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Author Topic: PMarie's year of success  (Read 21687 times)
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« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2010, 07:32:53 PM »

hanzo, chill out.  you are the one who keeps harping on this subject.  can you not take the criticism?  why do you care that some disagree?  i am sure many disagree with my posts. 

I think that you should read this thread again cause all I read was how I'm wrong and should leave this topic cause your all tired of It
and what criticism you gave to me?
I know.  I guess there is nothing new to criticize so the maternity leave must be rehashed.
I think you forgot to write that I'm jealous

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« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2010, 07:47:02 PM »

Back on topic.

In royal wife terms I think her year has been fairly successful.

She's had several trips abroad, some with her husband some alone. She has picked up several patronages, some important some less so. She has given birth to a son. She has picked up the language very well. She seems to enjoy good relations with her in-laws and husband's first wife.

Sure, she hasn't solved the ME crisis, found a cure for cancer or stopped climate change but did anyone expect her to?
IMO she's progressed well so far and in 2010 she needs to build on the foundation thus far.

Becoming more involved with her patronages and possibly picking up some more. However, not simply collecting them like Mary has done, would be something I would like to see more of.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 07:54:22 PM by Little_star » Logged

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« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2010, 07:51:34 PM »

how come my posts are any different to yours? (not just you) I suspect that she is lazy you think that she is not I read your comment you read mine we both didn't changed our minds what so wrong about that and how come It's suddenly unusual in this board? I don't think that It is If you mean by discussion that I'm now after hearing you point need to change my mind so no I guess I'm not discussing and what's with all the singeling out of my opinion I thought the rule we have was discussing anything without bashing so far I think that's exactly what I'm doing
now I'm really sorry that some of you (and by that I'm not talking about you Maria but on others) who can't take the "Marie maternity leave" topic anymore for some reason but that's your problem just skip my posts or write something else in away you want me to censor myself and I won't do It

I don't know if our posts are that different Wink I don't see you debating much here though. You think she's lazy - that's fine. I argue, that is very possible that she is, but because of this and that I think it's too soon to judge her. You say whatever, you think she's lazy. See, what I mean? That's not really discussing a subject. And of course, I could just skip your posts, but then it would hardly be a discussion would it Smiley

Anyhow - to get back on topic; I think it'll be interesting to see what she'll do next year. Will she work more, will she start supporting more organizations - and which ones. Will she and Joachim go to some of the weddings, I wonder. I think she did pretty well in 2009.
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« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2010, 08:04:29 PM »

I don't see Marie doing that much more in 2010 - mainly because I see her being pregnant again!
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« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2010, 08:08:51 PM »

I don't see Marie doing that much more in 2010 - mainly because I see her being pregnant again!

That would certainly be an easy way for her to keep her workload light Wink

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« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2010, 08:09:11 PM »

how come my posts are any different to yours? (not just you) I suspect that she is lazy you think that she is not I read your comment you read mine we both didn't changed our minds what so wrong about that and how come It's suddenly unusual in this board? I don't think that It is If you mean by discussion that I'm now after hearing you point need to change my mind so no I guess I'm not discussing and what's with all the singeling out of my opinion I thought the rule we have was discussing anything without bashing so far I think that's exactly what I'm doing
now I'm really sorry that some of you (and by that I'm not talking about you Maria but on others) who can't take the "Marie maternity leave" topic anymore for some reason but that's your problem just skip my posts or write something else in away you want me to censor myself and I won't do It

I don't know if our posts are that different Wink I don't see you debating much here though. You think she's lazy - that's fine. I argue, that is very possible that she is, but because of this and that I think it's too soon to judge her. You say whatever, you think she's lazy. See, what I mean? That's not really discussing a subject. And of course, I could just skip your posts, but then it would hardly be a discussion would it Smiley

but that's exactly what I said! so we agree that we have different opinions none of us can prove It we can only speculate so what there's more to discuss? It's the usual we agree to disagree what so bad about It It's not as though I didn't read what you wrote I did but so far It hasn't changed my mind same for you with my posts I don't see the problem I can't prove It except that she didn't really worked before the wedding and doesn't now and yes I think that she should  Wink

