Not one of her best looks for sure. This style is very difficult to carry off thanks to the shiny fabric and all those folds and drapings. And when you have high neck style, then hair up! But when looking at some other fashion choices, then Eugenie looked quite okay actually https://www.justjared.com...-the-stars-in-attendance/
Lady Liebe
Not one of her best looks for sure. This style is very difficult to carry off thanks to the shiny fabric and all those folds and drapings. And when you have high neck style, then hair up! But when looking at some other fashion choices, then Eugenie looked quite okay actually https://www.justjared.com...-the-stars-in-attendance/ITA, and will add, just because the brand calls itself coutiure doesn't make it so!
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. Anonymous
How tall are the Yorkies anyway? Seems like high fashion intended for the long and lean is just not going to work for them, especially Eugenie. She's built much more like the late Queen Mum, I think. Who did figure out how to dress in a flattering way for her figure and the era in which she lived.
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Yes the colour is gorgeous. But on Eugenie the dress looked like a satin bedspread somewhat draped around her. I was suprised that on the model, it actually looked way more like a structured dress than this draping and wrapping.
I need to get over to Beatrice's thread, but this "sleeves cum gloves" design is awful. It reminds me only of very sad things...
Ugh. Go away Eugenie. Much better when you were on "leave". Just leave. You irritate me.
And yet I have no idea really, why she irritates me -she's trying to do good. Maybe it's the Vogue-type fluff fashion events versus the do-gooder stuff that bother me ... Or maybe it's the surplus-to-requirements, I-wanna-be-taken-seriously-I'm-really-a-member-BRF that "Eug" somehow throws off. But yet her sister (somewhat similar) doesn't irritate me half so much.
"There are far, far better things ahead, than any we leave behind."
~ C.S. Lewis 💝
I get the impression that Eugenie doesn't have the force of personality that resides on Beatrice. Eugenie means well and certainly her support of issues around scoliosis is commendable, but she was, in my opinion, much more born to be a wealthy man's traditional and quiet wife. Beatrice, on the other hand, may have a few boat-rocking days left in her, I suspect (and hope).
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Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
Does anyone know how Eugenie got interested in anti-slavery in the first place?
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Lady Liebe
Does anyone know how Eugenie got interested in anti-slavery in the first place?
This is from The Anti Slavery Collective website: https://theantislaverycollective.org/our-team/Our Story
We met on the bus on our way to a school trip and knew at once that this was just the beginning of a life-long friendship and adventure!
After following each other around the world, then to Newcastle University, and into our careers. In 2012, we went on a trip to Kolkata, India. Here, we visited an organisation called Women’s Interlink Foundation and first became aware of modern slavery. Aloka Mitra , the founder of Women’s Interlink, rescues girls from modern slavery, gives them a home and teaches them a simple vocational skill – fabric printing.
We were shocked to discover the extent to which slavery still exists. In fact, there are more enslaved people today than at any other point in history and, at any one time, someone is being trafficked within a mile of where you live. We often associate slavery with chains and shackles, but modern slavery is a hidden crime that is often hard to detect.
We spent the next 5 years educating ourselves. We became obsessive investigators and would visit anyone who could help us expand our knowledge; from policy makers, law enforcement agencies and academics, to NGOs, social workers and survivors. We asked everyone we encountered, ‘what can two young girls like us do to help?’ Without fail, the answer was always raise awareness. So this became our mission.
In 2017, we proudly launched The Anti-Slavery Collective.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. Anonymous
Thank you, LL. That is actually impressive.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Lady Liebe
Happy Fifith Anniversary to Genie and Jack.  Genie did wedding video with some new snippets, which is on her instagram. Still one of my all time favorite wedding gowns, and I loved all the little cousins in the wedding party.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. Anonymous
August looks SO much like Eugenie did at that age.
“And she will keep coming back to life, over and over again, because beneath the skin of this gentle human lives a warrior unstoppable.” - Annabelle M. Ramos
August looks SO much like Eugenie did at that age.
You're so right, they're absolute twins!