a new thread for the new year.
Delphine and her husband joined the rest of the Belgian royal family for a visit to the royal crypt (in place of the annual February 17th mass because of covid). Albert and Paola were also there, as well as Phil and Til, and Astrid and one of her daughters - not sure about Laurent and Claire but they weren't in the photos I saw. I have to say, I expected Phil to be gracious and welcoming to her, but not for her to be included in things like this, especially when Albert and Paola are attending. I'm impressed with how Philippe has handled this. 
July 7Delphine will participate in the Belgian National Day celebrations with the royal family on July 21, 2021. This is a new step for King Philippe's half-sister since she was officially recognized as the daughter of King Albert II. This national holiday will remain forever engraved in the memory of Princess Delphine of Belgium. For the first time, the daughter of King Albert II will take part in the celebrations of this special day alongside her half-brother King Philippe and his wife Queen Mathilde. The information was given by the royal palace, immediately taken up by the Belgian press. Princess Delphine will attend the military and civil parade from Place des Palais in Brussels with her husband Jim O'Hare. The king and the queen will go before to the Te Deum in the cathedral Saint-Michel et Sainte-Gudule in Brussels. Three of the four children of the sovereign couple will also be present on the dais - Princess Éléonore, Princes Gabriel and Emmanuel. The Crown Princess Elizabeth will not attending, as she is with cadets from the Royal Military Academy. Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent with their families are also expected. The latter was also the first member of the royal family to establish contact with his half-sister long before she became Princess of Belgium in the fall of 2021. 
It will be a big day for Delphine! I'm intrigued to see how Laurent and Astrid are with her, I thought Astrid in particular was a strong defender of her parents.
I’m going to be honest, I don’t really get the point of her participating  Obviously it’s Philippe’s decision so I guess he’s good with it, but it seems odd - kind of how she said she all she wanted for years was recognition and then suddenly she wants a title and spending from the family. It’s not like she was raised around this stuff and had it taken away, and it’s weird to me that she suddenly wants play happy families. I get wanting to know your siblings but it feels weird to me at her age to suddenly be a part of all of this when it didn’t seem for years like it particularly mattered to her. Maybe it’s just the public nature of it - and I get that Albert bears responsibility for most of that - but it rubs me the wrong way.
Cordelia Fitzgerald
I’m going to be honest, I don’t really get the point of her participating  Obviously it’s Philippe’s decision so I guess he’s good with it, but it seems odd - kind of how she said she all she wanted for years was recognition and then suddenly she wants a title and spending from the family. It’s not like she was raised around this stuff and had it taken away, and it’s weird to me that she suddenly wants play happy families. I get wanting to know your siblings but it feels weird to me at her age to suddenly be a part of all of this when it didn’t seem for years like it particularly mattered to her. Maybe it’s just the public nature of it - and I get that Albert bears responsibility for most of that - but it rubs me the wrong way. That's an interesting perspective; I hadn't thought of it that way. I will say kudos to the family for including her, but you're right that it does seem kind of different from what she seemed to want throughout the process. Maybe the reality of this being her blood family is having a stronger impact on her than she anticipated and she really wants to bond with them?
I’m going to be honest, I don’t really get the point of her participating  Obviously it’s Philippe’s decision so I guess he’s good with it, but it seems odd - kind of how she said she all she wanted for years was recognition and then suddenly she wants a title and spending from the family. It’s not like she was raised around this stuff and had it taken away, and it’s weird to me that she suddenly wants play happy families. I get wanting to know your siblings but it feels weird to me at her age to suddenly be a part of all of this when it didn’t seem for years like it particularly mattered to her. Maybe it’s just the public nature of it - and I get that Albert bears responsibility for most of that - but it rubs me the wrong way. I completely agree TCJT. I am side-eyeing Delphine hard for this. I love the Waffles, but if it were me I would never have Delphine at official engagements.
Lady Alice
I’m going to be honest, I don’t really get the point of her participating  Obviously it’s Philippe’s decision so I guess he’s good with it, but it seems odd - kind of how she said she all she wanted for years was recognition and then suddenly she wants a title and spending from the family. It’s not like she was raised around this stuff and had it taken away, and it’s weird to me that she suddenly wants play happy families. I get wanting to know your siblings but it feels weird to me at her age to suddenly be a part of all of this when it didn’t seem for years like it particularly mattered to her. Maybe it’s just the public nature of it - and I get that Albert bears responsibility for most of that - but it rubs me the wrong way. It does me, too, honestly. Didn't she even say at one point that it wasn't the titles/status, but just to be recognized as his daughter was enough? But now she's into everything. Like you say, Philippe seems to be okay with it (obv), but... yeah. I'm side-eyeing it too.
Philippe is not just okay with it, he's the one is inviting her to these things. It's not like she's crashing the events uninvited. Ultimately, if it's important to HIM that she attends, I don't have an issue with it. People talk about her as if she's been showing up everywhere. She's had like 3 royal events since she was legitimized, that hardly attention whoring. 
Yes this is on Philippe. And to her credit she is appearing at his request. my guess is that he knows that monarchy is fragile in the best of times and that his father had a fair amount of sins and if nothing else Philippe wants to project a modern version of the catholic ideal: the family. Halfs and hiddens and all because that is life and people. It aligns with his personal values and the values of a multicultural nation. I think it is smart and Delphine will be well behaved this is a national event after all.
Philippe is not just okay with it, he's the one is inviting her to these things. It's not like she's crashing the events uninvited. Ultimately, if it's important to HIM that she attends, I don't have an issue with it. People talk about her as if she's been showing up everywhere. She's had like 3 royal events since she was legitimized, that hardly attention whoring.  that's what i was thinking too. it's great that he is so open to having her be part of the family despite everything.
I’m going to be honest, I don’t really get the point of her participating  Obviously it’s Philippe’s decision so I guess he’s good with it, but it seems odd - kind of how she said she all she wanted for years was recognition and then suddenly she wants a title and spending from the family. It’s not like she was raised around this stuff and had it taken away, and it’s weird to me that she suddenly wants play happy families. I get wanting to know your siblings but it feels weird to me at her age to suddenly be a part of all of this when it didn’t seem for years like it particularly mattered to her. Maybe it’s just the public nature of it - and I get that Albert bears responsibility for most of that - but it rubs me the wrong way. It does me, too, honestly. Didn't she even say at one point that it wasn't the titles/status, but just to be recognized as his daughter was enough? But now she's into everything. Like you say, Philippe seems to be okay with it (obv), but... yeah. I'm side-eyeing it too. I started side-eyeing the moment she went for a title. Sure Philippe is doing the inviting but she’s doing the accepting.
Philippe is very kind and generous, giving her a title and inviting her on events. IMO she should be there since she got the title, but the rest will depend on her behaviour in general. I don't like the fact she went after a title but we'll see her behaviour from now on.
Philippe is very kind and generous, giving her a title and inviting her on events. IMO she should be there since she got the title, but the rest will depend on her behaviour in general. I don't like the fact she went after a title but we'll see her behaviour from now on.
I thought a judge gave her the title not Philippe.