Yeah, now that I’ve seen the outfit broken down..... I don’t get it
A short sleeved dress, with a blouse underneath, and a cardigan over the top? I get it’s cold, so buy a warm wool dress, and wear a thermal underneath if necessary.
She doesn’t seem to give that much forethought to her outfits, just buys things and tries to make them work
Looking at the original dress, it's clear the bodice is meant to be body-conscious. That means it wasn't meant to be worn with a bulky, collared blouse underneath. Yet she forces one in there and the result is too tight. You can see the contours of her bra. What an idiot.
It's a boring dress, but it's neutral and contemporary and would be a good canvas for some edgy accessories : a statement necklace (like those Victoria wears) or a colorful scarf like Max would wear. Look younger and wear a cloche hat like in Downton Abbey instead of that awful pillbox. And if it's cold, why not wear a proper colorful coat like Marie instead of two more layers of beige: a cardie and cape? All the pieces look new though so the intent was to show off all her new acquisitions.
Diamond/ruby earrings don't go with the big pearl necklace.
She'd dressed old like QEII (who is 95 years old) except that QEII would never wear so much beige or a hat like that.