Slow start to the school year with many audiences
September 2TM the King and QueenAudience to the Plenary of the General Council of
ONCE Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.
Audience to the Patronage of the Adecco Foundation.
Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.
Audience to the Executive Committee of the Union of Businesses Associations of Spanish Culture.
Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.
September 3HM the KingAudience to the 2014, 2015 and 1990 State Attorneys graduates.
Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.
Audience to recent graduates as public notaries and land registrars.
Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.
Audience to D? Consuelo Madrigal Mart?nez-Pereda, the State's Attorney General.
Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.
HM the QueenAudience to representatives of "What truly matters (lo que de verdad importa)" Foundation.
Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.
Audience to representatives of the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases (FEDER) and the Net of Charitable Organizations that work with FEDER. Queen Letizia is honorary president of FEDER.
Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.
September 4HM the KingAudience to the XLVIII graduation class of the Senior Corps of the State's Civil Administrators.
Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.
Audience to the XVI graduation class of the Senior Corps of the State's comptrollers and auditors.
Zarzuela Palace, Madrid.