I kind of think that most people know that Diana was, and now Catherine is, married to a prince, so just automatically, without ill intention, but certainly ignorant of propriety, affix "princess" to the name of the spouse. This is rather akin to when someone ordinary gets married, it's Mr. Blahblah and Mrs. Blahblah. I think that's what's going on much of the time. Not like Mr. Wales and Mrs. Wales, but sort of like that. Prince William is Prince William, ergo, his wife must be Princess Kate/Katherine. Even if it's not technically accurate.
Media reporters should certainly know better, but they are lazy slobs and go with what is easiest. How a spouse got the prefix people don't care, and we use first names usually in this day and age.
Notice Princess Michael of Kent is always referred to that way and properly so. I don't think I ever realized her first name is Christine. So reporters have been getting that right for decades.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
It is not that big of a deal. There are absolutely worse things we, and the media, can call her.
Both Diana and Kate while married to their respective husbands hold the title “The princess of Wales”, Diana divorce meant that her title change Diana, Princess of Wales which translate that she was one of the wifes of the prince of Wales, had Charles divorced Camila and remarried both she and Diana would hold the same title. The same can be for the males, who according to the current status quo are the actual holders of the title. Arthur, Prince of Wales, was the eldest son of King Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York. He died before he succede his father and thus is remembered as another prince of Wales, had Charles met the same fate would have also be remembered as such. Monarchies are archaic institutions full of rules, they might pretend that they are modern and what not but to the core are the same. So I agree with LC that we are royal watchers if we don’t know the “rules” then what’s the point. And at the same time I side eye hard the media with these cheep clip bates
I dunno, I thought this was a dishing site where ‘the rules’ mostly pertain to 1) not dishing on non-royals and 2) not dishing on each other. I mean, that’s what I thought the point of the board was. Not looking forward to the ‘RD Nomenclature No Mistakes Or Else’ pop quizzes though, if it’s not the case.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2022, 07:28:58 PM by Curtains »
"Some of it's magic, and some of it's tragic: but I had a good life, all the way." - Jimmy Buffet, America's premiere poet
Both Diana and Kate while married to their respective husbands hold the title “The princess of Wales”, Diana divorce meant that her title change Diana, Princess of Wales which translate that she was one of the wifes of the prince of Wales, had Charles divorced Camila and remarried both she and Diana would hold the same title. The same can be for the males, who according to the current status quo are the actual holders of the title. Arthur, Prince of Wales, was the eldest son of King Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York. He died before he succede his father and thus is remembered as another prince of Wales, had Charles met the same fate would have also be remembered as such. Monarchies are archaic institutions full of rules, they might pretend that they are modern and what not but to the core are the same. So I agree with LC that we are royal watchers if we don’t know the “rules” then what’s the point. And at the same time I side eye hard the media with these cheep clip bates
I dunno, I though this was a dishing site where ‘the rules’ mostly pertain to 1) not dishing on non-royals and 2) not dishing on each other. I mean, that’s what I thought. Not looking forward to the RD Nomenclature pop quizzes though, if it’s not the case! Exactly. I should be able to post links to articles and tweets or copy and paste information without getting a multi paragraph lecture each time the words Princess Catherine/Kate are included. It’s a dishing/message board, not Parliament.
A Citizen not a Subject
Both Diana and Kate while married to their respective husbands hold the title “The princess of Wales”, Diana divorce meant that her title change Diana, Princess of Wales which translate that she was one of the wifes of the prince of Wales, had Charles divorced Camila and remarried both she and Diana would hold the same title. The same can be for the males, who according to the current status quo are the actual holders of the title. Arthur, Prince of Wales, was the eldest son of King Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York. He died before he succede his father and thus is remembered as another prince of Wales, had Charles met the same fate would have also be remembered as such. Monarchies are archaic institutions full of rules, they might pretend that they are modern and what not but to the core are the same. So I agree with LC that we are royal watchers if we don’t know the “rules” then what’s the point. And at the same time I side eye hard the media with these cheep clip bates  I dunno, I though this was a dishing site where ‘the rules’ mostly pertain to 1) not dishing on non-royals and 2) not dishing on each other. I mean, that’s what I thought. Not looking forward to the RD Nomenclature pop quizzes though, if it’s not the case! Exactly. I should be able to post links to articles and tweets or copy and paste information without getting a multi paragraph lecture each time the words Princess Catherine/Kate are included. It’s a dishing/message board, not Parliament.
I live in hope that one day I will be able to elect my Head of State.
I put in quotes because at the moment I luck better word. In reality i have no desire do dictate how someone wants to enjoy a “hobby”, or police each post for wrong terminology, its not my job anw. I just observe that by being here we have better knowledge about the subject so using wrong terminology to me sounds odd?! Its the same for whatever subject one can be interested, you learn about it, You acquire the correct vocabulary, but I don’t think you will end up in jail neither for calling kate, princess Catherine nor for example not knowing what decoupage is if your hobby was arts and crafts. Sorry if I came as such it wasn’t my intention. In reality Im so done with mainstream media both in this subject and in general. They barely do research there is no impartiality or accountability. Moreover more and more serious publications hide interesting and informative articles behind paywalls instead cheap websites like daily mail or something is readily accessible for everyone and anyone
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." ? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Both Diana and Kate while married to their respective husbands hold the title “The princess of Wales”, Diana divorce meant that her title change Diana, Princess of Wales which translate that she was one of the wifes of the prince of Wales, had Charles divorced Camila and remarried both she and Diana would hold the same title. The same can be for the males, who according to the current status quo are the actual holders of the title. Arthur, Prince of Wales, was the eldest son of King Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York. He died before he succede his father and thus is remembered as another prince of Wales, had Charles met the same fate would have also be remembered as such. Monarchies are archaic institutions full of rules, they might pretend that they are modern and what not but to the core are the same. So I agree with LC that we are royal watchers if we don’t know the “rules” then what’s the point. And at the same time I side eye hard the media with these cheep clip bates
I dunno, I though this was a dishing site where ‘the rules’ mostly pertain to 1) not dishing on non-royals and 2) not dishing on each other. I mean, that’s what I thought. Not looking forward to the RD Nomenclature pop quizzes though, if it’s not the case! Exactly. I should be able to post links to articles and tweets or copy and paste information without getting a multi paragraph lecture each time the words Princess Catherine/Kate are included. It’s a dishing/message board, not Parliament. I think most of us here know the nomenclature rules that apply in the BRF and the aristocracy, or at least have a working knowledge of them. However, some of us have little regard for that system and its traditions and conventions and do not hold its members, or at least not all of them, in particularly high regard or consider them worthy of special treatment merely because of who their parents were and their overall position in their social structure, and we choose not to apply those nomenclature rules. To me the current monarch's name is Charles and his wife is Camilla and his elder son's wife is Kate. I know what their styles and titles are in their social structure but I choose not to use them when talking about them here. They are just ordinary people who are interesting to me because of their particular circumstances.
I put in quotes because at the moment I luck better word. In reality i have no desire do dictate how someone wants to enjoy a “hobby”, or police each post for wrong terminology, its not my job anw. I just observe that by being here we have better knowledge about the subject so using wrong terminology to me sounds odd?! Its the same for whatever subject one can be interested, you learn about it, You acquire the correct vocabulary, but I don’t think you will end up in jail neither for calling kate, princess Catherine nor for example not knowing what decoupage is if your hobby was arts and crafts. Sorry if I came as such it wasn’t my intention. In reality Im so done with mainstream media both in this subject and in general. They barely do research there is no impartiality or accountability. Moreover more and more serious publications hide interesting and informative articles behind paywalls instead cheap websites like daily mail or something is readily accessible for everyone and anyone
I say this with respect, but say it, I shall: How I choose to pursue my hobby is not subject to how any RD-er views that I must - including but not limited to use of nomenclature. I’m not snobbish enough to look down on someone who calls the Pss of Wales anything by which I can identify her and is not derogatory. In the re-enactment community, this brand of lecturing is known as ‘thread-counting’. It drains the joy of any experience, and is just tiresome. It’s why my talented BIL left that hobby. Insofar as I can observe, RD is not ‘The Mandalorian’. In other words, there is no ‘This Is The Way’.
"Some of it's magic, and some of it's tragic: but I had a good life, all the way." - Jimmy Buffet, America's premiere poet
karma chamelion
or Chutters, Chompers, Chuck and Cams  Bill the Plumber, Duchess of Dolittle, the list goes on... And yes, I use Kate or Charles or Wills as it is shorter and easier to type. I'm quite aware, as I'm sure 99% of us here are, that I am not being proper and maybe even a tad disrespectful sometimes.  I'm happy to see her wearing the brooch today and at a high profile event. I wonder if she'll choose to wear it as a necklace pendant like her late mother-in-law did? As far as I can recall, Camilla only wore it as a brooch.
