Indeed a very pretty baby. Most babies are cute and sweet, obviously, but I wonder if was a Caesarian baby, he is just perfect and many natually born babies look a tad ...well lets say squeezed..
And no, he doesn't look like his Daddy. I know I said, I warmed to Guy over the immensely cute interview he gave after the baby's birth, but Guy is anything but cute or pretty and usually he does look like a lobster. Which the baby does not, even though a lot of newborns actually do.
I think he has got Gui's eyes but nevertheless he is a very lovely baby.

I was wondering about a C-section too, given that Steph is still in hospital. Wouldn't she have been released within 48 hours after a natural birth? All the more as she has every possible help at her very spacious home, including a live-in midwife for the first few weeks and daily visits by her doctor.
Since the delivery of Charles wasn't without risk (emergency c-section) they perhaps decided to go the safe way this time.