I think it’s wrong to call it a power struggle, and especially to describe it as a power struggle with Fred
Fred very obviously wasn’t in power at the time either. Marge was.
Marge seems to think of people as chess pieces she can move around as she likes, this is particularly obvious when you look at Joachim’s life. He has been a very loyal and obedient son/subject. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all this started after Henrik passed away and after his brush with death. I am glad he’s putting himself and his family first.
Objectively, Denmark is too small for a larger working royal family. Also Fred is - still
- quite lazy. With their schedule Joachim and Marie would be close to biting F&M in the heels concerning workloads. That objectively wouldn’t do. It would have been good to make Fred work more but that is seemingly impossible. So Joachim had to go.
Marge and Henrik planned for Joachim to be a farmer and while it was a plan, I don’t think it was an especially well thought out plan. So when he threw in the towel - which was a very fair choice IMO - there wasn’t much planned for what he could do. In a family that wasn’t tight, the aftermath could easily turn ugly and it did. IMO because Marge is unable to help her sons and Fred incredibly selfish. Joachim is probably quite proud - the result is what it is.