I don't understand the issue here, I really don't. We don't know what goes on behind closed doors so have no way of knowing what role the nanny's take or why. It seems mad to me to suggest the Queen "demands it".
The outrage being expressed at this shows me how the whole Kate and Meghan feud story could have started and grown as it has. It's Christmas let's think the best of the royals or once and be happy they all get to spend time together. I am sure the children are happy their nanny (whom they re no doubt close to) AND their parents are there.
I don't know what Kate and Meghan have to do with a teenager and an older boy showing up with their nanny?
Also, this is a board where we discuss royals-good and bad; so, that's what is happening here. Not sure why this is a problem? We're not required to only think positively about these people who neither know nor care that we exist-even if it is a particular time of the year. They're public figures. They're not immune from criticism. Personally, I think it is unhealthy and weird that Louise and James have a nanny escorting them to a family event where their parents are present. You do not, and that is just as valid as my view. This is all okay. This is what we do here-we discuss and share opinions of all stripes.
So honestly I can see an age cap for dinner...they probably use HISTORIC china, silverware, and glassware. Lets say that 9 and under eat separately...by my count that would be 16 kids eating separately. If each family brought their nanny I think there would be 9 nannies...we don't believe that the Gilman's can with one so that makes 8 nannies for 16 kids under the age of 10. 2 infants, 1 child age 2, 1 child age 3, 2 children age 4, 2 children age 5, 3 children age 6, 1 child age 7, 3 children age 8, and 1 child age 9.
Sure it sound stupid to us...but...to each there own. I do agree with ralf103...t
he BRF is causing a lot of tension/dishing over the past year and irritation maybe spilling over from one branch to anyone/all. I'm going to try to give myself a personal timeout to cool my own jets...because Oh_C is feeling hot. Of course I spent all day wrestling with wrapping paper so that might have something to do with my angry mood.
None of them are untouchable as far as criticism goes. There are things that QEII has done that are completely unacceptable, IMO. Her snub of Queen Fabiola is one of the most ridiculous and rude things I've ever seen a monarch do in recent years. Same for her lack of attendance at the major events her counterparts on the continent are holding. I don't care how popular Ed and Sophie are; if Beatrix and Margrethe had not rushed over to England for all of Liz's family's events, she'd have had a meltdown. Meghan and Kate aren't the only ones who can be dished on. They're all fair game. If they're doing something obnoxious, they can and should be called out on it.