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Author Topic: PMarie's year of success  (Read 21675 times)
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« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2010, 09:24:31 PM »

is that only applicable to marie? because mary's work before she was a princess is used over and over again against her. so it mette marit's work and past. or letizia's. and probably others as well.

hanzo expect to continue to be disappointed in marie in the future. she's a lazy bum. has proved it in the past and will continue to prove it in future. expect also the board to go on sugar overdose with marie: one lousy and mismanaged trip abroad = several, one new patronage = several, and so on.

I don't think so. I am not the one harping on Marie's past work ethics here. AFAIK Marie hasn't claimed to be a carrerwomen unlike Mary who seemed to be quite ambitious but didn't really go anywhere. Unlike Mary, MM and Letizia Marie is not a future queen though. She can hardly be expected to work harder that Mary. So look at Mary's schedule and subtract a bit = that's how much we can expect Marie to end up working. That's how it works in Denmark. It has next to nothing to do with Marie or her will to work.

As for her being a lazy bum = an opinion. Her being the newest princess, who's been pregnant and had a new baby and obviously been busy learning Danish in 2009 = facts.

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« Reply #46 on: January 19, 2010, 09:28:00 PM »

In the Point de Vue/ Billed Bladet interview, Marie said herself she didn't take more patronages in 2009 because she became pregnant after only 3 months of marriage. and that now she would like to take some more...Wait and see. Cool

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« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2010, 09:34:30 PM »

so we finish with that
I don't expect her of anything I do think that she should work much more less than Mary but more than she does today
as for the maternity leave leading to not working my opinon hasn't changed  Wink
I do have to say that even when she works most of her patronage are fluff and IMO dispensable in my view when comparing, Mary justify her luxury more through that perspective.

I don't think that being pregnant means you can't work unless she had health problems
I don't think that when your job is so simple, your life is so simple and you get all the help in the world even though being a mom doesn't not mean you can't work even more so with the concept of work of the DRF and after all she even flew both to Russia and China during this time

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« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2010, 09:49:14 PM »

so we finish with that
I don't expect her of anything I do think that she should work much more less than Mary but more than she does today
as for the maternity leave leading to not working my opinon hasn't changed  Wink
I do have to say that even when she works most of her patronage are fluff and IMO dispensable in my view when comparing, Mary justify her luxury more through that perspective.

I don't think that being pregnant means you can't work unless she had health problems
I don't think that when your job is so simple, your life is so simple and you get all the help in the world even though being a mom doesn't not mean you can't work even more so with the concept of work of the DRF and after all she even flew both to Russia and China during this time

We're not finished if you keep discussing it Tongue

Again - I think she should work more too but during her first year as a princess, while pregnant and with a new baby = not the time to expect her to do a lot of work. Btw - Alex and Mary started up slow too. I don't see why Marie should start up faster than either of those two Huh?

Again - her taking maternity leave is hardly a matter or opinion Huh? It's a fact - she took it. She has a right to it. That's how it works in Denmark. She has obviously been learning Danish so it's not like she's been lying on a sofa eating bonbons whilst chatting in French with Joachim, while a nanny took care of Henrik. As for whether her life (with a baby) is easy - we can't know how hand-on she has been. I'm guessing she's been breastfeeding. That can be bloddy hard whether you've got pratical help or not. Since when is having a baby easy Huh?

Also - lots of the things royals do these days a fluffy. How is Marie significantly different from Mary? Mary should work more. She's the crown princess, she gets her own pay, she has lived here for a lot longer. I would not at all call Marie (or any other member of the DRF) anything close to hardworking but harping at Marie of all of them makes very little sense to me.
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« Reply #49 on: January 19, 2010, 10:14:09 PM »

PeDe why does she have to wait? you think that there are no patronage left in Denmark? Mary is covering every illness? all causes are taken? I seriously doubt that Mary's patronage are health and social but there are many topics around It I'm sure It can be found I'm not Danish so I can tell specifically what is needed but why wouldn't she do more for her area of living? more of healthy life style? she is IMO the healthiest in the DRF

Why I think she has to wait? Because I don't know how the patronages are distributed, technically speaking. I don't imagine you can go to QMII and say you would like to be a patron of e.g. "the homless people in DM"; or "be the patron of the Leukemia foundation for infants", etc.

