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 United Kingdom
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They can make whatever snarky comments they like. Chelsy could be on £16,000 or £61,000 but I think most people here respect her for forging a career for herself in one of the top law firms this county has to offer.
 ITA , law firms want people to be in the know and be connected of course, but they want the brains as well. You mean the Windsors are regarded as high connections? 
They can make whatever snarky comments they like. Chelsy could be on £16,000 or £61,000 but I think most people here respect her for forging a career for herself in one of the top law firms this county has to offer.
 ITA , law firms want people to be in the know and be connected of course, but they want the brains as well. You mean the Windsors are regarded as high connections?  No not the Windsors , they have their own set of Lawyers, but Chelsy moves in the right circle for any law firm, hoping that she will bring people to the firm if they have legal issues, and then they hope these are long term clients, with house buying , trust funds ect..
Small Member
Reputation: 1003
 United Kingdom
Posts: 562
They can make whatever snarky comments they like. Chelsy could be on £16,000 or £61,000 but I think most people here respect her for forging a career for herself in one of the top law firms this county has to offer.
 ITA , law firms want people to be in the know and be connected of course, but they want the brains as well. You mean the Windsors are regarded as high connections?  No not the Windsors , they have their own set of Lawyers, but Chelsy moves in the right circle for any law firm, hoping that she will bring people to the firm if they have legal issues, and then they hope these are long term clients, with house buying , trust funds ect.. Okay, cause I got worried for a second... 
Odd glasses. But she looks happy and healthy. Her life must be brilliant. Good for her I guess.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 09:24:52 PM by rogue »
Baby Member
Reputation: 15
 United States
Posts: 53
I've never thought Harry and Chelsy were all that serious. Just young people dating and having a good time. And I also don't see Harry falling for someone just because she has a career. Its the 21st century and lots of women have professional careers. But that may not necessarily be compatible with royal life. Looking at the last 3 royal wives Sophie, Camilla, and Catherine only Sophie had a successful job. And she was forced to quit after the scandal.
Yes but Camilla comes from a time when careers for women were a lot less comon.
And one can hope a wife of Harry will not have the lazy ass attitude of Kate. Not hard to do IMO.
Yes a royal bride would, this close to the throne, likely have to give up their career. But when someone is close to their thirties, they should have had some career, or like Lady Gabby, be pursuing further education then just a bachelor degree.
Reply #922 on: June 17, 2012, 03:55:46 PM
The second sentence in this post amuses me now. How things change.
Most Exalted Member
Reputation: 4079
 Virgin Islands, British
Posts: 23868
Bye-Bye MEDiana Who!!!!
chelsey looks soo different  I cannot work out but her face looks so drawn and does not have that fullness that she had before...  G 
ANDREW DENTON: Yes. What did... When you first met, what did you see in each other? CROWN PRINCE FREDERIK: What did we see in each other? We saw... Well, it's a bit hard. It's a bit blurry, in a way, because it was just after the Olympics had started and it was one of those evenings where...
She’s grown up now, and lost her puppy fat. She was so young when we first were introduced to her! I’m glad she’s gone on to have a satisfying life of her own. The UK tabs would have turned her into Fergie 2 if she hadn’t left. I think she made the right choice.
karma chamelion
She looks really good, same lovely smile. Harry f'd up big time, glad she didn't put up with his bs and moved on. Brilliant lady.
chelsey looks soo different  I cannot work out but her face looks so drawn and does not have that fullness that she had before...  G  She looks like herself after two babies and growing up 