The Greman television channel ZDF started a new serie about the crown princes and the only crown princess. Last week it started with Victoria. This week we can see Willem-Alexander and Maxima. At the homepage of ZDF you can watch the documentary about Victoria,but also can see parts of interviews from the part of Alex and Max. They are all in german, that's why I tried to translate the interviews. I hope my English is not so bad and you can understand it.,1872,5559511,00.htmlHans van den Bergh (republican)You are an adversary of the monarchy. Which arguments militate against the monarchy?
He said it has nothing to do with the people of the Royal House. The Problem is the principle of subject or hierarchy. It is a result of the middle age and include that there is a sovereign deploying by God and all others are depend on him. It is undemocratically. And they (the Republicans) want to change it and make it more democratically like the elections of the mayors. 
How would you evaluate the work of the Royal Family?
Van den Bergh accepted that Queen Beatrix makes a wonderful job, but he criticized her enormous influence in the formation of the government. 
Which power should the Queen have?
No Power like in Sweden. She should cut ribbons, spread out medals and awards, but nothing else. “The less power she has, the merrier it is.” 
How do you judge about the social work of Willem-Alexander and Maxima?
They look very involved with social things, like water management and micro credits. But it is just for the PR. It comes from other people, who say that they must do it. In reality they give much less attention to such things. It is just for the show. 
Didn’t raise the popularity of the Royal House mainly because of Maxima?
He would say yes, but the most people have a sentimental preference for babies. The girls look very cute, also Maxima looks nice, but it has nothing to do with the principles of the system. If somebody is popular that doesn’t mean that the bigger part of the nation supporting the system. But if the Netherlands become a republic, the Royal House would be allowed to stay. 
Which point of view do you have, when you think about the political past of Maxima’s father?
At the one hand you can say, that she is innocent, but at the other hand she raised up in a family with a questionable opinion about democracy. And these are bad premises for the future Queen of the Netherlands.
Reinildis van Ditzhuyzen (historican)Where did the prince and Maxima meet each other?
They met at a party in Seville and it was love at the third sign (Alexander said). He was very angry because there was a girl, which took photos of him. But after a while she asked him, if she could do this. And so the relationship started. 
Did Beatrix has any imaginations about the future wife of the crown prince?
Beatrix had an idea about the monarchy and also about a good crown princess. She preferred a foreigner, because there would be fewer friends in the Netherlands, who would talk about the past of the woman. She wanted someone, who is able to deal with this demanding job. And she favoured somebody of the upper class, because these girls “know to behave”. 
What kind of person is Maxima?
She is a very natural person, genuine, authentic, open, informal, charming and open. You can just speak in superlatives. She is a natural in every circles whether upper class or lower classes. 
How did the Netherlands responsive to the engagement of Willem-Alexander and Maxima?
It was a mood of crisis, because nobody know, if Alexander would give up his right to the throne and choose his great love. 
Is Willem-Alexander prepared for his function as head of state?
He is very well prepared for this function. If something would happen today he could accept this office. He is very promising.
Avi Primor (best friend of the late prince Claus)What kind of person is Willem-Alexander?
He is very pleasant like his two brothers. But they are more reserved. All three are very intellectual and friendly. Alexander is very open and give the feeling, that you always feel comfortable in his present. 
Did Queen Beatrix had any influence of the decision of her son?
No, he was very independent in his decision. He is very sporty and have many friends and in these circles he also had many girlfriends. And he was like every other boy. Not every time the parents knew his girlfriends. Sometimes they didn’t know why. It was very normal. 
How did Beatrix and Claus react, when they found out about the past of Maxima’s father?
They made the difference between the family in Argentina and Maxima. They saw Maxima as the person she was: worthy and able to fulfill the duty. And they saw how much in love they were. That was one of the main arguments. The person Maxima was important, not the past of her father. They thought a lot about it. 
How was the relationship between Claus and Maxima?
He was the first who understood her. Claus invited him to a dinner with Maxima around 2000/ 2001. And he didn’t know who the person was, but she impressed him. She was nice and had an enormous charisma. And Claus asked him, what he thought about her. Claus would know if his personal impression was really a personal or if other also thought the same about her. He really understood and supported her. 
How would you describe the relationship of Willem-Alexander and Maxima?
They are still very much in love. You also see it when they are with the kids and that reminds him of Alexander’s parents, who also were so much in love. It is not artificial. It is genuine.