Wowza - that really is overdressed. I'm all for royal women looking the smartest at the event but there is a line between being the smartest and being far too overdressed. A lace frilly cocktail dress and fascinator for a visit to a warehouse and beach is ridiculous. I can't imagine even Queen Elizabeth II turning up to such events dressed like that (I say that as she seemed very much the last bastion of "dressing up" for royal events in a way most other people wouldn't dress - hat, gloves etc). Maxima is the only royal who seems incapable of 'dressing down' when it would be best, all other royals, especially those of her generation, seem able to do it. Imagine Victoria of Sweden, Sophie Wessex, Letizia of Spain turning up to relatively low key, outdoorsy events dressed like Maxima.
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soprry. can't find the photos of maximum overdressing for this .... clicked on the link...but no photos :-( G
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
Miss Marple
The dress is ridiculous (in that context) and the lace does not look great on her. But at least her hair is under control!
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https://www.koninklijkhui...ar-luncht-met-uitblinkersLoosely translated as: Royal Couple lunches with high achievers
News item | 27-11-2024 | 14:19
His Majesty the King and Her Majesty Queen Máxima offered a lunch on Wednesday afternoon, 27 November, at Noordeinde Palace to Dutch people who have distinguished themselves through a special achievement.
The twenty-eight guests have recently received a prize or other award for their achievements in various sectors such as art and culture, media, science, sports and business.
This time, the guests included the businesswoman of the year, the top woman of the year and the Legal Woman of the Year, winners of the journalism prize De Tegel, the winner of a Golden Calf, the winner of the Johannes Vermeer Prize, the state prize for the arts, and several gold medal winners from the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
By offering a lunch for those who excel, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima wish to express their recognition and appreciation for people who have made a special achievement.
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https://www.koninklijkhui...biologisch-design-door-aiLoosely translated as: Palace Symposium ‘Biological design through AI’
November 19, 2024 Royal Palace Amsterdam
The King and Queen Máxima were host and hostess at the Palace Symposium ‘Biological design through artificial intelligence’.
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Last week a severe explosion took place in Den Haag (The Hague). Several houses destroyed, dead and injured people (some, I believe, still missing), in other words horror. This morning WA and Max visited the location. https://nos.nl/liveblog/2...-binnen-voor-slachtoffersNOS Nieuws
zaterdag, 08:19 Aangepast vandaag, 09:22
Koning bezoekt plek van explosie Den Haag • 3,5 ton binnen voor slachtoffers
Op de Tarwekamp in Den Haag is zaterdagochtend rond 06.15 uur een grote explosie geweest. Hierdoor is een flat deels ingestort.
Dit weten we tot nu toe:
De politie is op zoek naar getuigen die een auto op hoge snelheid hebben weg zien rijden in de buurt van de Tarwekamp. Zeker zes mensen zijn om het leven gekomen, enkele gewonden liggen in het ziekenhuis. De zoektocht gaat nog steeds door, omdat de veiligheidsregio niet weet of er nog mensen onder het puin liggen. Premier Schoof, burgemeester Van Zanen en minister van Justitie en Veiligheid Van Weel zijn op de rampplek geweest. Er is al meer dan 300.000 euro opgehaald voor de slachtoffers door een lokale vrijwilligersorganisatie.= NOS News
Saturday, 08:19 Adjusted today, 09:22
King visits site of explosion in The Hague • 3.5 tons collected for victims
A large explosion occurred on the Tarwekamp in The Hague on Saturday morning around 06:15. This caused a flat to partially collapse.
This is what we know so far:
The police are looking for witnesses who saw a car driving away at high speed near the Tarwekamp. At least six people have died, several injured are in hospital. The search is still ongoing, because the safety region does not know whether there are still people under the rubble. Prime Minister Schoof, Mayor Van Zanen and Minister of Justice and Security Van Weel have visited the disaster site. More than 300,000 euros have already been raised for the victims by a local volunteer organization.Koning op bezoek
NOS/Jorn Kompeer
Koning Willem-Alexander brengt op dit moment met zijn vrouw Máxima een bezoek aan de plek van de explosie. Burgemeester Van Zanen van Den Haag begeleidt hen daarbij. Ze krijgen onder meer uitleg van de brandweer over het verloop van de bergingswerkzaamheden.
Het koningspaar kijkt eerst bij de ravage zelf en bezoekt daarna het buurtcentrum, waar ze spreken met slachtoffers, nabestaanden en hulpverleners.
Gisteren bracht premier Schoof al een bezoek aan de rampplek. Hij zei niet op de eerste dag langs te hebben willen komen om reddingswerkers niet voor de voeten te lopen.= King visits
NOS/Jorn Kompeer
King Willem-Alexander and his wife Máxima are currently visiting the site of the explosion. Mayor Van Zanen of The Hague is accompanying them. They will receive an explanation from the fire brigade about the progress of the recovery operations.
The royal couple will first look at the devastation itself and then visit the community centre, where they will speak with victims, relatives and emergency services.
Prime Minister Schoof already visited the disaster site yesterday. He said he did not want to come on the first day so as not to get in the way of rescue workers.
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https://www.nu.nl/binnenl...e-opsporing-aanwezig.htmlKing and Queen at the disaster location in The Hague, this morning. Royal couple visits site of explosion in The Hague King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima are visiting the Tarwekamp this morning. The couple arrived at the affected street in the Mariahoeve district of The Hague around 8:30. Together with mayor Jan van Zanen and the fire brigade, the royal couple inspected the damage.
