Rain coming down in 10-gallon buckets in my part of northern California. Woke up at 4 a.m. because it sounded like someone had aimed a fire hose at my roof. It was so loud that it drowned out the TV set when I turned it on. But-- constant mantra from Californians this year -- we REALLY NEED the rain, so it's OK.
Same here. I just hope it is cold enough for the snow to stick in the mountains and not be too warm to cause runoffs and floods and then we have no water for summer.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Last week it was -48 and now it’s +1. Go figure!
That's considerably warmer - relatively speaking ... a heat wave! Got my front door open today. Still freezing in the garage but that's OK. Have food in the picnic cooler out there 'cuz no room in the freezer. Forecast in low 50s F (10 to 11 C) on Wednesday. Then rain. Will drop to freezing at night. It's no big deal after watching videos of Buffalo NY.
Those Buffalo folks are tough as nails. I was reading some thread somewhere where there was another cold time in 77 or 78. Snow plows pulled kids for Halloween and the snow didn’t let up until well into the spring.
Plus Buffalo football fans are a unique brand of insane.
The problem with incompetent, corrupt, fascist government is incompetence, corruption and fascism, not government (Jerome à Paris - paraphrased)
Lady Liebe
When we lived in Virgina, we snickered at how long the schools closed for very little snow . . . . fast forward some years and we knew a family who moved to Northwest Ohio from Buffalo. They too snickered at how quick we were to close the schools for what they considered a small amount of snow The snow belt actually extends from the east side of Cleveland through Pennsylvannia all along Lake Erie up to Buffalo. Buffalo gets the worst of it though, being at the end of the lake.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. Anonymous
We had the most rain on Saturday that California has ever received since the Gold Rush (1849). Yesterday a friend and I drove down then San Mateo Coast in Northern California. Lots of creeks were swollen and solid brown and many hillsides were sliding down into the roads below. We took a back road into the tiny town of Pescadaro and when we arrived, discovered the main road was so flooded that we had to take an alternative route home that took us over the river and through the woods and and down and through valleys and over small mountains. Plus I've never seen the surf so high, and probably the first 100 feet of ocean was brown rather than blue because so much sediment had been dumped in and stirred up.
Still, saw the first California poppies of the year bloom . . . .
It's is raining in my area ... very unusual. Temp is 35F (2C) at night. This time of year is usually colder 20F (-6.6C) and was 51F (10.5C) two days ago. No snow cover. It is humid for this temperature - very chilly walking because of it, the damp penetrates all insulating clothing.
I had some blueberries and blackberries that were on the edge of going bad (cuz I knew I wouldn't eat them in time) so I put them on the edge of the lawn near my patio door. In 5 minutes 2 squirrels showed up, took all the blueberries & buried them in the garden (it's not frozen). Then 5 birds took the blackberries and went off to their winter nests in the evergreens making 3 trips to gather it all. Not usual behaviour at this time of year. At least they took advantage of the fruit. I'm happy about that.
Strange bright light in the sky which has turned an inexplicable shade of blue. Perhaps the big rains are over for now in Northern California. I read somewhere that we received something like 300 trillion gallons of rain during the deluge.
Now everything in my garden is on steroids as well as the weeds, alas. But SO green and the Berkeley/Oakland hills look like they have been upholstered in green velvet.
Pushing towards 100F here today! Hitting the hottest part of summer! Will be in the high 90Fs all week. (And yes, we use celsius here, I just convert! My car said 39C (102F) at lunchtime!). I prefer winter, but only because I’ve only ever experienced a SW Aussie one 
Board Helper
Pushing towards 100F here today! Hitting the hottest part of summer! Will be in the high 90Fs all week. (And yes, we use celsius here, I just convert! My car said 39C (102F) at lunchtime!). I prefer winter, but only because I’ve only ever experienced a SW Aussie one  20 degrees (68F) in southern NSW! I love the cool weather in “summer”!
Princess MS
Pushing towards 100F here today! Hitting the hottest part of summer! Will be in the high 90Fs all week. (And yes, we use celsius here, I just convert! My car said 39C (102F) at lunchtime!). I prefer winter, but only because I’ve only ever experienced a SW Aussie one  20 degrees (68F) in southern NSW! I love the cool weather in “summer”! 32 in Sydney
Lady Liebe
Thinking of all our Texas Dishers and hoping they are okay. That's one particularly nasty ice storm going on down there.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. Anonymous
My daughter in Austin hasn’t had power for 5 days. I live near Dallas and was home bound for 3 days but didn’t lose power etc
It's looking like we might get a ``superbloom'' of wildflowers here in California because of all the rain we received. The last one was just spectacular. You could see mountains covered with orange -- California poppies -- from 10 miles off. I spend two days photographing wildflowers and loved every minute of it. We should know in a couple of weeks. As my voice-activated software likes to say, ``lettuce prey.''
Freezing rain today. Had nowhere to be except home today, glad of that. Fine rain started in early afternoon and continued until evening. Clouds were not heavy overcast so skies remained partially lighted and the gradual layering of ice was visible and glinting with the partial light. The grass was shimmering with the ice and shrubs and trees were enrobed in an ice coating that glinted in the late afternoon light. It looked as if the outside world was decorated in crystals. There was a magical hour when the sunset peeked through the clouds and all of the outside landscape shimmered in ice.
My driveway was coated in ice and and for 20 seconds I gave some though to sliding/coasting down the driveway until I remembered I was no longer 10 years old - but it was fun to think about. The fading sunlight has been replaced by streetlights highlighting the ice glaze; the neighborhood looks as if it has been touched by a magical spell causing all to shimmer like a dream. It's a pity I don't know how to photograph this but I looked at it long enough so the images are firmly in my memory now. Despite the inclement, it was a good day to remember.
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 United States
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It's looking like we might get a ``superbloom'' of wildflowers here in California because of all the rain we received. The last one was just spectacular. You could see mountains covered with orange -- California poppies -- from 10 miles off. I spend two days photographing wildflowers and loved every minute of it. We should know in a couple of weeks. As my voice-activated software likes to say, ``lettuce prey.''
I'm hoping that there will be another superbloom during the wildflower season. I do know that some of the SoCal communities near the wildflower preserves have had to strictly limit the number of visitors as the residents were being seriously impacted by the influx of people. Cars were actually being parked on the FREEWAY off ramps during the last one. 