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Author Topic: Prinsjesdag 2024  (Read 4801 times)
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« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2024, 02:10:10 AM »

What in the world does Laurentin have on her head? It looks like a giant pink jellybean.

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« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2024, 02:37:47 AM »

Whew.  Sometimes I think the DFR invented the word "overkill".  Maxima's big bow.  Amalia's peekaboo cutout, trailing sleeves, strappy stilettos and streaming hair.  Alexia has on so much makeup.  She looks 30, not 19.  At least her hair is smooth & professional.  As for Laurentin, she invented the words fashion disaster.  They all might as well be Kardashians on a red carpet.

I join in with everyone who said they hope Amalia is not on the Ozempic train.  Sure, it takes the weight off, but when you go off of it, it comes back on.  It's only a temporary fix. Plus some of the side effects are scary.  *Hopefully* she has simply made regular exercise & good nutrition her priority. 

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« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2024, 07:04:24 AM »

Whew.  Sometimes I think the DFR invented the word "overkill".  Maxima's big bow.  Amalia's peekaboo cutout, trailing sleeves, strappy stilettos and streaming hair.  Alexia has on so much makeup.  She looks 30, not 19.  At least her hair is smooth & professional.  As for Laurentin, she invented the words fashion disaster.  They all might as well be Kardashians on a red carpet.

I join in with everyone who said they hope Amalia is not on the Ozempic train.  Sure, it takes the weight off, but when you go off of it, it comes back on.  It's only a temporary fix. Plus some of the side effects are scary.  *Hopefully* she has simply made regular exercise & good nutrition her priority. 

Ozempic is not so whidespread over here, and I feel like we’re warned a lot about secundary effects, so I doubt it?

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« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2024, 08:40:31 AM »

I don't like the hole in the chest area of Amalia's dress but she looks super confident and it's a nice change!

Alexia has too much make up and too orangy foundation. Something went off.



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« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2024, 08:42:16 AM »

CA is finally studying in Amsterdam as was the plan, she lives in an appartment with some friends, she became a member of the Amsterdam student society (similar but def not the same as a sorority). Part of her hazing was that for a week (it's an away camp, where all ca. 200 new members are introduced to the mores of the society), every morning she had to sing the national anthem on her own while the flag was raised. Which IMO is hilarious (apparently she has a good singing voice, so there's that). According to the news here she's exercising quite a bit. I guess peer pressure will have her lose the babyfat rather than Ozempic (which indeed is not at all common here).

Oh, and Laurentien is just Laurentiening, including no underpinnings and a jellybean sliding of her head. She won't ever learn.

Talk to the hair, you slitherin' Skank

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« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2024, 08:51:43 AM »

I thought so, too but didn’t want to comment on CA’s or anyone’s weight.  Just hope they didn’t do the Ozempic route.

I think that is the only possible explanation, or Ozempic or something similar. It's one thing to criticize people for their weight, another to comment on a physical change that, because it's so fast and obvious, has led many viewers to the same conclusion... because, after all, it's a topic of current interest in society.

A few months ago, Maxima appeared much thinner in a short time. Now we see that in just two months of summer, the family in general is thinner. I think she tried it and because it worked for her, other members of the family have tried it.

From what has been published about Maxima, she has fought against her weight all her life and has gone on diets, and at one point she even had health problems that the press linked to diets. The Oranjes are genetically people with a large bone structure and who tend to be overweight.

Losing weight with diets and exercise is not something that can be achieved in one or two months, and even less so for people who have fought against their weight for many years and have not lost it.

I have always had the impression that Máxima gives more importance to her daughters' physical appearance, clothing, makeup, etc. than to other aspects of their public life. Amalia has the genetics she has and I only hope that her mother does not put too much pressure on her to have a certain appearance or to resort to certain things that could harm her in the long run.

And speaking of the priorities in the public life of these girls, I was negatively surprised that despite being the second year she attended the event, Alexia seemed totally lost about what she should do, such as saluting the flag or the authorities. The only thing that saved her was imitating what her uncle did.

IMO Maxima has always been very slim, she just wears those horrible Natan clothes og elephant pants that looks so bad on her.
Alexia looks the same as always IMO, I did not see any big faux pas or her looking totally lost when I saw the video, it just seemed like she and her uncle had no agreed on who should walk first and then it looked a bit fumbled on all three of them.

Amalia looks beautiful now and she did before also, when you are 20 and young, things can change quite fast. She also has a very mature aura about her, like she is 40 and seems quite at ease in public now which is good to see.

If anyone is had some chemical help it must be the King who has lost a lot of weight but still looks scruffy with his beard and hair.

The dress code for this event is just weird, Amalia struggled with the long sleeves, and the seems on the chest of her dress was very unfortunate, but the color is perfect for her. Maxima seemd very restrained in her dress and the big bow, limp hair and hat was not really a success. IMO Alexia looked great in Maximas old dress and hair was very well done. I liked that the girls seemed to wear private or costume jewellery when they are so young and not loading on all the historic jewels for a day event,.

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« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2024, 09:52:13 AM »


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« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2024, 09:57:18 AM »

The site of the DRF about the event (in Dutch):



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« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2024, 09:58:57 AM »

About the royal procession at Prinsjesdag:


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« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2024, 10:01:36 AM »

From a site of the Dutch Government:

What is the history of Prinsjesdag?
Since 1814, the working year of the First Chamber and the Second Chamber has been officially opened on Prinsjesdag. In the beginning, Prinsjesdag did not fall on the 3rd Tuesday in September.

