Ingrid Alexandra met with the press yesterday to announce that she will be extending her military service to 15 months (ending in April next year). Royal Highness Princess Ingrid Alexandra is serving her initial service at the Engineer Battalion in Brigade Nord, and she is now starting her professional training. The princess is an engineer soldier, and has a service position as a gunner on a CV90 STING vehicle. Together with the rest of the company, she has extended the initial service to 15 months.
Private Alexandra serves at Skjold camp in Indre Troms, and on Thursday 19 September a press pool was invited to the training field at the camp. There, the team trained on explosive breakthroughs in minefields, and the Princess's secondary role is storm engineer. Today's training was the second time the team carried out this training with sharp explosives.
In the meeting with the press, the Princess highlighted the cohesion and community within the company.
- I have been challenged many times since I came here. I think the most important thing I have learned is that you can do much more than you think, and you are much stronger together. Whether it's in a team or in a platoon or company, you get a lot more done when you're not alone, Private Alexandra said.
The princess also brags about her fellow soldiers and the duty station Skjold.
- Here at Skjold, I enjoy myself very much. It's a varied everyday life, and we do a lot of exciting things. And then I have to brag about my company. They are incredibly good at motivating each other and doing well every day. Without them I would not have enjoyed myself as much here.