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Author Topic: The weather where you are  (Read 330667 times)
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« Reply #1995 on: July 21, 2019, 05:59:45 AM »

Tropical humidity and heat (99F, 37C) with wind only in the evening the last few days. These conditions were a result of a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico. Rode my bike to 'make my own wind' in late afternoon but clothes were totally damp when I was finishing pedaling. And then rain came shortly after and the termperature dropped 20 degrees F (-7c) and it was a refreshing change. Took an evening walk just to enjoy the cooler temps and it was a leisurely and pleasant walk. Temperatures predicted to be cooler for the coming week and I'm looking forward to riding my bike on the local trails.

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« Reply #1996 on: July 22, 2019, 07:08:49 PM »

Hot week ahead here, too.
It's almost 7 PM here and we still have 30C.

Tomorrow 34C, Wednesday 37C and Thursday 38C are predicted ... which will then obviously resolve as usual into heavy thunderstorms, waterfalls of rain and 85% humidity plus a 15 degree decrease of temperature on Saturday.

The first thing I did this morning was to check my agenda for this week, and get the whole Thursday off.
Planning on lying on the sunbed (in the shade, for sure!) the whole day (which might become the hottest of the year, even topping end of June) and make no unnecessary move  Wink.

For the rest of the week, well, I need to do the already scheduled meetings, but if I can escape by 4pm latest, I will.

Pru, my respect for your bike ride. We had still like 28C yesterday evening when I went out for my usual 6 kms of jogging, and I was totally exhausted, redfaced and my shorts and top wet through and through when I came back.
These days, it's obviously better to get up early and run in the morning hours. Because during the night, temp still drops below 20.

For the garden, it's hard times. We need to water almost every day. And we have already filled up the pond three times this summer. The water does evaporate quicker than you'd think. It's always funny to see when you raise the water level by about 5 cm, the leaves of the water lilies drown (just because the stems aren't long enough to keep the leave afloat), but it takes them only overnight to adjust this!

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« Reply #1997 on: July 22, 2019, 09:49:53 PM »

Hot week ahead here, too.
It's almost 7 PM here and we still have 30C.

Tomorrow 34C, Wednesday 37C and Thursday 38C are predicted ... which will then obviously resolve as usual into heavy thunderstorms, waterfalls of rain and 85% humidity plus a 15 degree decrease of temperature on Saturday.

The first thing I did this morning was to check my agenda for this week, and get the whole Thursday off.
Planning on lying on the sunbed (in the shade, for sure!) the whole day (which might become the hottest of the year, even topping end of June) and make no unnecessary move  Wink.

For the rest of the week, well, I need to do the already scheduled meetings, but if I can escape by 4pm latest, I will.

Pru, my respect for your bike ride. We had still like 28C yesterday evening when I went out for my usual 6 kms of jogging, and I was totally exhausted, redfaced and my shorts and top wet through and through when I came back.
These days, it's obviously better to get up early and run in the morning hours. Because during the night, temp still drops below 20.

For the garden, it's hard times. We need to water almost every day. And we have already filled up the pond three times this summer. The water does evaporate quicker than you'd think. It's always funny to see when you raise the water level by about 5 cm, the leaves of the water lilies drown (just because the stems aren't long enough to keep the leave afloat), but it takes them only overnight to adjust this!

The same over here in the neighboring country. This morning some even predicted 40 degrees Celcius for Thursday....

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« Reply #1998 on: July 25, 2019, 10:23:50 AM »

We had a temp of 90 (32C) with a heat index 114F (45C). Throw in 60% humidity.

It was torture.

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« Reply #1999 on: July 25, 2019, 01:54:06 PM »

We had a temp of 90 (32C) with a heat index 114F (45C). Throw in 60% humidity.

It was torture.

That was my weekend as well... 100F and heat index over 110. Miserable. I hope it's gotten cooler for you - it was 65 this morning when I left for work!

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« Reply #2000 on: July 25, 2019, 02:44:38 PM »

Yesterday already, Germany's all time heat record fell - 40,5 C / 105 F is the new one, which will fall today again, and most probably also tomorrow.

Current temp on my terrace is 38C, with 20% humidity only. Although I am reading in the shade (only moves I make is turning pages), I go inside every 30 mins to drink half a liter of water - impossible to bring it outside, as it would be like tea in just minutes ...

Wishing all sweating Dishers a HUGE cup of ice cream!

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« Reply #2001 on: July 25, 2019, 07:57:03 PM »

Everyone is getting some hot weather.

BBC News (UK)

How hot is it really?

Compare the temperature where you are with more than 50 cities around the world, using our tool.

Scroll down the page for "The hottest that this location has ever been..." and you see it on a movable and zoomable map of the world.

Buckled train tracks in UK:

Hope everyone is able to keep from overheating in high temperatures.

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« Reply #2002 on: July 25, 2019, 08:19:40 PM »

32 centigrade with 33% humidity and if  it wasn't for the pain I would be ok (sprained torn ligaments in my knee so it is  really painful)

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« Reply #2003 on: July 25, 2019, 11:28:17 PM »

Official new all-time high today: 42,6 C / 108,7 F in Lingen.

