According to the gossip, Alexia and Leonor are said to be in the same class. Which would make people afraid that Alexia (with her behavior and all) would ruin Leonor.
LOL. I don't think Alexia is going to ruin Leonor, she is probably somewhere in the party as well. I think the difference is that Leonor, like Elizabeth of Belgium before her, has a "royal protector" making sure she not featuring in any compromising pictures. Alexia is not going to be Head of State and she has more freedom than Leonor or Elizabeth will ever have. Also, Netherlands seem to have a lot of censorship about private pictures of the royal family, a censorship that doesn't exist in Spain. A photo of Leonor dressed like Alexia will be splashed all over the news and gossiped for weeks on tv programs. I remember years ago when Maxima and the girls visited Seville for the Feria dressed in the typical flamenco dress, how the Dutch journalists complained that they couldn't publish the pictures while their Spanish counterparts had no problem taking photos of the family and publishing them. Not every teenager feels at ease participating in such kind of "parties" let alone having such kind of pics taken. There are a lot of extracurricular activities at that school, so the students meet and make friends outside their own class. These are not necessarily all students from Alexia's class, but those people she mingles with.
Most Exalted Member
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I am the Queen
Personally, I'm not into this kind of outfits or parties. Regardless of who you are and what background. Compared to some of the others in the photos, Alexia's outfit isn't even that bad. But hey, you should know for yourself. However, Alexia and her family are balancing on a narrow line. Their life path has its advantages, but it also entails certain presentation and obligations. When I quickly look at the Dutch press reactions about these photos, it is mainly about the Dutch Royal Media Code. Why posting and circulating photos like this was possible.
When you allow your 12-year-old daughter to look in an official photo like she's 30 ... you're not doing something right. From a very young age, Alexia has dressed older for her age, has made up excessively and has posed for the press in an exaggerated way... she likes to be the center of attention and get attention even in the worst way. In the photos many of her friends have fun and playful attitudes, but she is totally focused on posing for the camera.
Perhaps the hyperprotection that the Dutch princesses have had with the Press Code, has meant that their parents have not educated them to be more aware that they are public figures and should be careful.
In Spain, Felipe and Victoria Marichalar are very persecuted by the press, they often go to parties and photos of their friends' social networks are published, but they have never shown an image of this type. Victoria's influencers friends or Felipe's ex-girlfriend who liked to show off on Instagram take more care of their image.
So that looked like a fun dress up underwear-themed party. The whole purpose of it being to look as vulgar as you can. Nothing new under the sun. She's at school, not at an official function. She's a spare. And she's not playing strip poker.
The kids that attend our local very strict Christian highschool (skirts compulsory) wear skirts that short to school. Yup. To school. With flesh coloured tights/pantyhose (shiny, 60 denier).
Princess MS
So that looked like a fun dress up underwear-themed party. The whole purpose of it being to look as vulgar as you can. Nothing new under the sun. She's at school, not at an official function. She's a spare. And she's not playing strip poker.
The kids that attend our local very strict Christian highschool (skirts compulsory) wear skirts that short to school. Yup. To school. With flesh coloured tights/pantyhose (shiny, 60 denier).
In the world she lives in or really any it is a not good look .... might be a sign of the times but I’ll stick with my perspective of her ..... at least she will have money.... accomplishments are less likely
Duchess of Verona
So that looked like a fun dress up underwear-themed party. The whole purpose of it being to look as vulgar as you can. Nothing new under the sun. She's at school, not at an official function. She's a spare. And she's not playing strip poker.
The kids that attend our local very strict Christian highschool (skirts compulsory) wear skirts that short to school. Yup. To school. With flesh coloured tights/pantyhose (shiny, 60 denier).
At Juliet de Verona's private school kilts could be no shorter than 1" below their fingertips. They were strict enough that if you child had a growth spurt during the year the school would still send them home/write them up for skirt length. I had finally learned to turn the hem twice when I shortened the skirt to give the ability to let it down mid year. That being said, I am a huge fan of school uniforms. There are way fewer battles over clothing.
In my mind, the problem isn’t that there was this themed dress up party, but that there were pictures. The kids themselves posed and took the pictures, and posted them.
It’s beyond me why teens insist on documenting themselves all the time and not quietly or loudly enjoying such a party and keeping it private.
Whoever posted the picture should not have. Can’t teens enjoy themselves without publicizing their antics??
Alexia was posing, so obviously she knew pics were being taken.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
That we are being lookie-loos is the problem. I am tired of trying to analyze behavior and parenting intent with younger posters who haven't navigated these waters. Leave this girl be she is allowed her space to social and learn and have fun and fail. Let's talk when she is picked up for stealing or violent behavior out in public. Also I would be shocked if she and Leonor didn't already know each other given they both have Spanish speaking mothers in a very exclusive club of queen consorts.
