Cordelia Fitzgerald
Albert and Charlene have visited the pope. Charlene in black. She has previously worn white when being received by the pope. I am confused That is very strange and interesting! The privilège du blanc would not have been withdrawn. Too much of a signal not to have been deliberate! I can’t interpret it. Another strange and seemingly disrespectful detail is the neckline on her dress, which is a wide boatneck so the tops of her shoulders are bare. Considering tourists aren't even allowed to walk around the Vatican with shoulders uncovered, it's very strange that she's meeting the Pope dressed like that.
Albert and Charlene have visited the pope. Charlene in black. She has previously worn white when being received by the pope. I am confused That is very strange and interesting! The privilège du blanc would not have been withdrawn. Too much of a signal not to have been deliberate! I can’t interpret it. Another strange and seemingly disrespectful detail is the neckline on her dress, which is a wide boatneck so the tops of her shoulders are bare. Considering tourists aren't even allowed to walk around the Vatican with shoulders uncovered, it's very strange that she's meeting the Pope dressed like that. I think it is because she has the wide shoulder so it seems that more is visible. I like what she wears, I think it is respectful and nothing is uncovered. Regarding the white, a genuine question: because she may wear it does it mean that she must? It can also be that she had brought a white ensemble and it is for some reason unwearable. On a different note I have seen a foto of Camilla wearing white when meeting the pope but she is not Catholic and not a queen so I am confused.
Poor Gabriella, she looks nervous ... Charlene looks great however.
"There are far, far better things ahead, than any we leave behind."
~ C.S. Lewis 💝
Charlene looks so much improved. I think she's gained back a lot of the weight she lost because she no longer looks so gaunt and tired. And her ultra-short haircut has grown on me. Many women couldn't pull it off, but it's great on her, in my opinion. And if she does a lot of swimming, it's perfect.
karma chamelion
Gemsheal, I thought Gabriella looked tense, too. Staring straight ahead, arms and hands across her chest, and it almost seemed like she was avoiding contact with Albert. I'm probably reading waaaay too much into it but her body language seems off. I hope so much I'm wrong and she was just being shy.
I love how the twins have matching outfits. Adorable.
Maybe Daddy gave her a little talking to about taking the scissors to their hair.
Charlene looks better. Good for her
I like the matching clothes on the twins they look cute
Countess of Cows
Gemsheal, I thought Gabriella looked tense, too. Staring straight ahead, arms and hands across her chest, and it almost seemed like she was avoiding contact with Albert. I'm probably reading waaaay too much into it but her body language seems off. I hope so much I'm wrong and she was just being shy.
I agree karma, Cha Cha is looking much better. I'm wondering why Gabby has lost her sparkle, she is usually a bright, dancing little darling. I hope everything is OK and she's just feeling shy.
"I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies." Pietro Aretino
I would rather be hated for something I am, than loved for something I am not. -Bob Marley
karma chamelion
Gemsheal, I thought Gabriella looked tense, too. Staring straight ahead, arms and hands across her chest, and it almost seemed like she was avoiding contact with Albert. I'm probably reading waaaay too much into it but her body language seems off. I hope so much I'm wrong and she was just being shy.
I agree karma, Cha Cha is looking much better. I'm wondering why Gabby has lost her sparkle, she is usually a bright, dancing little darling. I hope everything is OK and she's just feeling shy. Charlene looks nice, better all the time. Peri's thought that daddy may have gotten on her about her hairstyling efforts is a good one, it could very well be that she was pouting over that.
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IMO there seems to be something off/ changed/ etc in Charlene's face....