25 stations registered more than 40 C today all over Germany.
Same predicted for tomorrow ... and then we are done with the heat wave.

Temperature drop of 10 degrees over the weekend - which still makes a beautiful summer nonetheless,
and thankfully, some much needed rain will come, too.

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« Reply #2004 on: July 26, 2019, 08:44:55 AM »

Yesterday already, Germany's all time heat record fell - 40,5 C / 105 F is the new one, which will fall today again, and most probably also tomorrow.

Current temp on my terrace is 38C, with 20% humidity only. Although I am reading in the shade (only moves I make is turning pages), I go inside every 30 mins to drink half a liter of water - impossible to bring it outside, as it would be like tea in just minutes ...

Wishing all sweating Dishers a HUGE cup of ice cream!

In the Netherlands a very similar situation.

Over here a >70 year old heat record of 38.6°C (Warnsfeld, 1944) was broken.
Last Wednesday it was broken by the weather station in Gilze-Rijen: 39.1°C. Just the same day it was already beaten by measurements in Eindhoven: 39.3°C

It was already predicted last Thursday would even be warmer, and the day provided:
Weather station Gilze-Rijen is again the new owner of the national heat record. It became the warmest with 40.7°C. Westdorpe was a fraction lower with 40.6°C. It is remarkable that the 40°C limit was also passed in Wilhelminadorp, Woensdrecht, Eindhoven, Arcen, Hupsel and at Twente weather stations in the Netherlands.

Yesterday a group of about 20 children became unwell due to the heat, while they where camping at a camping farm in Leusden (in the province of Utrecht). The emergency services were pulled out with a lot of material to the camping farm, also a trauma helicopter has been called. Sixteen of these victims were taken to the hospital, . According to the organization of the camp: 'the children who are overheated are currently being cared for and the other children are sitting quietly in the Indian camp playing games and drinking a lot".

In our news it was also said that the heat record in Germany has also been broken. Also very, very, very hot in other parts of Europe, among others extreme heat in Belgium and France.

I'm still working these days. Due to planned work on the railway track, my commuter traffic currently takes longer. I also now deliberately work overtime, to compensate for later time (if the track work is extended as planned. Based on this, combined with the absurd heat, I get up in de morning around 05:30 - 05:45 so that I can take it easy and arrive & start at the office at 08:15.

Yesterday some (office) colleagues dared to go out during lunch time/early afternoon. But most of them got back broken by the heat and wet of an overload of sweat. So I just decided to skip my break. Today I have to, as I forgot my lunch...….
« Last Edit: July 26, 2019, 09:07:26 AM by Principessa » Logged

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« Reply #2005 on: July 26, 2019, 09:31:09 AM »

In 98 percent of the world, the last hundred years have been warmer than the last twenty centuries

In 98 percent of the world, the last hundred years have been warmer than the last twenty centuries, Swiss scientists report in the journal Nature. According to them, the current pace of global warming is "unprecedented."

The scientists published three studies in which the global climate was examined from the beginning of the era.

It was examined whether eras like the little ice age were more extreme than usual and whether they had an impact on the whole world, and what natural causes, such as volcanic eruptions, took place at that time.

Although the scientists could make little use of direct measurements, which, moreover, often do not go back further than 1850, they could, for example, read tree rings, ice cores and coral reefs to see how warm or wet a particular year was.

'Extreme' eras were mainly 'regional phenomena'

The group concluded that many eras, such as the small ice age and the warm period in Roman times, were mainly "regional phenomena" because they never covered much of the earth's surface. Only the small ice age spread between certain parts of the globe between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Before the industrial era, volcanic eruptions were found to have the greatest impact on the climate. After each eruption, they produced a substance that caused it to cool in the atmosphere. Despite human greenhouse gas emissions, human influence remained limited.

"Unclear whether climate agreement is based on the right year"

The scientists conclude with the question whether the Paris agreement could not have been better based on another year. Currently, the year 1850 - the end of the pre-industrial era - is being looked at and the earth should not heat up more than 2 degrees from that time.

However, the group does not know whether that year is suitable as an indicator because possible volcanic eruptions could have affected the temperature.

A link to the abstract of the specific Nature article:

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« Reply #2006 on: July 26, 2019, 03:43:45 PM »

Well, the next mini ice age is long overdue ...

Currently, Europe is under a heat wave, but it's less than a week so far. If you follow the news, it reads as if we are living under desert conditions for months, which is simply over-exaggerated. Summer 2003 was, all in all, much hotter over a longer period.

It's funny that science speaks about the last 150 years only, while - from Earth perspective - these 150 years are just a lid move.

But alas, media keeps the masses entertained with record temperatures, so they don't think too much about all the other (political) shit happening in parallel.

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« Reply #2007 on: November 12, 2019, 08:16:01 PM »

« Last Edit: November 12, 2019, 08:21:24 PM by PruNordstrom » Logged

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« Reply #2008 on: November 13, 2019, 09:37:23 AM »

It was 40 degrees here today and we got a wintry mix.
karma chamelion

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« Reply #2009 on: August 27, 2020, 12:02:02 AM »

Cordtx, you holding onto your hat? It looks like Laura is coming to call. You and yours take good care!
Seems to me we have a few other Texans here, everybody stay safe.
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