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« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2010, 08:18:07 PM »

but that's exactly what I said! so we agree that we have different opinions none of us can prove It we can only speculate so what there's more to discuss? It's the usual we agree to disagree what so bad about It It's not as though I didn't read what you wrote I did but so far It hasn't changed my mind same for you with my posts I don't see the problem I can't prove It except that she didn't really worked before the wedding and doesn't now and yes I think that she should  Wink

I don't think facts needs to be proven Wink She has been pregnant and on maternity leave. Show me a princess that has worked hard during pregnancy and the first time after having a baby, please. And no, she didn't work in Denmark before the wedding because she didn't live here. Again - she might very well be lazy, and yes BB sugarcoates EVERYTHING but facts are hardly matters of opinion or things you can simply ignore if they don't fit with your opinion. Also her Danish has improved a lot during the year so she has obviously also been studying Danish - that's also a fact.

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« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2010, 08:26:51 PM »

I was talking about her work ethic as a whole not only the Danish period
she can work more now as I said before maternity leave or not you can say she isn't special among royals about that I agree but so what? It doesn't matter to me because this situation is not right for all of them and I'm pretty sure that I criticize them all not only her  Wink

as for her Danish that's great to hear I thought It was obvious at least in that past that I generally like her but she dissapoints me now days

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« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2010, 08:37:38 PM »

Yes, we have had the dicussion before. I am perfectly ready to accept that Marie will be another lazy and sluurping addition to the DRF but I think it's unfair to judge her at this moment - just like I think one has to remember her position. No way is she going to be allowed to outshine Mary in any way. I guess it's a shame she can't be banned from speaking as she already putting Mary's Danish in a bad light Spiteful

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« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2010, 08:49:39 PM »

I was talking about her work ethic as a whole not only the Danish period
she can work more now as I said before maternity leave or not you can say she isn't special among royals about that I agree but so what? It doesn't matter to me because this situation is not right for all of them and I'm pretty sure that I criticize them all not only her  Wink

as for her Danish that's great to hear I thought It was obvious at least in that past that I generally like her but she dissapoints me now days

The topic is how she did this year. It's kind of pointless IMO to compare her work before she was a princess to her work as a princess. Not to mention that it's mostly speculation as we know very little about her work before. As a whole we can agree that the DRF are a lazy bunch but considering that Marie has had a baby last year, is only the second wife of the second prince and has been a royal for the shortest time I don't think she is the one we should/could expect most from.

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« Reply #40 on: January 19, 2010, 09:00:54 PM »

I was talking about her work ethic as a whole not only the Danish period
she can work more now as I said before maternity leave or not you can say she isn't special among royals about that I agree but so what? It doesn't matter to me because this situation is not right for all of them and I'm pretty sure that I criticize them all not only her  Wink

as for her Danish that's great to hear I thought It was obvious at least in that past that I generally like her but she dissapoints me now days

The topic is how she did this year. It's kind of pointless IMO to compare her work before she was a princess to her work as a princess. Not to mention that it's mostly speculation as we know very little about her work before. As a whole we can agree that the DRF are a lazy bunch but considering that Marie has had a baby last year, is only the second wife of the second prince and has been a royal for the shortest time I don't think she is the one we should/could expect most from.
I know that It's your point of view because I had this discussion with you before:
for me It isn't all or none I can criticize both the entire family and Marie (or Fred or whoever) and honestly I can't see why she needs to be given such a big slack she doesn't live a life that is very different than any of them.
her mil is elderly, her sil is also a somewhat new mom they all live a life of luxury

I do think that looking at her lack of work ethic in the past shows a huge flaw of her character which is very relevant for making an opinion about her IMO

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« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2010, 09:11:22 PM »

