September 14Delphine attended the presentation of the Pink Ribbon 2021 campaignPrincess Delphine of Belgium:

attended a press conference for the presentation of the Pink Ribbon that she designed for the Belgian official Pink Ribbon 2021 campaign in Brussels.
The Pink Ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. October is traditionally the month of the fight against breast cancer, and this year it is also accompanied by a Pink Ribbon campaign. The ribbon may be bought for 3 euros at stores like Carrefour Belgium and Multipharma.

Wow, in this photo she looks so much like the late Queen Astrid of Belgium and there's even a passing resemblance to her sister Martha of Norway.
I love the necklace she's wearing, it looks like something she created too.
I like the ribbon, I would wear it (and that's saying something from a person who never wears statement ribbons).