Where does one start . . .
Well in the world the BRF lives in nanny looks after the children . . . not all the time but is on hand always to "juggle" the fractious times . . . so parents attend lunch without them but they get a "show and tell" appearance

much the same as it was when I was growing up - if there were visitors at night you had been bathed and ready for bed and came "in" to say goodnight.
Moving on . . . . I lived in Gerrards Cross in Buckinghamshire 15 years ago - a very wealthy village in an even richer part of the UK - I was there to manage the UK part of a global project (I was not paying the costs) . . . and the nanny etc was part of life for the rich escapees from London - virtually none of whom had family in those parts. But it was the "Home Counties" ID.
So looking at the attendees - Sophie and Edward - she has been in the RF bubble for so long I doubt she realises that your teenage daughter and 11 year old son don't need "minders". Anne's family - well - they hand their kids off as they need to earn money - or it is what their experience was. The Cambridges - Nanny Maria (or however many of them) are always in the background - Willnot and Wife do what they please - but I give them some slack as it does appear that they are not just "7pm for 7 min" parents. The other Windsor families - QE cousins children etc probably don't have the houses or money to do the "Mary Poppins" approach to life . . .
Oh - and I did get to meet some of the "good and great" - one wanted me to "help" someone get a 12 month job in Oz . . .

Guess achievements outrank family names sometimes