How strange if Camilla has publicly worn a brooch that was Diana’s engagement present - Anyone recall the occasions? It is thought it was returned to Charles and/or TRF after Diana’s death. Camilla wore it first in 2006 per this link below. Info and pics here https://royalwatcherblog....of-wales-feathers-brooch/Wow - it was a personal gift so I think it was tin-eared for Camilla to wear it. I agree, Hes. Where did all the other baubles go? Taken apart? In the vaults?  Those jewels are beautiful and I’d love to see that necklace on Camilla or Kate. Has that necklace been seen at all? Ever? Yes it has, check the link on Karma's post. It's a rather awkward thing to wear with modern styles. It is peculiar how the necklace looks dainty in the photograph yet cumbersome on a person! I think this necklace would suit Kate actually, and minus the crucifix pendant would work well with the Lover's Knot tiara. I think if the person wearing it wore a plain dress with a high neckline (like Kate's dress last week but without the cape and jewels) it could allow for the necklace to shine. Similarly, Camilla rocks big jewels well, so I could see her wearing the necklace well, but its dainty appearance on photographs seems more akin to Kate's preferred style of jewellery. I had never thought of it on Kate but I agree she could pull it off. She's got broad shoulders and a long torso so I feel it would lay much better on her decolletage than it did on HLM. With the Collinwood pearl earrings and the Lover's Knot it would be quite the presentation! The Dagmar Necklace isn't a piece that has aged well, it is high Victorian in design and more sentimental than ornamental. The festoon design was all the rage at the time, but all the heavy loops make it lay poorly. Not one of my favorites from the vaults but I do appreciate the historical value. The same with Queen Alexandra's wedding parure, it's not very dainty and the large pearl cluster stations and ropes of diamonds don't help. http://queensjewelvault.b...ndras-wedding-parure.html
Lineup #EarthShotPrize Singers Billie Eilish and Annie Lennox Sir David Attenborough will voice the show’s opening Earthshot judging panel member Cate Blanchett will narrate a look back at the 2021 winners Actor Rami Malek will present an award  
They're probably in the air as we speak. I'm glad they will be with Caroline on the first day. She gets it. Has her mother's sensible WASP elegance. These other people have both star power and gravitas in balance so very good. I would give anything to see Annie Lennox sweet dreams are made of this for sure. She is better celebrity arm candy than that wicked Jamila Jaypal or whatever her name is with the eye boob dress.
May I just say I don't know what happened in the past two pages but let's remember that we are a little clubhouse here not in person ride or die friends but we create a little sorority. Luvcharles and Zazoo are our precision ladies and Kate/Catherine/Princess Kate/Duchess Kate/Waity Katie/William's plus one/Charlotte's mom has many names. I don't understand the many anagrams you all come up with but whatever I understand through context or ask or let it go. We are all different and better for it. Precisions are ok but policing is sad making to me we can get the balance right.
Link to see pictures of presenters. I must say that The Earthshot Twitter, website, promotion, etc is excellent. I wish KP could do it half as well.;t=7xa6-lymLGofb1QGudLQWANames Clara Amfo @danieldaekim Rami Malek @KensingtonRoyal Catherine O'Hara @shailenewoodley @BillieEilish @AnnieLennox @ChloeBailey X @HalleBailey
Wonderful video just enough to get you excited and not centering the royal couple but they are there. The moonshot was a big deal let's hope Americans get wind of this new climate change goal. It's necessary and timely.
I put in quotes because at the moment I luck better word. In reality i have no desire do dictate how someone wants to enjoy a “hobby”, or police each post for wrong terminology, its not my job anw. I just observe that by being here we have better knowledge about the subject so using wrong terminology to me sounds odd?! Its the same for whatever subject one can be interested, you learn about it, You acquire the correct vocabulary, but I don’t think you will end up in jail neither for calling kate, princess Catherine nor for example not knowing what decoupage is if your hobby was arts and crafts. Sorry if I came as such it wasn’t my intention. In reality Im so done with mainstream media both in this subject and in general. They barely do research there is no impartiality or accountability. Moreover more and more serious publications hide interesting and informative articles behind paywalls instead cheap websites like daily mail or something is readily accessible for everyone and anyone
I say this with respect, but say it, I shall: How I choose to pursue my hobby is not subject to how any RD-er views that I must - including but not limited to use of nomenclature. I’m not snobbish enough to look down on someone who calls the Pss of Wales anything by which I can identify her and is not derogatory. In the re-enactment community, this brand of lecturing is known as ‘thread-counting’. It drains the joy of any experience, and is just tiresome. It’s why my talented BIL left that hobby. Insofar as I can observe, RD is not ‘The Mandalorian’. In other words, there is no ‘This Is The Way’. I would perhaps say there is one way here and that’s my way  My way in this situation is quite simple: it’s not okay to dish on other dishers. I feel that’s quite a simple rule in general tbh..
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 United States
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The DM is reporting that the Wales will be meeting with POTUS Joe Biden on Friday in Boston. The POTUS will be in town for a fundraiser. Prince and Princess of Wales are expected to meet President Joe Biden in Boston on Friday, can exclusively reveal, as the White House and British officials work to finalize details.
Neither side will comment publicly.
But sources familiar with arrangements said the heir to the British throne and Biden are trying to make use of a scheduling quirk that puts them both in Boston on the same day.