also a private trip to the US (Seattle?)).
The one upside when Margaret leaves the throne is that we’ll have to be told whenever Derf is out of the country…
No not in the beginning but they started many years ago. The optics are good. I think they still sneaked away many times and that went largely unnoticed (Maldives come to mind, Mary’s shopping trip to Mallorca and wasn‘t there also a private trip to the US (Seattle?)).
The one upside when Margaret leaves the throne is that we’ll have to be told whenever Derf is out of the country… Any and all secret-exotic-vacation-seeking Royalties would do well to remember Juan Carlos, Botswana and his broken hip, that's all I can say.
"There are far, far better things ahead, than any we leave behind."
~ C.S. Lewis 💝
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ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
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Rufus loves Royal Dish!
These two can leave the country and will be unnoticed wherever they go because on one knows who they are.
These pictures show that Mary is too thin for her body type and that as silly as she is maybe she and Fred are actually perfectly suited since they both seem to be vapid ninnies. I'm also worried about that Josephine and her posing.
Why is Mary wearing jewelry in salt water? 
"There are far, far better things ahead, than any we leave behind."
~ C.S. Lewis 💝
Why is Mary wearing jewelry in salt water?  I think the bangle she is wearing is the Cartier one - it is "locked" on the wearer, so can't be taken off. Salt water doesn't harm gold or silver (unlike a chlorinated pool, that will kill your silver jewellery).
More  She looks like a body builder. How much time each day she needs to work on those arms and thighs  .
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Rufus loves Royal Dish!
In the last few years before Covid , we really didn’t see any pictures of them on holidays, most likely because they travelled outside of Denmark and no one knew where they were. Mary obviously works very hard to keep fit. She will be fifty in a few months and like many women your hormones change and it causes change with your body.
Miss Marple
I don't like her, but she looks great, especially after three pregnancies and one with twins. A lot of CP work out - Leti, Victoria, ...
True but very few look as manly as Mares does.