I can imagine that any foundation has to apply to MQIIs office and ask to have Marie as their patront and then the office of QMII will decide if that is a patronage which - depending on the exposure - can be given to her or falls into the realm of CPM.

But that's how I imagine it goes. I don't think Marie can decide that she wants to do this or that and then just do it. I believe there is more bureaucracy behind it than we could ever imagine.

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« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2010, 10:51:38 PM »

I also think another factor is that Marie would not  be allowed by the royal court to have more patronages or in any way allow to overshadow Mary. So she's less visible, takes on less patronages and public engagements.

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« Reply #51 on: January 20, 2010, 12:33:42 AM »

PeDe why does she have to wait? you think that there are no patronage left in Denmark? Mary is covering every illness? all causes are taken? I seriously doubt that Mary's patronage are health and social but there are many topics around It I'm sure It can be found I'm not Danish so I can tell specifically what is needed but why wouldn't she do more for her area of living? more of healthy life style? she is IMO the healthiest in the DRF

Why I think she has to wait? Because I don't know how the patronages are distributed, technically speaking. I don't imagine you can go to QMII and say you would like to be a patron of e.g. "the homless people in DM"; or "be the patron of the Leukemia foundation for infants", etc.

I can imagine that any foundation has to apply to MQIIs office and ask to have Marie as their patront and then the office of QMII will decide if that is a patronage which - depending on the exposure - can be given to her or falls into the realm of CPM.

But that's how I imagine it goes. I don't think Marie can decide that she wants to do this or that and then just do it. I believe there is more bureaucracy behind it than we could ever imagine.

If I remember right, it is a mixture. Organizations can pose a question to the court to have a patron, which the court evaluates and responds to, but there is also the option that the royal has an interest in something and asks the organization.

The Ski Federation has it on record from a meeting in April 2009 that they are continually working to get Princess Marie to be their patron. But there is also the quest of the court to designate a profile for her with her organizations, that doesn't overshadow a) Margrethe, b) Mary or c) Joachim. And I would not be surprised if they had some feelers out to find the right organizations for their purposes in those cases.

To get back on track. I think her first year whole year as a princess has been a moderate success. There haven't been any really big gaffes, she has taken her maternity leave (I think there would have been quite an uproar in Denmark if she hadn't taken it, because it is so ingrained in the Danish culture by now) and she has slowly started appearing in public/"work" again.

I don't think we will see Marie out and about as much as we saw Alex or Mary. I don't say that because I think she is lazy, but because the court has one princess they're promoting to the fullest, whose role will increase as years go by, whereas Marie's role will be small, and likely won't increase to much beyond what Princess Benedikte's activity is today. (If that.)

I think Marie's level of activity also would depend on how quickly the next pregnancy comes - and when Frederik becomes King.

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« Reply #52 on: January 20, 2010, 10:24:10 AM »

Pfff, what a discussion. About the maternity leave, it's indeed the best not to discuss it any further, because for almost every non Dane (and for me as a Dutchy who got only 12 weeks of it when she had her kids..., now it's 16 weeks leave) that amount of leave is almost ridiculous... We'd better blame the men in grey then for giving La BonBon such a fluffy lightweight profile??? Sad

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« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2010, 01:41:52 PM »

What does "work ethic" mean?  How do you define it?  Multiple degrees, working from 9 am to 8 pm and then taking care of the family?  Who is an example of a person with a strong work ethic?  Aren't we all?  Those people in third world countries who pick garbage to feed their families have as much as a "work ethic" as Hilary Clinton (leaving aside whatever personal feeling one has of her).

