I think she is cute but not beautiful. She sparkles personality-wise. Love seeing her in action.
I think Leonor will be the drop-dead gorgeous one... if she ever gets to the throne (thank you very much JC!).
I agree that Leonor is going to be the gorgeous one of the future queens, she is an absolutely beautiful little child. Her parents are both very good looking and loving and both her and her sister seem very well behaved, so she'll probably grow into a great princess if her grandfather doesn't screw it all up before she gets the chance.
Ingrid to me is cute with a mischievous sparkle, you can see both of her parents in her, but I find her cute rather than classically beautiful. This is not a bad thing at all, different people are likable and pretty in different ways.
I think Amalia will be a lot like her mother. On the curvier side but have a hugely vivacious personality that owns a room and people will be drawn to her.