I didn't know princess Christina was a flower girl at their wedding.

Can anyone identify the various bridesmaids?
Left side top: Sweden's Christina? and UK's Anne?
Right side: top: Greece's Irene and on the third step is Romania's Margareta who looks like she's not going to pose for one more photo.

The bridesmaids were:
- Princess Anne of the United Kingdom
- Princess Christina of Sweden
- Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark
- Princess Margareta of Romania
- Princess Clarissa of Hesse
- Princess Tatiana Radziwiłł
I assume:
upper left: Princess Christina of Sweden
low left: Princess Anne of the United Kingdom
upper right: Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark
second up right: Princess Tatiana Radziwiłł
third up right: Princess Margareta of Romania
low right: Princess Clarissa of Hesse