Who is this guy? I know that they were married, but is he noble? What does he do for a living? How long were they married? Do they have any kids? Why did they divorce?
He sounds shady as hell.
According to his Wikipedia:
De Roy van Zuydewijn, a member of the family De Roy, was born on the Keizersgracht in Amsterdam. The fifth child and first son of laywer Leo de Roy van Zuydewijn and Wijnande Eleonore van gulden. His father is from a non-aristocratic branch of the Dutch patrician family De Roy van Zuydewijn. His parents divorced two years after his birth; his father died when De Roy van Zuydewijn was twelve years old.
De Roy van Zuydewijn went to the Amsterdam Lyceum and the boarding school Louisa State in Baarn. The latest was apperently originally founded by Freemansonry. Subsequently De Roy van Zuydewijn studied at Leiden Webster University in Leiden, Netherlands. He continued at the University of California - Los Angeles. Earlier he had also spend some time at the University of Amsterdam and was a member the fraternity Sirius of the Amsterdam Student Corps.In 1997 he obtained a PhD at Oriel College, an educational institution that is part of Oxford University, with a thesis on political aspects of arms supplies from the Federal Republic of Germany to the Middle East.
In 1998 he was appointed as a Director Benelux for the London-based company Eligo Public Relations International.
Also in 1998 De Roy van Zuydewijn met princess Margarita. The civil marriage of the couple was on June 19, 2001 in Amsterdam The civil wedding was in September of the same year in Auch (France) by Msgr. Philippe Bar, Bishop emeritus of Rotterdam.
On May 28, 2001 De Roy van Zuydewijn took over the investment firm Leba BV of Van Lanschot Bankiers, and baptized the company to Fincentives. A company that developed financial software. Fincentives, located in Amsterdam, was not a succes. With support of his then wife De Roy van Zuydewijn in 2003 accused the Dutch Royal Family of having overheard him and have thwarted his buiness. The case escalated when the couple in March 2004 explained in the magazine HP/De Tijd what they (royal family) apparently did to them. In the same year it became known that the former director of the Queens kabinet Felix Rhodius had given the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) the command to examine De Roy van Zuydewijn. This was admitted by then Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende.
A law firm assisted De Roy van Zuydewijn in his case against the Dutch government. The contact between De Roy van Zuydewijn en his laywers didn't went smoothly and on June 24, 2003 laywers Peter Nicolai and Jurjen Pen announced they no longer represent De Roy van Zuydewjn. A short time later also Margarita broke with the legal team. The couple was then briefly assisted by Britta Bohler and Victor Koppe. On August 13,2004 Margarita's attorney Germ Kemper announced that she and De Roy van Zuydewijn Roy van Zuydewijn got divorced, this against the wishes of the Roy Zuydewijn. Earlier that day, it was announced that personal papers of Margarita had been stolen from her car; it is suspected that this included her divorce papers.
On November 8, 2006 the divorce was formally pronounced. On the same day the mother of Edwin de Roy van Zuydewijn, Eleonore van Gulden, gave an extensive interview with the television news programm EénVandaag.
In the television show Barend en van Dorp on March 11, 2005 De Roy van Zuydewijn stated that he had received a letter in which he was informed that the divorce preceedings were stopped. A day later, the laywer of Margarita announced hat the procedure was postponed, but that the divorce went through. Furthermore De Roy van Zuydewijn is negatively on the role of prince Bernhard (Margarita's grandfather) in the case, according to him because of the fear about a client of his father, which Bernhard felt threatened. He also showed incriminating documents show that had to prove that Bernhard was"wrong" during the war.
On September 8, 2006 the magazine Propria Cures published a piece written by De Roy van Zuydewijn. In it, he asserts that the Greet Hofmans affair was a diversion of Prince Bernhard. That would have put the affair to avoid a scandal would erupt on letters which he wrote to Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler (including the steward Letter) in 1942. Two of them were co-signed by his wife, Queen Juliana. The piece of Roy Zuydewijn calls Prince Bernhard "our biggest traitor ever."
According to his attorney Gabriel Meijers police wanted to question De Roy van Zuydewijn about a complaint against him for breaking of official secrecy in relation to illegal disclosure of documents. In the news programm De Roy van Zuydewijn says he finds it very odd, because he has never held office within the kingdom.On September 9 2006 the AIVD announced that they and the Dutch state hadn't made the complaint. According to Advocatie.nl the declaration was made by Margarita. And in 2011, the OM and Margarita backed down De Roy van Zuydewijn was vindicated and his lawyer was awarded a compensation of € 12.000, -.
On December 12, 2012 De Roy van Zuydewijn had to go to court in case of fraud amount of 238.000 guilders on fraud at Het Bouwfonds. On August 13, 2013 he was awarded in absentia a sentence of 100 hours. In higher appeal of De Roy van Zuydewijn he was acquitted at all because of a total lack of evidence.
On April 1, 2009, the National Ombudsman announced to launch an investigation into possible abuse of power and unlawful interference with the private life of De Roy van Zuydewijn by the Queen and the Ministry of General Affairs. De Roy van Zuydewijn said his business, social and marital life was destroyed and that this was due to effects from the government. The Ombudsman said he had to take the complaint because of sufficient points De Roy van Zuydewijn said in EénVandaag he could find no work because his name was tarnished and he was thwarted by the government since 2002 He would have lived from donations since then.