She has this upset look for quite some time now and definitely lost weight. I guess there something behind the walls and the corona situation might have had in impact since she looked happier while doing her job in Paris. I still believe that she and Dan have some trouble since I actually can’t remember when those two looked genuinely happy together like they used to and only publishing a Christmas photo of the kids convinced me even more.
I feel the same as you, cecile. She seems focused on her job and not very happy. I was wondering if it might be CG health concerns making her so stern and businesslike, but I'm inclined to believe it's something between her and Dan. Hope not, but the times we live in have taken their toll on a lot of relationships, unfortunately.
It was said Daniel couldn't attend because he has a cold - if you look, some of the symptoms for the Omicron variant are similar to the common cold. That could account for her demeanor because Covid, even breakthrough Covid, would be worrisome for someone who has had a transplant.
CDC info:
The most common symptoms for COVID-19 infections, including those caused by Omicron, as listed by CDC officials are below:
Fever or body chills
Sore throat
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Fatigue, or muscle or body aches
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting