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« Reply #900 on: January 17, 2016, 05:35:15 AM »

The Saudi trip will be suspended due to political situations in Spain:

The trip was announced by Saudi ambassador to Spain but Zarzuela has never officially announced it. The recent executions in Saudi Arabia has made the visit controversial. Now Zarzuela will most likely suspended it by citing political situations in Spain. The state visit to UK most likely will still be on. It's officially announced previously. 

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Felipe, Leti: where are you?

« Reply #901 on: January 18, 2016, 12:18:27 AM »

You were right LP - the website was updated and Leti is going to attend alone FITUR  Thumb up
I'm glad they suspended the state visit....hope they don't suspend their state visit to UK as I'm looking forward to it  

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« Reply #902 on: January 20, 2016, 03:12:52 AM »

Leti will give a speech when she opens FITUR tomorrow. There will be over 50 tourism ministers from around the world and many "senior executives". Felipe was the one who gave the inauguration speech every year. Some tourism entrepreneurs are disappointed that he won't be there. Well, Leti is the better speaker in the family. Break a leg, Leti! 


P.S. Nuno, I'm hoping she will wear something vavavoom too. If she wants to wear pants, she can "recycle" the Zara embroidered ethnic jacket. If she wears dress, she can wear one of her grey dresses with the red coat she wore for a night out with Felipe or the latest pale pink HB coat. The grey skirt suit she wore on Rania's visit will do too.

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« Reply #903 on: January 20, 2016, 12:35:39 PM »

Nothing vavavum! Super boring black pants, black jacket and some white shirt...

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« Reply #904 on: January 28, 2016, 01:49:54 PM »

The press is reporting that the State Visit to UK was postponed  Sad  Cry

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« Reply #905 on: January 28, 2016, 07:55:59 PM »

The press is reporting that the State Visit to UK was postponed  Sad  Cry
Noooooooo Cry Cry
that mean situation on politic level is quit bad.


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« Reply #906 on: January 29, 2016, 03:51:47 AM »

ABC says "threatening". It's not postponed...yet.

The division in the PSOE threatening state visit to the UK Kings
Madrid and London continue with preparations for the trip, scheduled from 8 to 10 March

The state visit of the Kings to England, the first planned for thirty years , is being threatened by the political situation in Spain. Sectors related PSOE Pedro S?nchez were in favor of this trip be postponed indefinitely. They believe that, being an important visit to Spain, should not be performed with a functioning government , but neither one newly appointed.

However, other socialist sectors, which would include Secretary of International Relations, Carme Chacon, would actually arrive in the UK that do not mind keeping the visit to schedule. The movement was officially announced by the two countries last December 3 and its cancellation could convey an image of informality and lack of seriousness on the part of Spain.

The truth is that the journey of the Kings in London began preparing many months in advance and was also announced well in advance what is customary. England only hosts two state visits each year , which are scheduled long term, and Don Felipe and Do?a Letizia was set for next March, when Spain was supposed to be resolved in the change of government.

That date was reserved on the agenda of Queen Elizabeth II, who on April 21 will be 90 and, on that occasion, this spring will add to normal activity as Head of state attending various celebrations have been organized in his country.

In some Spanish media it spreads information yesterday that the trip had been canceled by the Spanish government, but government sources told ABC that, to this day, no decision in this regard and that the journey is still scheduled for the announced date.

Similarly, British diplomatic sources consulted by this newspaper indicated that it has not received any from the Spanish authorities communication in the sense that the tour is canceled. In addition, they said that the preparations for the visit are held by the two countries and in the UK is expected with great enthusiasm the arrival of the Kings. Palace also maintains that trip La Zarzuela on the agenda of the Kings .

The state is not acting
As for the fact that the visit is made ​​to a government in office, he points out, both in Madrid and in London, which is a state visit and that the state is not acting, so there would be no objection to which will take place in these circumstances. However, Foreign Moncloa and he is waiting to see what happens in the next two weeks and whether or not there are chances that a new government be formed to take a final decision.