The 3rd Tuesday in September
Prinsjesdag used to fall on the 1st Monday in November. Later on the 3rd Monday in October. But there was not enough time left to deal with the budget plans before 1 January. That is why Prinsjesdag was moved forward to the 3rd Monday in September in 1848.

Golden Carriage
Queen Wilhelmina received the Golden Carriage as a gift from the residents of Amsterdam at her inauguration. In 1903, Queen Wilhelmina used the Golden Carriage for the first time for the walk to the Binnenhof and has been used ever since - with the exception of a few times.

From 2016, the Golden Carriage was restored and the Glass Carriage was used on Prince's Day. In 2020 and 2021, the King's carriage tour was cancelled. This was due to measures against the coronavirus.

The restored Golden Carriage has been on display at the Amsterdam Museum since June 2020. After the exhibition, the Golden Carriage will return to the Royal Stables in The Hague. On 13 January 2022, King Willem-Alexander shared his decision on the use of the Golden Carriage in a video message.

On Prinsjesdag, King Willem-Alexander reads the Speech from the Throne from the throne. The neo-Gothic throne was designed by architect P.J.H. Cuypers. During the Speech from the Throne, Queen Máxima sits next to the King on a side throne.

Between 1815 and 1904, the King(queen) delivered the Speech from the Throne in the meeting room of the House of Representatives. From 1904 onwards, the Knight's Hall at the Binnenhof in The Hague was chosen. Due to renovations at the Binnenhof, the thrones were in the Royal Theatre on Budget Day 2022 and 2023. On Budget Day 2024, the thrones will also be in the Royal Theatre.

After delivering the Speech from the Throne, the Minister of Finance brings a briefcase to the House of Representatives. It contains the national budget and the budget statement. The tradition of the briefcase on Budget Day began in 1947.

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« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2024, 11:07:00 AM »

just a question to Dutch members to understand : is that so easy to get Ozempic in NL? In Italy with NHS you can only get via doctor's  prescription and only in certain cases with diabetes or other pathologies where benefits are higher than side effects. Therefore it is not common its use, as it is in the US. The only way to get it out of the system would be to buy it in Switzerland but it is very expensive, so it may be that people from show business are using it in this way, but of course no one is ever admitting it.
Btw I do not think Amalia used Ozempic, she is young and in perfect health,  at that age with the help of a good nutritionist and a personal trainer she could have slimmed down and toned very easily. At 21 her metabolism is still working perfectly so with a little effort she can get the same results without using any drug which may potentially damage her future healh.
As far as Max and WAX may be a bit easy going as parents I do not think they would allow their daughter to put her health in potential danger. JMO 

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« Reply #26 on: September 18, 2024, 11:33:58 AM »

CA is finally studying in Amsterdam as was the plan, she lives in an appartment with some friends, she became a member of the Amsterdam student society (similar but def not the same as a sorority). Part of her hazing was that for a week (it's an away camp, where all ca. 200 new members are introduced to the mores of the society), every morning she had to sing the national anthem on her own while the flag was raised. Which IMO is hilarious (apparently she has a good singing voice, so there's that). According to the news here she's exercising quite a bit. I guess peer pressure will have her lose the babyfat rather than Ozempic (which indeed is not at all common here).

Oh, and Laurentien is just Laurentiening, including no underpinnings and a jellybean sliding of her head. She won't ever learn.

Yeah, I am not getting Ozempic vibes either from Amalia. She's A) wearing a super flattering dress, not hiding behind a scarf or cape and B) finally living the Amsterdam life she had planned for herself. She is tall, so maybe she got recruited for one of the student rowing crews. Who knows.

Maxima looked much better than she did last year, but I prefer seeing her in more vibrant colours. This shade washed her out.

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« Reply #27 on: September 18, 2024, 11:47:25 AM »

CA looks more confident and relaxed at this event than she did when she went on that tour with her parents to the Caribbean. It is probably because she feels better about herself physically. She took a lot of shit online because of her weight and now seems to have found a routine for herself that allows her to be both healthy and happy.
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« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2024, 11:54:53 AM »

CA is finally studying in Amsterdam as was the plan, she lives in an appartment with some friends, she became a member of the Amsterdam student society (similar but def not the same as a sorority). Part of her hazing was that for a week (it's an away camp, where all ca. 200 new members are introduced to the mores of the society), every morning she had to sing the national anthem on her own while the flag was raised. Which IMO is hilarious (apparently she has a good singing voice, so there's that). According to the news here she's exercising quite a bit. I guess peer pressure will have her lose the babyfat rather than Ozempic (which indeed is not at all common here).

Oh, and Laurentien is just Laurentiening, including no underpinnings and a jellybean sliding of her head. She won't ever learn.

Yeah, I am not getting Ozempic vibes either from Amalia. She's A) wearing a super flattering dress, not hiding behind a scarf or cape and B) finally living the Amsterdam life she had planned for herself. She is tall, so maybe she got recruited for one of the student rowing crews. Who knows.

Maxima looked much better than she did last year, but I prefer seeing her in more vibrant colours. This shade washed her out.

Amalia has lost a LOT of weight. I hope she didn’t feel pressured.

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« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2024, 12:29:41 PM »

I am guessing she felt a bit pressured.
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