Marie finished a degree (doesn't matter if it's a degree in the Arts or brain surgery), she got a job (through her stepfather?  So what.  She turned up every day at work, probably paid for her flat, went on vacation once a year, had a social life, etc, etc.  Marie is remarkable for being normal and that's a good start.  The important thing for me, is not the seriousness of the patronages (because if there's a ski federation it must mean that they take skiing seriously, therefore created a group and are defending their interests) but how much heart and soul she will put into them.
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« Reply #54 on: January 20, 2010, 07:21:24 PM »

What does "work ethic" mean?  How do you define it?  Multiple degrees, working from 9 am to 8 pm and then taking care of the family?  Who is an example of a person with a strong work ethic?  Aren't we all?  Those people in third world countries who pick garbage to feed their families have as much as a "work ethic" as Hilary Clinton (leaving aside whatever personal feeling one has of her).

Marie finished a degree (doesn't matter if it's a degree in the Arts or brain surgery), she got a job (through her stepfather?  So what.  She turned up every day at work, probably paid for her flat, went on vacation once a year, had a social life, etc, etc.  Marie is remarkable for being normal and that's a good start.  The important thing for me, is not the seriousness of the patronages (because if there's a ski federation it must mean that they take skiing seriously, therefore created a group and are defending their interests) but how much heart and soul she will put into them.

Well said Purple, ITA with you - here is a  Star

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« Reply #55 on: January 20, 2010, 09:48:22 PM »

ITA Purple Thumb up Star

Mary has the same background-degree, etc, but shes changed so much since becoming princess.  Marie seems to be the same person that she was when she was Marie Cavallier.  Thats the difference between the two (of course-shes new at this princess gig, so time will tell). 

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« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2010, 12:37:15 PM »

Thanks PeDe and Pixiecat and Pixiecat, you summed it up well  Thumb up
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« Reply #57 on: May 18, 2012, 07:25:52 PM »

another year of success.... Smiley

Princess Marie - A modern princess.

This year will mark 10 years since Marie and Joachim saw each other the first time. This Sunday, Princess Marie and Prince Joachim, will baptize their second child, and it is almost on the date four years ago, that the two married. No the French-born Marie is Danish, lives in Møgeltønder and matched her family and her princess duties.

She was 31 years old when she was officially presented as Prince Joachim's fiancée in October 2007. Today she is 36, and a mother of two. There is 'something' about her appearance. Or rather, there has been 'something more'. A kind of maturity, which is not only about being five years older and have had two children, but perhaps rather is a picture of how it looks when one finds herself in the life that well-adjusted and calls for one.

They were married on 24 of May 2008, in Møgeltønder Church. But this year is actually 10 years ago, that Marie and Joachim saw each other the first time. Marie was single then. Joachim was married. There was nothing between them at the hunting party other than good chemistry. But as Marie so beautifully told in the first major interview, the couple gave after the engagement:
- It was almost like it was meant to be, or at least it was a very strange coincidence that we should meet in this period. How else do otherwise explain it?

Only when Joachim was on his way out of his marriage, a few years later, he resumed the contact to Marie. The rest of the story is familiar: A Danish couple on vacation in Avignon, France spotted Prince Joachim, who stood close together with a pretty brunette. The couple snapped a photo and sent the picture home to See and Hear.

How Marie chooses to apply herself in the future will be exciting to follow.

See a gallery of Princess Marie in all shades of her work - and a few pictures of her wedding dress from her wedding to Prince Joachim. We could not resist ... In this week's Sunday, you can read the large portrait of Princess Marie after 4 years as a princess - mother of two, mature and modern:  http://www.billedbladet.d...%20moden%20prinsesse.aspx
« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 07:36:11 PM by PeDe » Logged


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« Reply #58 on: May 18, 2012, 09:40:28 PM »

she didn't do much this year as with previous years I can't call her performance a success

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« Reply #59 on: May 18, 2012, 09:43:32 PM »

she didn't do much this year as with previous years I can't call her performance a success

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