Last weekend Spain communicated through diplomatic channels to Saudi Arabia that the Kings could not make state visit to that country was preparing to be performed between 16 and 18 February.

A single trip a unique moment
State's trip to Britain is considered as "a single visit and in a single moment," because in 2016 celebrated the 400th anniversary of the death of the two greatest writers in Spanish and English: Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare, who died in April 1616. On that occasion, the British plan to invite Don Felipe and Letizia to some of the events that have been organized in memory of the writers. Among them, the Shakespeare exhibition at the Royal Library at Windsor Castle, which is where, in principle, the Kings of Spain staying.

This visit, which follows an invitation from the Queen of England, Spain hopes to convey the image of a modern monarchy that embody Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia, adapted to changing times.

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« Reply #907 on: February 06, 2016, 08:56:59 AM »

The King resumes the official ordinary activities after consultation period

King recovered from Tuesday's ordinary activity of his official agenda after intense period of consultations with political leaders that has occupied him for the last three weeks, until Tuesday the Socialist Pedro S?nchez proposed as a candidate for the Prime Minister .

Don Felipe has scheduled five acts on the agenda of the Royal Family for the next day, but none of them include speeches.

The last one gave the head of state took place a month ago, on 6 January, on the occasion of the celebration of Easter Military at the Royal Palace.

It is not even planned address by the monarch in delivering the Prize II Enrique V. Iglesias Ibero-American Business Development Area by Colombian businessman Luis Carlos Sarmiento, who on Wednesday will be held in the Palacio de la Zarzuela.

The day before, Felipe VI visit Air Base Sewer (Murcia) Military School Skydiving "Mendez Parada".

And on Thursday has scheduled three hearings in Zarzuela, with the General Council of Associations of Social Graduates, with the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Pedro Agramunt, and the Chamber of Commerce of Spain, which will deliver the King's Grand Cross of the order of this entity.

Meanwhile, Queen Letizia has a unique activity in their official agenda; it will be Wednesday, when visiting the presentation of the improvements made by National Heritage at the Royal Palace to remove architectural barriers in this monument.

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« Reply #908 on: March 08, 2016, 01:57:50 PM »

Felipe is going to be in Lisbon tomorrow morning to participate in the investiture ceremony of the new President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa  Smiley In the past, Felipe attended the same ceremony in 1996 - Jorge Sampaio and 2006 - An?bal Cavaco Silva. He usually doesn't attend when they're reelected, like in 2011 for example.

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« Reply #909 on: March 10, 2016, 05:10:22 AM »

This says F&L will visit Puerto Rico next week, March 15 - 18, for the international congress of Spanish language. It doesn't say whether it's confirmed by Casa del Rey.!QAtViD9ZFeBDA/

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Felipe, Leti: where are you?

« Reply #910 on: March 10, 2016, 11:29:36 PM »

This says F&L will visit Puerto Rico next week, March 15 - 18, for the international congress of Spanish language. It doesn't say whether it's confirmed by Casa del Rey.!QAtViD9ZFeBDA/

Tomorrow we're going to know if they're going to attend or not. One thing is for sure: President Marcelo is going to visit Madrid on thursday, so if F&L attend they will only stay for the opening of the congress  Thinking

"You can call me Happiness...yes Queen Happiness. It sounds great!" - Queen Letizia, Red Cross 150th Anniversary Wink

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« Reply #911 on: March 11, 2016, 06:18:25 AM »

Trip to Puerto Rico  was confirmed by the governor of Puerto Rico.

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« Reply #912 on: March 11, 2016, 12:07:14 PM »

The state visit to Japan and South Korea that would take place in April was postponed, sources from Zarzuela Palace confirmed today. Again, the political situation led to it Crazy

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« Reply #913 on: March 11, 2016, 01:52:07 PM »

Could someone please explain me if the King has special duties in a situation like the current one?
I don't know that much about spanish political sistem  Secret

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« Reply #914 on: March 11, 2016, 06:14:23 PM »

The state visit to Japan and South Korea that would take place in April was postponed, sources from Zarzuela Palace confirmed today. Again, the political situation led to it Crazy

Booo Sad
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