Cold. Very cold. It's blowing hard here and it's currently -43 C, which is -45 F.

I feel your pain. Never approaching that cold in midwest US except in a few atypical years. Gained respect for northern neighbors ability to cope.
Winter has arrived. Not a lot of snow but winds of 17-35mph (27-56kph) causing blizzard conditions and drifting snow. Temp -5F (-21C), windchill (the effect of wind on exposed skin) -27F (-33C).
Overnight temp prediction -8F (-22C), windchill -34F (-36) and could be higher at times because wind gusts up to 45mph (72kph) expected.
From 3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10 cm) of snow has fallen so far. Not a lot but enough dry snow to blow and drift obscuring road edges, a problem on country roads.
This weather pattern usually happens in January and early February. We usually ease into it instead of being bonked with it this early.
Door frames have frozen and locking the doors is difficult because the lock bolt is not aligning with the slot in the door frame. Usually not a problem at this time of year but rain over the last week has swelled the wood and that has caused the alignment problem. Doors are locked now. If needed I could get out via windows in an emergency. None are more than 3 feet (.9M) above ground and some are less than that.
Am concerned about the garage door opener device. Homeowner's Assn requires all vehicles to be parked in the garage when snow falls. Assn hires snow removal contractor to clear driveways and circular 'pocket' streets. If the door frame freezes, an alignment problem will prevent the door from operating freely. I'm the emergency contact for one person so if I needed to go to their home, it would not be possible.
I'm glad I did major pantry restocking on Monday anticipating a bigger predicted snowfall that the one that occurred. Didn't count on the steep temperature drop though. Had no family plans because they had planned to go south for a warm destination holiday. Flights were cancelled yesterday and today with the impending storm and now they are not going anywhere.
Stocked up on library books, picked out one embroidery project and one sewing project for the month. Made plans to go trail walking twice with a friend. I'll keep busy. I can call to keep in touch with others. Everything will be OK.