November 16Living with Alex: Love flourishesCountess Alexandra and Nicolai Peitersen practice living together. When he is in Denmark, he lives with her. When Nicolai Peitersen one day returns permanently to Denmark after many years abroad, he is ready to move in with Countess Alexandra, 57. And the couple has already practiced what it is like to share a morning newspaper, because when Peitersen is in Denmark, he lives at Alexandra's home.
This is confirmed by Alex's press adviser, Helle von Wildenrath Løvgreen.
"It is correct that Nicolai Peitersen lives with the countess, but we have no further comments", says the press adviser.
When they have not finally moved in together yet, it is because Nicolai Peitersen has not yet finished working abroad. He has lived in China for a number of years and according to the population register, he is still registered at the address in Wuhou District in Chengdu.
"It is still at an early stage, but we are working on it", said Nicolai Peitersen, in relation to the question of sharing everyday life.
After Prince Nikolai has moved to Paris and Prince Felix has moved in with his grandmother at Amalienborg, Alexandra's house has become empty, so she is probably looking forward to Nicolai moving home for a permanent day with her. And there is control over the kids in relation to Peitersen.
"I have met them - and they are unique", Peitersen has said.