UGHH! Right now we have spring showers. I am happy though that today is a public holiday here.Ascension day. Hows the weather where you are? Is it also a holiday over there?
I think lots of European countries have a holiday and the weather is lousy...as it has been all week and is predicted to remain. 
The other day we had Great Prayer Day.Quite ironic in religiously apathetic Denmark.  Monday is pentecost. I dont mind spring weather,I like it cool not humid hot as in Summer.My best season though is Autum/Fall.Love the colours!
Supposed to be winter, but we have been having real nice days. There is some snow predicted tomorrow (a bit north of Cape Town) so we will feel it on Saturday. My fav season is winter 'cause our summers can get verrry hot and our winter temp is still rather high compared to Europe or America. With the amount of work I've done today you could almost say we had a holiday too!! Will have to disconect the internet tomorrow.....
It's sunny and beautiful in my town-- blue skies without any clouds, trees all green and fully leafed, and flowers blooming. Its about 22C as of 3pm today.
 doom and gloom where I am, pissing down rain - day 2, temps are abnormally low for this time of year. weekend forecast crappy, rainy, cloudy, very cool 4C - 12C  ... we no longer have spring  . I'm with you Jazzy, my favorite time is fall/autumn, coloful, bright sunshine and mild temps. September's the best around here!
Today has been a beautiful day with sun and little wind and not too hot here.
Its freezing here. Had snow on the mountains, rained the whole day (came down very hard) and the wind has blown one of our trees over! Did not go to work today (helps when you are sleeping with your boss!) so I had a lazy day in front of the fireplace!
Just want to say I'm not a slut - my hubby is my boss, or rather I'm the boss!
Its freezing here. Had snow on the mountains, rained the whole day (came down very hard) and the wind has blown one of our trees over! Did not go to work today (helps when you are sleeping with your boss!) so I had a lazy day in front of the fireplace!
Just want to say I'm not a slut - my hubby is my boss, or rather I'm the boss!
 Today was another warm day. One thing I don't like about sunny days - starting the day off having to slather both boys in suncream. We're not amused. I've got the type of skin where I can turn red in 15 minutes though so I'm not taking any chances.
Baby Member
Reputation: 4
 United States Minor Outlying Islands
Posts: 25
It's hot. As usual. It wasn't as humid as normal though. Once summer comes I fully expect to be baking and will live indoors, only going out when I need to.
Mini Member
Reputation: 16
Posts: 386
Does anyone else see differences in the climates throughout the year and from year to year? I am finding Spring is not as good as it used to be and the Fall/Autumn lasts longer and starts later. The cold weather here in Canada is getting tougher too. Maybe all you Europeans will have to come here to ski 
Baby Member
Reputation: 4
 United States Minor Outlying Islands
Posts: 25
Does anyone else see differences in the climates throughout the year and from year to year? I am finding Spring is not as good as it used to be and the Fall/Autumn lasts longer and starts later. The cold weather here in Canada is getting tougher too. Maybe all you Europeans will have to come here to ski  I think the seasons are switching with the Southern Hemisphere. We have had a few cool days recently (up until the past 2 weeks or so), which is not normal. Crazy stuff.
Micro Member

Reputation: 35
 United Kingdom
Posts: 196
It's been like that for the last couple of years, though - cooler than usual for much of the spring and then a brutally hot and unusually dry summer. Not looking forward to July and August. 
The weather in my area has become so much warmer. We now have a short winter with very little snow, so no snow to melt to fill the lakes, which means we are short of water. Each year we seem to have less rain (and more people moving into the area using more water). This in turn affects the wildlife. The bears are driving everyone crazy. They are wanting to be invited right into your home, looking for food. In fact they are way to frequently to be found walking up three flights of steps to get to birdfeeders on the top decks. The coyote's aree always a problem, as they are not afraid of anything. Now Nutria's have moved into our area (at least they are only vegetarians) so my once lovely strawberries, blackberries, etc are just a fond memory. Panthers (smaller mountain lions) are also coming down from the mountains looking for food....I hate their cry at night. Well I guess I can't blame them, as we have taken their homes away with over zealous building developments. Gee, just with it would rain for a few days.
In Europe, you could think it's winter. Days and days of dismal weather! 