Ingrid Alexandra has according to Se og Hør moved out from Skaugum and lives now in an appartment in trendy Grunerløkka by herself close to many of her friends. They do not publish photo of where she lives. 
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security? how difficult would it be to find out where she lives in that suburb? G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
security? how difficult would it be to find out where she lives in that suburb? G  Of course she has security with her, when Haakon lived in central Oslo it was well known where he lived. Its only for a short while before she is going to Troms for the military anyway, and that is really of the grid and we will probably not see her much for a year considering the distance home. Im sure for a social 19 year old, a gated farm in rural Asker is like Social Siberia and its probably wonderful to live in the central Oslo where everything happens for some months alone before sharing a room with 5-6 other boys and girls in the military barracks (in the norwegian army girls and boys share one room)
VGs commentator is not impressed with Se og Hørs coverage of Ingrids "secret life on the east side of Oslo".... Nineteen-year-olds should be allowed to move, have a boyriend and walk down the street - without the press being there to turn it into a sensational issue.
This week, our nineteen-year-old princess was on the front of Se og Hør.
She has moved to a very popular and common district in Oslo. They have found her, taken pictures of her, and created the headline: Living in hiding on the east side.
Living in hiding is a dramatic way of saying that she has a secret address, which is not a shock in itself.
Nevertheless, they post a "paparazzi" picture of her in a hoodie, use the word exposed, and have lined up the sequels: See the pictures of Ingrid on the east side, and a comment from the editor, with the title: A chill princess, who is amazed over the fact that she did not choose - quote: A safe neighborhood on the west side.
The princess may be "chill", but someone who isn't? Se og Hør. This is the time they have been waiting for.
The princess is of age, and they can write more about her than they could when she was a child. And guess if they've been on since the first opportunity.
They are far from the only ones - our own newspaper must also be mentioned here.
It is easy to lose empathy with the royal, rich and privileged. But many of us have been a teenager.
So, let me ask you one thing. Visualize it. (I mean it, picture it).
It's your birthday. You are turning eighteen, and you have invited a boy. The press writes about him: "Here is the secret lover".
The editor defends making a case against a non-public young man, saying that "it no longer appears as an innocent youth flirtation" now that he has received an invitation and turned up at the birthday party.
That's how it is: Adult editors decide who is a flirt and who isn't, and when everyone gets to know who you're dating.
You are used to this. They've been taking pictures of you since you were a baby. But since you are of age today, now is the starting point for the opportunity for the media to interfere in your life - as you have seen them interfere in the lives of your parents.
Anything that can be twisted in the slightest bit controversial will be.
Hidden address east of Akerselva? Yes, then you live in hiding on the east side, then!
You live with the constant certainty that every choice you make will be scrutinized. If you're going to resign, it's going to be a huge mess.
Well, luckily you're not a princess. So it's easy to say:
She has to endure this! That's just how it is! It is not you who have chosen that there should be a monarchy!
Yes, the princess is a princess.
Had she volunteered for that role, I would have agreed that she has to put up with it. But she is born into a monarchy that makes her everyday life anything but normal.
Then I think we have an additional responsibility for when and how we refer to her private life.
The princess has not chosen to be one of Norway's biggest celebrities. Regardless of how she herself thinks she thrives in the role she has been given: She is also a 19-year-old.
There are many wise journalists and people in general who agree that there must be a balance. But it also needs to be talked about out loud.
Critical journalism? Go ahead. It is important, good and necessary. But we help decide what the princess's life will be like, and how much freedom and opportunities she will have.
We should not punish people for systems they have not chosen to be a part of. And we should not be uncritical of young people, just because they are of legal age.
"It's just the way it is" is not an argument. We always have a choice.
Well, I have to say that there are parts of Grunerløkka that are definitely a bit of a walk on the wild side. But it's a fascinating and diverse part of Oslo. I've stayed in Grunerløkka, and met more intersting people there than anywhere else in Norway.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 4078
 Virgin Islands, British
Posts: 23856
Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
 Larzen. thx. G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
November 29IA and her boyfriend Magnus (+ QS) attended Maud Angelica Behn's first solo exhibition, "Experimental Sprouts".  
They are taking a very relaxed approach to the whole boyfriend situation, and most of the norwegian press seems to be equally relaxed and it has so far only been mentioned in Se og Hør, and AFAIK the "normal press" does not even write his name. No engagemetns rumours like in Denmark after one private photo. I guess its working for them since we have hardly had any papparazzi pictures of them. We will see if he appears for Sverre Magnus birthday lunch on friday, and if the Se og Hør known anything about Sverres private life they now also feels free to share on friday.
There is no supprise who is going to sell the christmas edition of se og hør, they have Photos of Ingrid and Magnus going to the theatre to see Henrik Ibsens a Dolls house. They write they they have moved in together and gotten som royal experts to say it has public interest and is almost like an engagement  at the same time they wrote that he is studying in Lancaster until june and she is going to the military in Troms in some days, so it is certainly a very long distance living arrangement
The interest in the princess military service that starts this Week is quite big with articles in the papers everyday since christmas. Today VG has been allowed into Skjold camp and is shown around in her home for the next year and to hear about the routines in the camp. Soldier Frida Berge-Urgård (19) gives VG a tour of the camp where the princess will move in this week.
- This is a good place to blend into the crowd, she says.
Princess Ingrid Alexandra (19) will have initial service in the Engineer Battalion in Brigade Nord for one year.
What awaits the princess, and what will everyday life be like?
Row after row of empty barracks stand ready to receive new recruits.
