Future Crayon
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 4201
Posts: 15042
"Near catastrophic"
I quite like the teal as a change from the darker greens Kate usually wears to this engagement and although I'd love a few more fashion repeats, I can see why a new outfit was chosen for her first St Patrick's Day as Royal Colonel. The hat is quite a fun design Interestingly (or not), I don't think Kate often wears teal - this New Zealand arrival outfit is one of the only ones that comes to mind  Overall, I think they are working a little more and Kate's public speaking has improved so its a thumbs up from me
Cool your jets, everyone
Royal Me!
I like this joint event. I don't mind the beautiful matching ensemble of hat, earrings, coat, and shoes that Kate has donned. I do mind a hefty price tag for it all. However, maybe there is a need to elevate Kate from being Duchess of Cambridge (when she visited in the past) to Princess of Wales (currently). There is an expected historical tradition with this annual visit with the Irish Guard for St Patrick's Day.
They need to hire a speech writer. Both their speeches have far far too many I’s, me’s, and my’s. In this setting at little bit of self reference is acceptable considering that one is out going and the other is incoming but the bulk of the speech should be I, me, and my free.
I think there is a difference in using I, me, or my when you’re using it to toot someone else’s horn and not your own.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 1893
 United States
Posts: 13780
If you want to do a date with your husband then go somewhere else
I'm not sure how a royal engagement with the outgoing and incoming honorary colonel for the Irish Guards counts as a "date."
Eliza B
The dogs are always the stats, where are they???
Kate's coat is fine. I strongly disagree with the shoulders though. Too villian-ess.
She looks beautiful in this colour but I agree - it’s not the right shade of green and the constant amount of new clothing is just disgusting at this point. A rewear of one of her 284747274 green coat dresses would have sufficed.
Also… Colonel Catherine. Give me a break. I just can’t take it seriously.
“And she will keep coming back to life, over and over again, because beneath the skin of this gentle human lives a warrior unstoppable.” - Annabelle M. Ramos
Future Crayon
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 4201
Posts: 15042
"Near catastrophic"
Theyve arrived at Aldershot for the annual St Patrick's Day visit to the Irish Guards. New hat and coat dress on Kate today... I like it, I think. Feels less literal and like a step up/away from the heavier dark green she usually favours  I think the colour was chosen to match the Irish Guards's blue plume:  
Cool your jets, everyone
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 5137
Posts: 21629
I think this is my favourite colour. It does match the plumes and the canopy of the thingy she stands under, but to be fair, it is not really St.Paddy green. (says someone who wears a greyish-greenish but far from clover green jumper!  )
I think it is very Aer-Lingus-cabin-crew-ish 
If you want to do a date with your husband then go somewhere else
I'm not sure how a royal engagement with the outgoing and incoming honorary colonel for the Irish Guards counts as a "date." Yeah, neither do I. Fabulous event! Thanks for all the photos, Dishies 
Theyve arrived at Aldershot for the annual St Patrick's Day visit to the Irish Guards. New hat and coat dress on Kate today... I like it, I think. Feels less literal and like a step up/away from the heavier dark green she usually favours  I think the colour was chosen to match the Irish Guards's blue plume:   If so, it's a very thoughtful gesture. Catherine works well with those QEII subtleties. The student follows the master well.
I love the color of this outfit (one of my favorite colors) and so nice that she matches the plumes.