I have read that too, Pope Francis is not as conservative as his predessors are. But WOW, the whole Lux family came together for that meeting, although most of the older grandkids are all attending school now. They probably got a special permission for that visit to Luxembourg, as most of them are living in different countries.
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Here is a link to the rtl special retransmission of the visit. Around min 30, you can see the photo session in the palace and the arrival of the children. Guillaume was struggling with Charel who was not interested
Thanks for the link, but I couldn't get so far as to minute 30. But sure that a little boy like Charles cannot be interested in meeting the Pope!
I would think that meeting the Pope has a certain cache no matter who you are but for these catholic royals it seems to still be a nice privilege for them to be able to get a special photo call when they want.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 06:52:07 PM by periwinkle »
cottesmore girl
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Reputation: 141
 United Kingdom
Posts: 284
Lovely photos of the family. Enjoyed the video from about 30 seconds in. However, I'm shocked at how disabled the Pope is. I admit I'm not a Catholic and so don't follow so closely but he seems so frail. Is this a recent thing? He really does seem to be a lovely kind man. Handing sweets to the toddler. 
Lovely photos of the family. Enjoyed the video from about 30 seconds in. However, I'm shocked at how disabled the Pope is. I admit I'm not a Catholic and so don't follow so closely but he seems so frail. Is this a recent thing? He really does seem to be a lovely kind man. Handing sweets to the toddler.  He has had different health problems for the last couple of years, but the Vatican doesn't publish any details.
Yes, I think Pope Francis could care less about Vatican dress codes for royal ladies. And in any case, I think those codes apply only one they are making formal visits to the Vatican and itself not when the pope comes to see them.
And yes, the Pope has some age related infirmity, but he just got back from a big trip to Indonesia so I think he might be looking a little bit tired.
so Alex and her new husband are serious about never showing their baby— because not even a picture with the Pope? I wonder if any of the kids got confirmed or baptized? like not officially, but just a little blessing
Stephanie looks beautiful, the dark suit and the hair, dyed blond I believe! And she looks happy and cofident
I love the color of Steph’s outfit but that top is not that complementary. I hate to jump on the weight bandwagon every time she wears an ill-fitting outfit. Is it the outfit, weight, possibly another baby or just my imagination??