I was talking about her work ethic as a whole not only the Danish period
she can work more now as I said before maternity leave or not you can say she isn't special among royals about that I agree but so what? It doesn't matter to me because this situation is not right for all of them and I'm pretty sure that I criticize them all not only her  Wink
as for her Danish that's great to hear I thought It was obvious at least in that past that I generally like her but she dissapoints me now days
The topic is how she did this year. It's kind of pointless IMO to compare her work before she was a princess to her work as a princess. Not to mention that it's mostly speculation as we know very little about her work before. As a whole we can agree that the DRF are a lazy bunch but considering that Marie has had a baby last year, is only the second wife of the second prince and has been a royal for the shortest time I don't think she is the one we should/could expect most from.
I know that It's your point of view because I had this discussion with you before:
for me It isn't all or none I can criticize both the entire family and Marie (or Fred or whoever) and honestly I can't see why she needs to be given such a big slack she doesn't live a life that is very different than any of them. her mil is elderly, her sil is also a somewhat new mom they all live a life of luxury

I do think that looking at her lack of work ethic in the past shows a huge flaw of her character which is very relevant for making an opinion about her IMO

I get where both of you are coming from. Why don't just accept an opinion, maybe comment on it, and then leave it on the floor - instead of going back and forth.

I have one question though hanzo1, how should Marie have shown us her Confused work ethic according to you? Can you give me an example??

She has to wait to get any patronage directed to her and then these patronages are mostly the "less important ones" So, how should she have proved her work ethic to the world?


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« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2010, 09:16:42 PM »

I was talking about her work ethic as a whole not only the Danish period
she can work more now as I said before maternity leave or not you can say she isn't special among royals about that I agree but so what? It doesn't matter to me because this situation is not right for all of them and I'm pretty sure that I criticize them all not only her  Wink

as for her Danish that's great to hear I thought It was obvious at least in that past that I generally like her but she dissapoints me now days

The topic is how she did this year. It's kind of pointless IMO to compare her work before she was a princess to her work as a princess. Not to mention that it's mostly speculation as we know very little about her work before. As a whole we can agree that the DRF are a lazy bunch but considering that Marie has had a baby last year, is only the second wife of the second prince and has been a royal for the shortest time I don't think she is the one we should/could expect most from.

is that only applicable to marie? because mary's work before she was a princess is used over and over again against her. so it mette marit's work and past. or letizia's. and probably others as well.

hanzo expect to continue to be disappointed in marie in the future. she's a lazy bum. has proved it in the past and will continue to prove it in future. expect also the board to go on sugar overdose with marie: one lousy and mismanaged trip abroad = several, one new patronage = several, and so on.
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« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2010, 09:17:18 PM »

I know that It's your point of view because I had this discussion with you before:
for me It isn't all or none I can criticize both the entire family and Marie (or Fred or whoever) and honestly I can't see why she needs to be given such a big slack she doesn't live a life that is very different than any of them.
her mil is elderly, her sil is also a somewhat new mom they all live a life of luxury

I do think that looking at her lack of work ethic in the past shows a huge flaw of her character which is very relevant for making an opinion about her IMO

Is it giving her slack to point to the difference in position? Is it giving her slack expecting different from the future king and queen than the second wife of the second son who's position will get smaller and smaller in the future? I think it is unfair to expect the same from Mary and Marie. Especially at this point, and you don't seem to respond to that at all. As time goes by their situations will be more and more different so of course one can't expect the same from them.

About her work ethic - you're not really responding to my posts. First of all we don't know that much about her worklife before - so it's up for personal opinion what her work ethics are like. Her carrer may not have been impressive, I'll give you that but she seems to be quite well-prepared for the princess role. Second you cannot compare the work life or a princess to that of an ordinary person. Least of all in Denmark. And again - as far as Marie is concerned she had a baby this year and so on. This discussion is totally futile as we're back at square one now Wink

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« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2010, 09:20:51 PM »

I actually think we do accepts each other opinion I guess both of us understand It more at least I do  Champagne

 PeDe why does she have to wait? you think that there are no patronage left in Denmark? Mary is covering every illness? all causes are taken? I seriously doubt that Mary's patronage are health and social but there are many topics around It I'm sure It can be found I'm not Danish so I can tell specifically what is needed but why wouldn't she do more for her area of living? more of healthy life style? she is IMO the healthiest in the DRF

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