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anastasia beaverhausen

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« Reply #2970 on: December 21, 2018, 03:43:39 AM »

The children do eat separately from the adults. They are only allowed to eat with the adults when they know how to behave/eat with the right cutlery/all the rest that comes with that weird family.


I still can't get past Louise and James showing up with a nanny.   No   This family is so creepy and backward.


I saw that picture and did not connect the dots, but yes it’s bizarre imo.

They are weird on so many levels!
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« Reply #2971 on: December 21, 2018, 03:47:54 AM »

The children do eat separately from the adults. They are only allowed to eat with the adults when they know how to behave/eat with the right cutlery/all the rest that comes with that weird family.


I still can't get past Louise and James showing up with a nanny.   No   This family is so creepy and backward.


I saw that picture and did not connect the dots, but yes it’s bizarre imo.

They are weird on so many levels!

They are!  They IMO, are the most bizarre of all the European royals.  When I think of an ideal, or most royal monarchy, they don't even come close to entering my top three. I think they do so many things in such a backward and stupid way that it simply baffles me that they're popular.

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« Reply #2972 on: December 21, 2018, 09:00:35 AM »

The children do eat separately from the adults. They are only allowed to eat with the adults when they know how to behave/eat with the right cutlery/all the rest that comes with that weird family.


I still can't get past Louise and James showing up with a nanny.   No   This family is so creepy and backward.


I saw that picture and did not connect the dots, but yes it’s bizarre imo.

They are weird on so many levels!

They are!  They IMO, are the most bizarre of all the European royals.  When I think of an ideal, or most royal monarchy, they don't even come close to entering my top three. I think they do so many things in such a backward and stupid way that it simply baffles me that they're popular.

I don't mind them bringing the nannies along because most likely all the children under 16 will be at a separate table and all those children will need all hands on deck in terms of supervision. There is a huge age gap between me and my sister and our cousins and whenever we had family get togethers we were on small children supervision duty.

The thing about the BRF and the nannies is that it is probably party for the course in the well heeled aristo set within which they mix. And whether or not we give them a pass on this it is still odd to most of us because we do not outsource our child rearing.

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« Reply #2973 on: December 21, 2018, 09:17:25 AM »

This is a case for a need to 'modernise' the monarchy in certain respects. An 11-year-old has very little need for a nanny, and a teenager even less.

Is there a set age any of us know when a child can sit with the adults, or just when their etiquette is judged suitable? If Lady Louise has to sit with the kiddies, I'm sure that frustrates her. I would be annoyed as a teen having to sit among the kids that I have nothing to relate to. Who knows? Maybe she likes helping to look after the children?


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« Reply #2974 on: December 21, 2018, 09:47:55 AM »

I'm not surprised. The Queen is an old lady who runs things like an old lady of her time would. Kids eat separately, with the nannies. It is probably totally normal to her. I don't think she even wants children at church until they're at least ten, right? It's so bizarre to me, and to us normal folks, but I think that is their normal. These people live in another freakin' world. When she goes I think a lot of that will be thrown out--rightly so. My grandmother is somewhat similar and she is even older than the Queen; she always expected the small children to behave and be at their own tables and frowned upon bringing kids into church and so on. It's a different mindset to our modern world.

Louise seems like a sweet, gentle natured gal who was hovering over the littles nicely in Eugenie's wedding. Maybe she likes it. I know I did't mind it when I shephereded (that IS a word now!) my little cousins all the time at family events. Smiley Maybe she does enjoy it.

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« Reply #2975 on: December 21, 2018, 10:30:14 AM »

Where does one start . . .

Well in the world the BRF lives in nanny looks after the children  . . . not all the time but is on hand always to "juggle" the fractious times . . . so parents attend lunch  without them but they get a "show and tell" appearance  Grin much the same as it was when I was growing up - if there were visitors at night you had been bathed and ready for bed and came "in" to say goodnight.

Moving on . . . . I lived in Gerrards Cross in Buckinghamshire 15 years ago - a very wealthy village in an even richer part of the UK - I was there to manage the UK part of a global project (I was not paying the costs) . . . and the nanny etc was part of life for the rich escapees from London - virtually none of whom had family in those parts. But it was the "Home Counties" ID.

So looking at the attendees - Sophie and Edward - she has been in the RF bubble for so long I doubt she realises that your teenage daughter and 11 year old son don't need "minders". Anne's family  - well - they hand their kids off as they need to earn money - or it is what their experience was. The Cambridges - Nanny Maria (or however many of them) are always in the background - Willnot and Wife do what they please - but I give them some slack as it does appear that they are not just "7pm for 7 min" parents. The other Windsor families - QE cousins children etc probably don't have the houses or money to do the "Mary Poppins" approach to life . . .

Oh - and I did get to meet some of the "good and great" - one wanted me to "help" someone get a 12 month job in Oz . . .  Guess achievements outrank family names sometimes Icecream
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« Reply #2976 on: December 21, 2018, 04:24:20 PM »

This thread is for news on the BRF. Dishing on William, Kate, their children, Harry and Meghan is only allowed in their respective sections.
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