In my mind, the problem isn’t that there was this themed dress up party, but that there were pictures. The kids themselves posed and took the pictures, and posted them.
It’s beyond me why teens insist on documenting themselves all the time and not quietly or loudly enjoying such a party and keeping it private.
Whoever posted the picture should not have. Can’t teens enjoy themselves without publicizing their antics??
Alexia was posing, so obviously she knew pics were being taken.
Teenager currently primarily communicate electronically. Photos and sharing things online is a big part of this. Since we were able to be teenagers (it’s not something everyone can everywhere either), teenagers have annoyed older people by doing things differently. Honestly, it’s nothing new so it’s a bit of an odd discussion IMO.. Also it would seem the photos weren’t necessarily published but rather shared and then leaked to the press. That’s hardly the same thing.
Baby Member
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Posts: 34
well teenagers do this very stupid things....many of us did stupid stuffs at our time... the differencies are that in 80's and 90's there were no socials so they stayed in a limited circle of friends or people...even if someone took a picture it had to be developed and printed so there may be one copy of that and that remained to the camera owner. Nowadays with socials teenagers take thousands of pictures in every moment of the day and in every occasion (got 2 daughters I see that...) and these pictures can easily be forwarded to "friends" who are not as smart or loyal as they should be. In this case it seems it was a party at school, and we know the Alexia likes to pose... maybe she likes to think of herself as the next influencer of the year, maybe someone took a picture for their whatsapp group but then someone forwarded to friends at home to show the new princess friend she made at school. Posh school, posh people ... just something to make friends at home envious.... Alexia is young but she does not look stupid, she know she is part of a royal family, and since she is 16 she should already be aware that her actions are not like anyone else's, so I think before leaving for boarding school she should have been trained a bit by her parents or advisers with how to have fun but staying under the radar. I do not think Elizaberth of Belgium went to bed at 9.00 pm every night with no friends, she was smart enough to keep it low profile and avoid such issues. So for Alexia's sake is better she learns how to keep things low profile and avoid pictures leaks quickly, as in NL there may be this RDV agreement but in other countries there is not. She is a spare, she does not need to be a rebel since she will have all the money and perks her status will allow her with almost no obligations and much more freedom than her sister is going to have... so enjoy life girl but be smart! just my opnion anyway.....
No Pearl clutching over here. Nope! There are two kinds of people in the world: the ones who measure everything by “what would other people think” and the ones, like Nobel physicist Richard Feynman who opined “what do you care what other people think?! Pearl clutchers usually fall into the former category.
I would far rather have my kid be in the latter category provided that risk raking goes hand in hand with responsibility, reliability, respect, ability to reflect, resilience, and maturity, all of which require parental modelling, and trial and terror … which is what Alexia is doing.
… puts pearls down the loo and flushes …
Alice Unchained
Baby Member
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 United States
Posts: 30
At first, I was shocked (I'm a bit of an old fuddy-duddy I must admit). But, upon further thought, I feel sorry for Alexia and I'm glad they are looking into why the images were ever published. IMO that is where the wrongdoing lies, publishing them was salacious and a violation of everyone's privacy, not just Alexia's. Maria, thank you for the reminder that not all societies are the same. It's been so long since my children were teenagers, and things have changed so much, it's important to keep that in mind as well.
Cordelia Fitzgerald
DELETING the majority of what I said because I worry it will be taken wrong and seem harsher or worse like victim-blaming. I'll leave it at this: These pictures make me sad for them. 
« Last Edit: October 20, 2021, 01:01:25 AM by Cordelia Fitzgerald »
I am grateful every single day that I went through my high school and college years before Iphones. I behaved dreadfully and a good half of my outfits would be entirely offensive now...except possibly the rip-roaring outfits shown here.
And I turned out to be a banker with an international footprint.
'Twill be OK. Past is not always prologue.
"Some of it's magic, and some of it's tragic: but I had a good life, all the way." - Jimmy Buffet, America's premiere poet
I just don’t get that today’s teens don’t want their own privacy. To be foolish and not have it out there in the world. If any of us were idiots when we were teens, the only ones who knew were our friends and other locals. And soon whatever idiocy was conducted was soon forgotten because there was no record of it. And we moved on to the next thing.
Her father got some grief for various antics when he was young and that was because photographers took photos, not him.
As a royal, she may need to be more aware than other teens that photos could wind up all over the world. Or she’s a regular teen that doesn’t quite appreciate that being the daughter of a reigning king and queen comes with its own scrutiny.
I have a 15 year old girl. She and her friends post things on Instagram. I don’t actually know what that is but so far nothing scandalous has blown up. That I know of. ;-)
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)