The royal couple arrived early this morning at the Tarwekamp.
King and queen will also visit volunteer organization After their visit to the site of the explosion, the king and queen will go to the community center of the Lichtpuntjes van Mariahoeve foundation. There they will speak with victims, relatives and local residents who witnessed the explosion. The directly affected people will be cared for and supported in the center.
The royal couple is accompanied by mayor Van Zanen.
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https://nos.nl/liveblog/2...en-haag-helemaal-in-shockArticle of a live blog including a video of WA's speech at the location. Koning: 'Helemaal in shock' Koning Willem-Alexander zegt "helemaal in shock" te zijn na zijn bezoek aan de plek van de explosie en gesprekken met gedupeerden. Hij stond na het bezoek aan de wijk Mariahoeve zichtbaar aangedaan de pers te woord.
"Het gaat alle verbeelding te boven. Je volgt van minuut tot minuut wat er gebeurt, maar als je de plek ziet, de impact van de explosie op die gebouwen, al die mensen daar... Ik sta te trillen op mijn benen als ik eraan terugdenk."
De verhalen die hij had gehoord noemde Willem-Alexander hartverscheurend. Tegelijkertijd roemde hij de weerbaarheid van de wijkbewoners, zoals de medewerkers van het wijkcentrum, die "een paar minuten na de explosie klaar waren om de mensen op te vangen hier".= King: 'Completely in shock' King Willem-Alexander says he is "completely in shock" after his visit to the site of the explosion and talks with victims. After his visit to the Mariahoeve district, he was visibly moved when he spoke to the press.
"It is beyond imagination. You follow what is happening minute by minute, but when you see the site, the impact of the explosion on those buildings, all those people there... I am shaking on my legs when I think back."
Willem-Alexander called the stories he had heard heartbreaking. At the same time, he praised the resilience of the residents, such as the employees of the community center, who "were ready to receive the people here a few minutes after the explosion".
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https://www.nu.nl/binnenl...k-explosie-tarwekamp.htmlKing 'shaking on his legs' after visiting the site of the Tarwekamp explosion
By our news editors Dec 9, 2024 at 09:54 Update: 2 min. ago
King Willem-Alexander is "in shock" due to the consequences of the explosion at the Tarwekamp in The Hague on Saturday morning. "I'm shaking on my legs," he said after his visit to the Mariahoeve district. Follow the latest developments in our live blog.
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visited the location of the explosion on Monday morning and later the Mariahoeve Lichtpuntjes family center in the nearby shopping center. There they spoke with, among others, emergency services and victims.
"The humanity after such a disaster gives an incredible amount of energy," the king said after the talks. He praised not only the efforts of emergency services, but also those of the local residents. According to the king, the consequences of the explosion were "beyond all imagination".
On Saturday around 6:15 a.m., a large explosion took place in a three-storey apartment building on Tarwekamp. Five homes were swept away. That is one of the reasons why the emergency services quickly feared many victims.
Four of the six fatalities have been identified At least six people died in the explosion. Five others were injured. On Saturday evening, five fatalities were pulled from the rubble. And on the night of Sunday to Monday, the sixth body was found in the basement under the apartment building.
The identity of four of the six fatalities has now been established. They are two men aged 31 and 45, a 41-year-old woman and a girl aged seventeen.
According to the police, nothing is yet known about the cause of the explosion. However, there are indications that it was a crime. These indications are not yet being shared. "We will do that as soon as possible," said the Public Prosecution Service (OM) at a press conference on Sunday evening.
Earlier, the police announced that they were looking for the driver of a car that drove away "at very high speed" after the explosion. "We would very much like to speak to the driver of the car. Any information is more than welcome," said police chief Karin Krukkert on Sunday evening.
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A video: WA & Max receive the President of Portugal in Amsterdam https://www.nu.nl/313303/...ese-president-op-dam.htmlKoningspaar ontvangt Portugese president op Dam Gepubliceerd op 10 december 2024 om 12:04
De Portugese president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa brengt dinsdag en woensdag een bezoek aan Nederland. Koning Willem-Alexander en koningin Máxima heetten Rebelo de Sousa welkom op de Dam in Amsterdam.= Royal couple receives Portuguese president on Dam Square
Published on December 10, 2024 at 12:04
Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will visit the Netherlands on Tuesday and Wednesday. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima welcomed Rebelo de Sousa on Dam Square in Amsterdam.
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Amalia was also present at the state banquet, wearing a Tadashi Shoji dress and her mother's 'diamond star' wedding tiara (Funny how Amalia always has time to play dress up, but she can't be asked to do some serious work).
Wowza - that really is overdressed. I'm all for royal women looking the smartest at the event but there is a line between being the smartest and being far too overdressed. A lace frilly cocktail dress and fascinator for a visit to a warehouse and beach is ridiculous. I can't imagine even Queen Elizabeth II turning up to such events dressed like that (I say that as she seemed very much the last bastion of "dressing up" for royal events in a way most other people wouldn't dress - hat, gloves etc). Maxima is the only royal who seems incapable of 'dressing down' when it would be best, all other royals, especially those of her generation, seem able to do it. Imagine Victoria of Sweden, Sophie Wessex, Letizia of Spain turning up to relatively low key, outdoorsy events dressed like Maxima.
Maxima’s outfit looks so out of place during this visit, it looks like there was a major miscommunication between the hosts and the royal team.