Since August, Berge-Urgård from Bodø has been
- This is where we sleep and are when we have time off, says Berge-Urgård.
In three-storey blocks, bedrooms are located down a long corridor. In the basement there is a laundry, at the entrance there is a small living room.
Every year, several young receuits visit Skjold camp for their initial service. They live in barracks like this.
Six people share a bedroom here. There is a shared bathroom in the hall.
- Ten rooms share one bathroom. The girls' wardrobe is down in the basement. We have made it so that one WC is for the girls. It's not very luxurious, but it's easy to wash since it's so small.
Here, women and men live next to each other in one room, closer than a normal family does at home.
- At the start it was very unusual, not many people are used to living like this.
Some are luckier than others.
- There is a difference between the mattresses. Some barracks are known to have slightly better mattresses. I had a thick one, but some had to sleep on some that are very thin.
Awakened by "Bella" An old tradition carries with it a sound that no recruit can escape after a night of sleep.
Berge-Urgård says that a bell that goes by the name "Bella" has been passed down for generations.
- We use this to wake up the recruits in the morning. It makes quite a loud noise. I'll go down the hall and call when they're here.
Ritual and traditions It is not only hard work that characterizes the everyday life of the soldiers. There are many social rituals - and the princess will soon become part of them.
Some of what the recruits have to go through is shift shows.
- What happens then?
- The commander comes and asks us to take part of the uniform. When everyone is ready and lined up, they ask us to put on something new. And that's how they switch.
When someone has a birthday, they are celebrated with push-ups.
- We sing the birthday song while the birthday person does "pushups" and then it is important to sing as slowly as possible so that the person has to do many rounds.
On January 21, the princess turns 20.
That the princess is going to Skjold was announced by the Palace this summer. Berge-Urgård notices that many have caught on.
- Many people ask about it, she says and adds:
- When you come here as a recruit and are just as new as everyone else who comes. Everyone becomes very similar in the green uniform The soldiers have the lowest rank, private, in the first service in the Army. The supreme commander is General King Harald.
The first training new conscripts meet is called the recruit, and extends over a few months.
The program is intense, and they are not allowed to go home from camp until it is finished.
- They receive basic training in survival, weapons and combat techniques, says Bjørn Kråkstad.
He is the commander of the battalion, and describes Skjold as a small camp.
Bjørn Kråkstad, commander of the Engineer Battalion, says that the soldiers in the battalion are among those with the broadest field of expertise in the Armed Forces.
- The normal preparations The situation in the world has changed in the last two years, with several wars.
- It is clear that this has had an impact on the seriousness and the work we do, says Kråkstad and adds:
- Before Princess Ingrid Alexandra arrives, we have made the normal preparations, says Kråkstad.
He is used to receiving recruits twice a year. They enter as civilians and are trained as soldiers.
- This is going to go very well. We have well-trained commanders, and are ready to receive the recruits who arrive this week.
Photo: Bastian Lunde Hvitmyhr, VG Shoe polish, poo bags, name tags and tape for chafing are ready for the new soldiers.
There is a lot of equipment needed.
The first thing that meets them when they are about to eat is a picture of the royal couple, to whom everyone must greet before they can eat.
An american man has been arrested for arriving in Norway with illegal weapons and a book with adresses to many of the royals. Apparantly he wanted to marry princess Ingrid Alexandra. The court has no comment ....An American in his 40s landed at Gardermoen on Wednesday, and the following day he had his luggage handed over with several illegal firearms in it. The same day he was arrested by the police.
When the luggage was searched, a notebook with the names and addresses of several members of the royal family was also found.
VG writes that the man in his 40s is known to both the police and His Majesty the King's Guard from earlier.
The ruling states that he was also expelled from Norway in August 2021. Then he must have visited the royal family at the castle and at Skaugum. His connection to Norway and his purpose for his stay seem to be, among other things, a particular preoccupation with the Norwegian royal family and especially Princess Ingrid Alexandra - whom he wants to marry, according to his police statement," the ruling states.
The man has now been detained for four weeks. The ruling states that the police will have the man convicted and deported from Norway within a short time. is a big difference between the gun laws in the USA and Norway, fortunately. This was unwise and naive.
- The case will be decided by a confession. Then my client will be deported from the country, says defense attorney Jørund Lægland to VG.
An american man has been arrested for arriving in Norway with illegal weapons and a book with adresses to many of the royals. Apparantly he wanted to marry princess Ingrid Alexandra. The court has no comment ....An American in his 40s landed at Gardermoen on Wednesday, and the following day he had his luggage handed over with several illegal firearms in it. The same day he was arrested by the police.
When the luggage was searched, a notebook with the names and addresses of several members of the royal family was also found.
VG writes that the man in his 40s is known to both the police and His Majesty the King's Guard from earlier.
The ruling states that he was also expelled from Norway in August 2021. Then he must have visited the royal family at the castle and at Skaugum. His connection to Norway and his purpose for his stay seem to be, among other things, a particular preoccupation with the Norwegian royal family and especially Princess Ingrid Alexandra - whom he wants to marry, according to his police statement," the ruling states.
The man has now been detained for four weeks. The ruling states that the police will have the man convicted and deported from Norway within a short time. is a big difference between the gun laws in the USA and Norway, fortunately. This was unwise and naive.
- The case will be decided by a confession. Then my client will be deported from the country, says defense attorney Jørund Lægland to VG. that’s terrifying, I’m glad they caught him before he could attack the NRF.
Nice to see a couple of other young women in the group.
Kongehuset released this photo for her 20 birthday tomorrow 