Has anyone seen Joachim?
Yes he was next to Benedikte daughter in the back row
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." ? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Has anyone seen Joachim?
Here he is with his brother. 
Has anyone seen Joachim?
He’s there, sitting behind Alexia and next to Cristina. I saw a picture of him.
Pavlos' speach!
He has an accent but thank God he makes his try to speak in Greek.
Edit to add: On the ther hand, who wrote the speach? I'm not sure Pavlos understands fully what he reads. He tries though - in a language he difinitely doesn't speak every day. I also think the family is a bit delusional. Kind, lovely but a bit delusional.
I think it would have been better if he had given the eulogy in English. Good job that he attempted it in Greek, but it should flow better, everyone should be able to understand and it’s a eulogy. It should be as smooth as possible. It’s ok that he doesn’t speak Greek fluently. He was a toddler when they left Greece, I don’t assume he spoke Greek often, even though he went to a Greek primary school. He studied in English, he speaks English at work, at home, everywhere. I like he tried. I actually appreciated it and I think he mostly did it for his father's memory. Hard to loose someone you love. I don't know how familiar you are with greek tv but Giorgos Liagkas just said that Pavlos made a last minute decision to move permantely in Athens and they'll look for a house. Who knows. I don't think MC and kids will like it. I think it's mostlly rumours and some kind of "wishfull thinking". Yes, I think so too. I doubt they’d leave their life and friends in London to move to Greece. Maybe they will spend more time in Greece, but moving is unlikely! Liagkas always has there “exclusives” that always turn out to be lies!
Pavlos' speach!
He has an accent but thank God he makes his try to speak in Greek.
Edit to add: On the ther hand, who wrote the speach? I'm not sure Pavlos understands fully what he reads. He tries though - in a language he difinitely doesn't speak every day. I also think the family is a bit delusional. Kind, lovely but a bit delusional.
I think it would have been better if he had given the eulogy in English. Good job that he attempted it in Greek, but it should flow better, everyone should be able to understand and it’s a eulogy. It should be as smooth as possible. It’s ok that he doesn’t speak Greek fluently. He was a toddler when they left Greece, I don’t assume he spoke Greek often, even though he went to a Greek primary school. He studied in English, he speaks English at work, at home, everywhere. I like he tried. I actually appreciated it and I think he mostly did it for his father's memory. Hard to loose someone you love. I don't know how familiar you are with greek tv but Giorgos Liagkas just said that Pavlos made a last minute decision to move permantely in Athens and they'll look for a house. Who knows. I don't think MC and kids will like it. I think it's mostlly rumours and some kind of "wishfull thinking". Pavlos speech was a bit choppy, certain words seem to have wrong tonality but I didn’t know he was that good. Said that he tip toe on thin ice in certain topics. Poor Anne Marie and Nicolaos seem to be the most distressed. I didn’t expect so many people and the chanting do we know how so?
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." ? Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Has anyone seen Joachim?
Here he is with his brother.  Thank you all! And thank you to the Greek and Cypriot contributors! Kalimera from Bucharest! I am very glad Joachim is walking with his brother. On days like this one, but for life, death and love everything else seems petty.
Thank you so much to the dishers giving us the inside story on Greek politics and history, it’s really enhanced my understanding of events.
Princess MS
With all the money MC has that is the best... that dress is too tight at the top and well the boobs look weird... maybe just the angle... and the hair thing that the York’s do ... seriously 😒
Tatiana looks effortless and always so elegant.
Thanks to everyone, for all the photos and links ... It was especially moving to see ordinary persons touching and kissing Constantine's coffin.
I still wish The Prince of Wales had gone. I think it was a mistake for him not to, and the insular British RF looks bad in this instance, although Anne is a very dignified representative.
"There are far, far better things ahead, than any we leave behind."
~ C.S. Lewis 💝
One of the things that has always struck me about certain members of the BRF is that are so used to being the centre of attention at events that they find it odd to be "just in the congregation etc" - I wonder if William finds it difficult to do this these days, certainly Charles does. Anne, Tim, Edward and Sophie can manage it with no problem
My bf heard Pavlos' eulogy and told me this was no closure but an "opening" that he might be king and that nothing has changed for them.
Lady Willoughby
My bf heard Pavlos' eulogy and told me this was no closure but an "opening" that he might be king and that nothing has changed for them.
Eeek. I usually stay out of this in respect to our Greek posters who know. But, I DO wish the family would stop this. Let it go. You’re allowed back in to Greece, you’re allowed to bury your dead in the family burial ground. That’s far more than exiled royals have traditionally been allowed through history. Visit Greece, live there part time if allowed. Be proud of the country. Cheer your countrymen on, but that’s about it.
It’s very simple. The Greeks can now say thanks but no thanks and just move on. What connection the family wants is no longer up to them.
And re the flag, could it possibly be a naval ensign from his sailing days/IOC days? Why would they use a state flag if it’s not a state funeral?