Board Helper
Why are we holding a woman responsible for the actions of a man?  Touché!
She didn't chose to do anything. She was invited to a party and accepted the invitation. She may not even have known the guest list. This wasn't her inviting people but a situation where she was invited to an event and decided to attend.
I would be very surprised if Camilla and Charles are invited to small gatherings and don’t know who else is there. What if, say Putin was invited, shows up and she wasn’t aware. That could look bad. I do think people are very vetted and I do think she is made aware who is there. And I think Piers is awful and am surprised she is ok being at a small party/luncheon with him.
She didn't chose to do anything. She was invited to a party and accepted the invitation. She may not even have known the guest list. This wasn't her inviting people but a situation where she was invited to an event and decided to attend.
I would be very surprised if Camilla and Charles are invited to small gatherings and don’t know who else is there. What if, say Putin was invited, shows up and she wasn’t aware. That could look bad. I do think people are very vetted and I do think she is made aware who is there. And I think Piers is awful and am surprised she is ok being at a small party/luncheon with him. Jeremy Clarkson was there as well and he recently wrote a pretty disgusting piece relating to the BRF. I don't want to go OT but I agree, I think she should be more aware in situations like this.
She didn't chose to do anything. She was invited to a party and accepted the invitation. She may not even have known the guest list. This wasn't her inviting people but a situation where she was invited to an event and decided to attend.
I would be very surprised if Camilla and Charles are invited to small gatherings and don’t know who else is there. What if, say Putin was invited, shows up and she wasn’t aware. That could look bad. I do think people are very vetted and I do think she is made aware who is there. And I think Piers is awful and :star:am surprised she is ok being at a small party/luncheon with him. Jeremy Clarkson was there as well and he recently wrote a pretty disgusting piece relating to the BRF. I don't want to go OT but I agree, I think she should be more aware in situations like this.  to both of you.
“And she will keep coming back to life, over and over again, because beneath the skin of this gentle human lives a warrior unstoppable.” - Annabelle M. Ramos
She didn't chose to do anything. She was invited to a party and accepted the invitation. She may not even have known the guest list. This wasn't her inviting people but a situation where she was invited to an event and decided to attend.
I would be very surprised if Camilla and Charles are invited to small gatherings and don’t know who else is there. What if, say Putin was invited, shows up and she wasn’t aware. That could look bad. I do think people are very vetted and I do think she is made aware who is there. And I think Piers is awful and am surprised she is ok being at a small party/luncheon with him. Jeremy Clarkson was there as well and he recently wrote a pretty disgusting piece relating to the BRF. I don't want to go OT but I agree, I think she should be more aware in situations like this. So we’re cool holding a woman responsible for the actions of men. Wow.
She didn't chose to do anything. She was invited to a party and accepted the invitation. She may not even have known the guest list. This wasn't her inviting people but a situation where she was invited to an event and decided to attend.
I would be very surprised if Camilla and Charles are invited to small gatherings and don’t know who else is there. What if, say Putin was invited, shows up and she wasn’t aware. That could look bad. I do think people are very vetted and I do think she is made aware who is there. And I think Piers is awful and am surprised she is ok being at a small party/luncheon with him. Jeremy Clarkson was there as well and he recently wrote a pretty disgusting piece relating to the BRF. I don't want to go OT but I agree, I think she should be more aware in situations like this. So we’re cool holding a woman responsible for the actions of men. Wow. That's not what I said at all; I think she could show more discernment on who she associates with. I never said it was her fault, but I personally wouldn't chose to associate with people who say those things. But we can agree to disagree on how this matter is handled.
I agree, CJT. Who the members of the BRF keep company with matters. (Prince Andrew enters the room).
In a story about Prince Charles taking money from the family of OBL, I copied and pasted this short paragraph from the BBC:
“Ministers and members of parliament are, in the end, governed by the ballot box. The Royal Family derives its position and authority from a different place, from a settled acceptance by the public that overall they bring credit to the country.”
karma chamelion
I agree as well, Jimmy Saville comes to mind. In a leadership position, one must be aware of these optics, no matter whether you are a man, woman, or non-binary. The gender of either party has nothing to do with it. JMO
The article is only gaining traction now, the article was published on 16th. The first pics of Cams at the party came out on the 17th and noted the event took place on Wednesday - the 14th Dec. Clarkson is a proper tw@t and this article about Meghan is the worst I've seen from him, but I don't think its fair to criticise Camilla for not being able to predict the future and know what Clarkson would publish ahead of time.
She didn't chose to do anything. She was invited to a party and accepted the invitation. She may not even have known the guest list. This wasn't her inviting people but a situation where she was invited to an event and decided to attend.
I would be very surprised if Camilla and Charles are invited to small gatherings and don’t know who else is there. What if, say Putin was invited, shows up and she wasn’t aware. That could look bad. I do think people are very vetted and I do think she is made aware who is there. And I think Piers is awful and am surprised she is ok being at a small party/luncheon with him. Jeremy Clarkson was there as well and he recently wrote a pretty disgusting piece relating to the BRF. I don't want to go OT but I agree, I think she should be more aware in situations like this. So we’re cool holding a woman responsible for the actions of men. Wow. That's not what I said at all; I think she could show more discernment on who she associates with. I never said it was her fault, but I personally wouldn't chose to associate with people who say those things. But we can agree to disagree on how this matter is handled. It’s a difficult and dangerous road to start walking, to start requiring “more discernment” about who the royals associate with. Some times it’s obviously super easy because most will agree on the questionable person. Other times hindsight is 20/20 and I don’t think it’s a healthy way to go to have the HoS ignore rule of law if you start judging people of crimes before they’re actually convicted. Then of course there’s people who are notorious for their opinions. People like Clarkson and Piers Morgan. The trouble is as vile as you can find them, many will think the exact opposite. And certainly you have got politicians that are unavoidable meeting. Part of the monarch’s job is being politically neutral and representing everyone as difficult as that can be in a world that gets more and more confrontational. Personally I find Clarkson vile. He’s got a history of violence and bigotry and is obviously self centred and unpleasant. But lots of people like him. As far as I know he hasn’t done anything illegal. I find it quite a dangerous road when Camilla is judged for simply turning up to a diner where she may or may not have known he’d be there and also might not have had much interaction with him. She is being judged by his actions, not her own. It’s like a thought police where guilt is passed out based on nothing but optics. Just about as dangerous as the vile things Clarkson wrote.
Board Helper
Wasn’t Piers’s weird dream he wrote about a muddled reference to Lady Godiva slash Monty Python?
She didn't chose to do anything. She was invited to a party and accepted the invitation. She may not even have known the guest list. This wasn't her inviting people but a situation where she was invited to an event and decided to attend.
I would be very surprised if Camilla and Charles are invited to small gatherings and don’t know who else is there. What if, say Putin was invited, shows up and she wasn’t aware. That could look bad. I do think people are very vetted and I do think she is made aware who is there. And I think Piers is awful and am surprised she is ok being at a small party/luncheon with him. Jeremy Clarkson was there as well and he recently wrote a pretty disgusting piece relating to the BRF. I don't want to go OT but I agree, I think she should be more aware in situations like this. So we’re cool holding a woman responsible for the actions of men. Wow. I just wonder where the editor of the publication was that allowed that Clarkson article to go through as written. The days of strong editors seem to be over . . . sadly.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Honestly, they should just hire Maria and Thomas for that job. They'd keep it civilized.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
https://www.dailymail.co....araded-naked-streets.htmlHis own daughter blasted him for saying all that. So her opinions are now everywhere, chastising her dad.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)