The site is a bit a messy about this event, in the title they say both but in the description they only mention Felipe (the press also says it's only him). That's why I only mentioned him  We'll have to wait  but it also says that J-C and Sofia were at the inauguration 30 years ago...
"You can call me Happiness...yes Queen Happiness. It sounds great!" - Queen Letizia, Red Cross 150th Anniversary  "Hey Cristina, I'm the Queen now :D" 
July 6 King Felipe will have a meeting with Mrs. Simonetta Sommaruga, President of the Swiss Federation - Zarzuela Palace King Felipe will attend the close of the presentation of CYD's (Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo) report - Madrid
July 7-8 State Visit from His Excellency the President of Peru, Mr. Ollanta Humala Tasso
July 8 King Felipe will have a meeting with Mr. Karl-Thomas Neumann, General Motors European President and Opel CEO - Zarzuela Palace King Felipe will receive D. Alberto Núñez Feijóo, President of Xunta de Galicia - Zarzuela Palace
July 9 King Felipe will receive Dª. Susana Díaz Pacheco, President of Junta de Andalucia - Zarzuela Palace King Felipe & Queen Letizia will give the "Becas para Másteres y Ayudas a la Investigación" from the Iberdrola Foundation - Madrid King Felipe & Queen Letizia will visit the Mediaset Group building, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Telecinco - Madrid
July 10 King Felipe will attend the graduation ceremony at the Academia General Básica de Suboficiales - Lleida
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July 13
King Felipe and Queen Letizia - Official visit of Their Excellencies the President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Werner Iohannis, and Ms. Carmen Iohannis
King Felipe - Audience to Mr. Ximo Puig i Ferrer, President of the Generalitat Valenciana in Zarzuela Palace
July 14
King Felipe and Queen Letizia - Delivery of Employment Offices. General Air Academy in San Javier (Murcia)
King Felipe - Audience to Mr. Emiliano García-Page Sánchez, President of Castilla-La Mancha in Zarzuela Palace
July 15
King Felipe - Delivery of Camino Real Award in Alcalá University. Alcala de Henares (Madrid)
July 16
King Felipe - Delivery of Employment Offices. Naval Academy in Marín (Pontevedra)
King Felipe - Audience to Mr. Guillermo Fernandez Vara, President of Extremadura in Zarzuela Palace
Queen Letizia - Opening of the summer courses of the International School of Music of the Princess of Asturias Foundation at Conservatory of Music "Eduardo Martinez Torner". Oviedo
July 17
King Felipe and Queen Letizia - Audience to students participating in the X edition of the "Scholarships Europe" at the University Francisco de Vitoria in Zarzuela Palace
King Felipe - Audience to Mr. Artur Mas i Gavarró, President of the Generalitat of Catalonia in Zarzuela Palace
It's the first time Mas meets the King at La Zarzuela
"You can call me Happiness...yes Queen Happiness. It sounds great!" - Queen Letizia, Red Cross 150th Anniversary  "Hey Cristina, I'm the Queen now :D" 
Felipe is holding meetings at Zarzuela with Regional presidents (last week was Valencia and Galicia). Mas turn now
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I would love to see F&L paying a state visit to UK  Does anyone have any info on it? I think QE is quite old now to travel abroad, but perhaps she could send Charles and Camila again 
"You can call me Happiness...yes Queen Happiness. It sounds great!" - Queen Letizia, Red Cross 150th Anniversary  "Hey Cristina, I'm the Queen now :D" 
The fact that the Government arranged for F&L to pay introductory visits to the biggest and most important European countries (Italy, Germany, France), to their neighbours (Portugal and France) to the monarchies where European & international institutions are headquartered (Lux, Belgium, Netherlands) and not to the UK, one of the biggest and most important countries, says a lot. A state visit to or from the UK doesn't look likely right now.
If the Queen was able to travel to Germany then she and Philip would be able to go to Spain. They can't send anyone else on a State visit. However, there have been tensions about Gibraltar over the last few years between the UK and Spain that have clouded relations. The longstanding issues die down then flare up again. I remember that JC and Sophia didn't go to Charles and Diana's wedding because the couple's honeymoon cruise in the yacht began at Gibraltar.
Traditionally new monarchs pay state visits to monarchs who have reigned longer before hosting them. Technically F&L should pay a state visit to the UK before EII could pay another state visit to Spain.
Traditionally new monarchs pay state visits to monarchs who have reigned longer before hosting them. Technically F&L should pay a state visit to the UK before EII could pay another state visit to Spain.
State visits probably take months of planning, though. Tensions were still high over Gibraltar in the middle of last year.
I would love to see F&L paying a state visit to UK I think Charles would love it too  (remembering how enchanted he seemed by Leti in some pix a few years back).
July 20 King Felipe will give the "II Premio Reino de España a la Trayectoria Empresarial" - Deusto University, Bilbao King Felipe will attended the National Security Council meeting - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid
July 21 King Felipe will have a meeting with Mr. Abdelmalek Sellal, Primer Ministro de la República Argelina Democrática y Popular - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid King Felipe will have a meeting with D. Juan Jesús Vivas Lara, Presidente de la Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid King Felipe will have a meeting with Francisco Pérez de los Cobos Orihuel, Presidente del Tribunal Constitucional - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid King Felipe will have a meeting with D. Pedro Antonio Sánchez López, Presidente de la Región de Murcia - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid Queen Letizia will open the annual meetings of Cervantes Institute Directors - Santiago de Compostela
July 22 King Felipe will have a meeting with D. Miguel Ángel Revilla Roiz, Presidente de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid King Felipe will have a meeting with Monseñor D. Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, Cardenal Arzobispo de Valladolid y Presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid King Felipe will have a meeting with D. José Ignacio Ceniceros González, Presidente de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Rioja - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid
July 23 King Felipe will attend the graduation ceremony of the LXV Promoción de la Carrera Judicial - Palacio de Congresos de Cataluña, Barcelona King Felipe will have a meeting with D. Francisco Javier Lambán Montañés, Presidente de Aragón - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid Queen Letizia will visit the Spanish pavillion at the Milan World Expo 2015 - Milan, Italy
July 24 King Felipe will have a meeting with D. Juan Vicente Herrera Campo, Presidente de la Junta de Castilla y León - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid King Felipe will have a meeting with Dª Francina Armengol i Socías, Presidenta de las Illes Balears - Zarzuela Palace, Madrid
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